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Personal Information

  • Name
    Jason Moore


  • Location
    Fairfield, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Yamaha Venture Royale
  1. Thanks for the advice guys, with everything going wrong with it right now, I'm really apprehensive about riding it. I definitely don't want to take a chance on wrecking! Thank you!
  2. That's what my boss said too when he came over and looked at it, he does some welding and said it was a horrible job but is going to have me bring it over so he can clean it up and do it right. It's sitting on the center stand for now until the rest of my repairs are completed
  3. I'm going to do the 'upgrade' after the season is over when I redo the clutch. I'm just trying to get it back out on the road for now. I figure it'll be a winter project! Thanks for the links, I've got a lot of good information from everyone here!
  4. So my kickstand just decided to completely break off... smh:depressed:
  5. It's the casting, I got a new one, I just need to get the screw out Sorry I meant the sheet metal. For the life of me I cannot get that screw out... I broke an easy off inside it, I used heat, everything I've done has just made it worse... I don't know what else to do...
  6. Yeah and the one that's circled is broke on one side of the hole. I've got a new piece to replace that along with new pins to be on the safe side! Didn't think about putting loctite on the pins... I will definitely try that! Let's hope that doesn't happen lol!
  7. I will definitely check that out, it's gotta come back off anyway so I will recheck. Thanks!
  8. I just ran into a new problem... After putting everything back together the I started up and my shift lever was really stiff, hardly wanted to move at all. I pulled back on it as much as I could, went into 1st and nothing. All the gears engaged (except for 4th and 5th since I still have to replace the plate) but the bike doesn't move.... Did I miss something?? I made sure everything went back the way it was supposed to, or so I thought.... Ugh
  9. Thanks Gary, much appreciated! I actually have a new plate I ordered which is why I'm trying to get the screw out! Also ordered new pins, I just am leary about the missing pin. Thanks for offering though, I paid $9 for one about a week ago and it looks like I'm going to get a new screw.
  10. Running into some problems removing the Countersunk screw from the shift cam. I've got a feeling I may have to use an easy out to get the screw out. I ended up stripping it. Does anyone know if it's left or right threaded?? I attached a picture to show what's going on. I'm going to order a new screw, just need to get the old one out... Also I can't seem to find the pin. I have a new one but don't want the old one resurfacing and causing problems down the road.
  11. I thought a fuse too, all the fuses are intact, I even tried new ones just to eliminate the possibility. The fuse box was replaced before I bought the bike and the wiring has been altered... I'm wondering if something was wired wrong:confused24: I'm going to try and trace it but it's really confusing. I can handle mechanical, but wiring is a whole horse of a different color to me... At least I have hand signals but that does me little good at night so for now I'm trading out for my car before it gets dark...
  12. Well so far one monster taken care of! New starter installed and she's running again. Just waiting for the clutch cover gasket and I'll be all set to take care of shifting problems. I just noticed that on top of my speedometer not working, neither do my brake-lights or turn signals. I have running lights so I'm thinking maybe a relay possibly? Any suggestions?
  13. Well, I got about 15 minutes into the job and at least one of the pins in the shift sector is definitely missing! It's hard to tell from the picture but the retainer has a crack about halfway through and the hold looks a little warped. I didn't bother taking the clutch basket off because I'm afraid if I try to bend the retainer back in place, it will snap off completely. Even though I tried my best not to, it seems that I broke the gasket You guys have been an awesome help so far, my next question would have to be, where to get the gasket and the upgraded sector that Snaggletooth mentioned? Hopefully I'll be back out on the road in the next week to two weeks!
  14. Thanks for the info! I wasn't really looking forward to rebuilding it! I'll definitely search for the 4 brush.
  15. lmao, yeah he's not really a friend, just does repairs, but now that I know that it's something relatively easy I'll just do it myself! Too bad I can't just send you all beers over the computer!
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