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Everything posted by mbrood

  1. Just because you "can" ain't a reason... Motorcycle Chariot
  2. http://d114hh0cykhyb0.cloudfront.net/images/cyber-a/cyber-2014_a_03.jpg
  3. Yes, he referenced the upper trunk after-market... here's mine without a turn signal turned on... yeah, I added a few more bulbs in there... also note the illuminated Yamaha reflector below the license. http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/rearlight.jpg
  4. The only part they don't have is the diamond pattern diffuser that goes behind the turn signals.
  5. I would test resistance from the ignition fuse to the inside of each spark plug holder, looking for about 23K Ohms... 13K for the ignition coil secondary winding and 10K for the resistor in the plug coil. Anything higher talks of corrosion INSIDE the plugholder (you can take it apart and clean) or a bit of green corrosion on the ends of the ignition wire... any green found, snip an 18th inch and reinstall. Any good 7mm non-resistive wire can be used as replacement. I would pull the hose on the output side of the fuel filter and direct the output into a large container so you can turn on the ignition and see pumping volume... Let it settlee and look for any rust bits or water drops in the bottom... then toss all of that "old gas" into your car or truck, refilling your bike's tank with fresh gas. The bike's designed for regular gas, premium blends don't add anything but profit for somebody else. Sooty plugs says you are running rich (initial factory setup) and if they aren't oily or gas wet, you have reasonable combustion. I would still look at getting the carbs synced with a 1K rpm idle setting. There are numerous posts here for slightly reducing the carb diaphragm needle spacer to get a bit leaner mix from about 1500 rpm and up. Mike
  6. On average, a American man will have sex two to three times a week,where as a Japanese man will have sex only one or two times a year. This is very upsetting news to me, as I had no idea I was Japanese.
  7. Yep, use two narrow nuts on the threaded shaft... use the outer as the jam nut and use the inner one to back the adapter out.
  8. Sounds like the carbs are simply out of sync and two are pumping too rich... I would start there. Even a look down into the carb throats should show all butterflies closed an equal amount and they should rotate open equally as well but a vacuum sync sounds to be in order.
  9. 14 is a gasket and 12 IS an O-ring.
  10. The "air in the spark plug hole" sounds best to me. What's the chance what ever you dropped down the intake is caught between a valve and the valve seat, letting the piston hit the valve? I would use the "air" trick to classify which cylinder is suspect, then I would bounce a hammer on suspected valve stems and listen...
  11. The 83 body has the vacuum port above the main body while all later have the port below the main body. They all use the same boost sensor but the difference in port locations means the 83 uses a "special" TCI for that port location. The 83 used a few different jets than the later bikes but I don't think that is critical as it was a mild detune and few of us feel we are "starving" for more horsepower.. Look here for the carb part differences... http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/venture-carb-part-differences.html Trying to order carb parts is nutty... Yamaha wants to treat them as "special"... But Mikuni made two versions, the side draft (look for the 80-84 stock BS34 Mikuni carbs) and our down draft BDS34 carbs. Most parts for each are interchangeable. At most you need the two different rubber plugs for each jet block, jet block gasket, o-ring for the main nozzle between the jet block and the carb body. The fuel bowl 0-ring "should" be fine but check it's not collapsed, it obviously needs to stand proud of the surface to provide the compression seal. No carb kit for the Venture but I understand they do make one for the same year V-Max... jets are probably different but body and main parts are the same. I highly recommend a fully torn down carb body gets an acid ultra-sonic bath... those internal ports are impossible to clean properly by any soak.
  12. As to the belts, PN 's are SCQ10.00 and SCQ4.0 and SCQ6.5, 1 ea. required. One source... http://www.kenselectronics.com/lists/belts.htm
  13. Help Wanted A local business needed to hire a new employee. The manager put a sign in the window that said: HELP WANTED Must be able to type, Must be proficient in Microsoft Excel, Must be bilingual. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Later that day, a dog was walking past the window, saw the sign, and went inside. He looked at the receptionist to get her attention, then walked over to the sign, looking at the sign and wagging his tail. The receptionist nodded and went to get the manager. When the manager came out of his office, he told the dog they were looking to hire a human… but the dog didn’t budge. “Okay,” the manager said, “Come on into my office.” In the office, the dog jumped up on a chair and stared at the manager. "Listen,” the manager said, feeling a little silly for talking to a dog, “I can’t hire you. The sign says you have to be able to type.” The dog jumped down, trotted over to the computer, typed out a perfect letter, and went back to his chair. The manager looked at the computer screen and was impressed. “Still,” he said to the dog, “I can’t hire you. Like the sign said, you have to be proficient in Microsoft Excel because of all the work we do with spreadsheets.” The dog jumped down again, went back over to the computer, opened an Excel document, and typed in several entries with the results tabulated. “Well, clearly you’re very intelligent,” the manager said. “But I still can’t give you the job.” The dog jumped down and went to over to the help wanted sign, tapping his paw on the phrase “Equal Opportunity Employer.” “Okay,” the manager said, “But you can see that the sign also says you have to be bilingual.” The dog looked the manager in the eye and said, “Meow.” Being the PC owner that he tried to be... he hired the dog... at slightly higher pay than the receptionist, of course.
  14. If you are near a store it's a good deal... $10 shipping on 20 4ml packettes is pretty steep.
  15. After sitting for quite a bit, the fuel in the carb bowls evaporates, the float drops and the needle is left sitting in the fumes. I would drain one carb, leave the drain open and turn the ignition on for about three seconds so the fuel pump washes clean fuel over the needle. Turn off ignition, close drain and repeat on the remaining bowls. The Ether/starting fluid is a valid bypass of fuel mixture issues. Insure the fuel is fresh and a new fuel filter is always a welcome gift for a "new to you" bike.
  16. If it's a hairline crack, Testors makes a liquid model cement with a brush applicator (1 oz.) and it penetrates and softens... a slight compression holding the closure and walk away for a couple hours... reinforce as desired. Personally, I scuff the inside and use some extra fine glass and epoxy and have had marvelous luck where tolerances was a problem, thicker glass when structural was the goal... but that Testors set the tone. If in doubt, put the piece in compression and put a line of Scotch tape on the outside to stop any seepage. (I would imagine it's simply an acetone compound.) Mike
  17. WD40 was designed as a water displacing penetrant but never intended as a long term lubricant, yeah, I know it's handy. Electrical contact cleaner is far superior for switches and contacts as thousands of miniature train modelers will attest (think of all that rusting track).
  18. Jose, We ALL have had an oops here and there. A while back I was changing plugs and as I was finishing up the 3rd one my wife raced out with another "Oh come quick, I need your help NOW" moment. Got her taken care of, changed out #4 and put all of the plug wires back. The bike started fine but the test run started showing an occasional miss. That intermittent haunted me for a couple of days until I just couldn't take it. My dad's rule of thumb was to first check the condition of the spark plug tips to see how they are firing. Imagine my surprise when #3 was run down but only finger tight... any guesses what happens when it warms up... oops.
  19. Two beggars were sitting side by side on a street in Rome. One had a Cross in front of him; the other one was holding a Star of David. Many people went by, looked at both beggars, but only put money into the hat of the beggar sitting behind the Cross. The Pope came by. He stopped to watch the throngs of people giving money to the beggar who held the Cross, while none gave to the beggar holding the Star of David. Finally, the Pope approached the beggar with the Star of David and said, "My poor fellow, don't you understand? This is a Catholic country. This city is the Seat of Catholicism. People aren't going to give you money if you sit there with a Star of David in front of you, especially when you're sitting beside a beggar who is holding a Cross. In fact, they would probably give more money to him just out of spite." The beggar with the Star of David listened to the Pope, smiled, and turned to the beggar with the Cross and said, "Moishe, look who's trying to teach the Goldstein brothers about marketing!"
  20. You can never underestimate the innovativeness of American Farm Boys: At a high school in Minnesota, a group of male students played a prank . They let three goats loose inside the school. But before turning them loose, they painted numbers on the sides of the goats: 1, 2 and 4. School Administrators spent most of the day looking for No. 3.
  21. Same as Suzukibond#4, Hondabond #4, etc. Best used in thin layup, but it comes out thin so that helps. I've used it with great performance on pinholes in carb diaphragms. Mike
  22. It's not just women, my uncle was a cargo pilot in the Air Farce and his Maverick's oil level light came on... he bought a quart of oil, opened the hood and he saw a 710 cap and one at the very front, so he opened the one at the front but called me when it would only take about 1/2 quart... And we thought the "inverted" 710 cap was just a joke? Mike
  23. I think you mean the plugs under the ribbed vertical cover plate on each cylinder side wall... this is simply a spark plug drain route to drain oil, water and crud from the deep recessed spark plug holes, a "tight" fit is not necessary. Mike Brood
  24. Yep, with that clearer image it's obvious... I mistook linkage at the front of the muffler. http://www.bergall.org/temp/00.jpg
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