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About young4960

  • Birthday 06/29/1975

Personal Information

  • Name
    Michael Young


  • Location
    Elwood, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Yamaha XVZ12
  1. what is an R/R?
  2. was out for a ride on the 83 today and noticed the volt meter was sitting a little low couple days ago it was sitting a little high I stopped at red light and bike died no juice wouldn't restart had to trailer her back home switched battery and ran for a little while the bike doesn't appear to be charging -- I have a few spare parts -- which one should i change 1st
  3. I pulled the carbs today and found that the PO destroyed the carbs 3 of the 4 choke plungers are broke off -- 4 of 4 diaphragms are damaged beyond use after reading some posts and pricing some parts -- I took the bike apart I mean totally dismantled the entire bike I do have a lot of parts -- I am also looking for another bike -
  4. so after a some 4 letter words and a few split knuckles I was able to take a test ride - we put just shy of 200 miles on it yesterday was a pretty nice ride -- need to order new front springs they bottom out on even small bumps Question -- will the forks tubes on the 84 fit the 83? I did pick up a 1984 in northern Indiana - from what the guy said he got it from a shop that had it sitting around for a number of years and it is rattled black with some home stenciled red white and blue eagles on the side along with a flag on the tank cover? anyone misplace their bike? I am thinking about possibly getting that one in running shape -- how bad are the carbs to rebuild on one of these bikes -mike:fingers-crossed-emo
  5. next time you break down in my neck of the woods -- Give me a call I have a parts bike in the shop with 2 good tires and a trailer that can haul anything I can can't fix on the side of the road -- This goes for all - not just Joe Mike JACKS OF ALL 7658107116 Elwood IN:mytruck1:
  6. ok the good news is after a good cleaning I have a clutch the bad news is I still can't get the damn thing to idle for ---- BLEEP --- who is the resident Carb expert?
  7. Where does one buy a new one? I am having a heck of a time --
  8. that would be Castrol 20/50 from an autoparts store correct? I just did an oil change using just that and want to ensure I didn't do something really bad to my bike --Mike:fingers-crossed-emo
  9. [attach]77115[/attach] [attach]77116[/attach] [attach]77117[/attach] [attach]77118[/attach]
  10. I found it and completed it -- seems to have worked well Thank You,
  11. I am posting in hopes of tips or hints I have spent the better part of the day chasing down CM lights and disconnected wires - been a good time I have managed to get 99% of the lighting system back on line the 1% being I can't seem to get a high beam - low beam works only get 6v on the high beam side. fixed the gas gage and battery indicators Thank you for those helpful posts just ordered a new ATC fuse block still have a couple extra wires hanging around pretty sure they are just random grounds (yes I said Random) only light left on the CM is the headlight looking one -- no highbeam or headlamp indicators next I am going to start repairing the right said plastics and getting them on the bike it looks like I will need some extra plastics for the top sections over all going good
  12. that looks alot better then the job I was just doing --- great now i have to start all over again thanks for the photo's looks good
  13. It sounds like fun however I really don't think I can have this put together by then -- I would post some pics but ya'll might cry. -Mike:sick:
  14. The entire left side is missing the pervious owner tore them off with no plans on every putting them back on -- and the parts I do have are missing tabs and corners I would be happy to pay shipping and even throw you a few bucks -- Mike:confused24:
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