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Everything posted by heatonmt

  1. glad you made it home from looking at the TV you got lucky. It was good to see you and meet your wife hope to see you soon.
  2. come on it only a dollar. remember you can send more. It is for the kids. :Venture::Venture:
  3. this would be great but do not know how to use pay -pal .
  4. You have a PM waiting lets get this thing rolling come on Venture riders let show what we are made of. I can see us getting that 3k and more.Lets show the Love!!!!
  5. OK I was setting here thinking how wonderful St Judes is. A place where the less fortunate can take there kids and get help for them. Then I looked over and seen the number of members we have here 5740. So I was thinking and trusted me I do not do that vary often it hurts when I do it. If the ones who could, would put one dollar in a envelope and send it to Squidley it would be a small thing for us but a big thing for ST Judes. $1 less then a coke, about the same as an bottle of water or a candy bar. If we could send more then that would be great to. I hope I do not offend anyone but I think this is a wonderful cause. All we need is a address and I know all of us big hearted Venture rides will come through again we aways do. Ride safe and as I have heard before never ride faster then your angel can fly.
  6. We made it home from the springs 09:45, no rain. Teri and I would like to thank everyone for a great time. It was nice to see the venture family. I would like to send out a extra thank you to Bill for the wonderful job he did with the Meet. everyone ride safe Michael & Teri.
  7. Teri is bring as cooler when she comes up so you will not have to use the bath tub.:rotfl:
  8. well I waited to see now it is time to start looking. HD 2009 have some good up-date seems the Yamaha is the only ones that do not want to get with the times. If you think they are not why behind just go out and buy a cassette.
  9. I ordered a light bar for a prize from diamond R and when it came they put in an extra bar and a note to bring it to the spring for them for a door prize. that mines they have donated $250.00 these are vary good people who care about there fellow riders it is hard to find people like this. I am looking at buying a back rest gauss where I am gong to buy it. :Venture:
  10. Well Teri said last night it time to get off my but and get packing for the trip. if I did not know better I would think she was trying to get rid of me. I will be leaving on Tuesday morning going to run by Springfield, do not know why just am. Teri will be leaving on wed. night after work (bringing the car). One good think about her coming up late she can carry all our stuff. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. ride safe. see you all there. Its time for FUN,FUN,FUN :banana::banana:
  11. Bill did you get tickets for the drawing our would you like me to get them. Walmart has the 2 part type one for a bucket one for the person.
  12. Has anyone out there have a computer copy of a RSTD service Manuel. I have the one for the venture but have a buddy that has a RSTD. :Venture::Venture:
  13. that realy something to be proud of. I don't have to tell you after he goes though boot camp he will never be the same. The at is when I grew up and learned what team work was all about. He will never regret doing this.
  14. where are you staying up there send me a pm with your phone # just in case I can get up the way on Mon and Tuesday
  15. Yep going to have Teri bring it up with her on the 11th I will have her put it top of her Honda accord drive with one hand and hold on to it with the other, Then when she gets there she will have something to hit me with for wasting the money on the the stock one and not wearing the MT90 out first. LOL
  16. Buy the venture if you turn the radio up the whine goes away. Hay I know where you can get a 07 for $11,000 8000 miles on it excellent shape
  17. Well took the bike in today to have a stock size Avon tire put on (150/80-16. Boy thats just like me put on the MT90B16 (equal to 130/90-16) but did not like the fill at 80 mph on interstate. It seem to fill light to me. More then likely it was all in my head.But someone told me along time ago if you don't like something change it so I did. Well I have a MT90B16 in the garage with 250 miles on it. I guess I could always sale to someone cheap.
  18. I think it is 9/10/2008 but I could be wrong. Hoping for changes. I am on the list if there are some ( changes) sound system (CD) fuel injection I hope and maybe that Vmax engine.
  19. Well went on a ride with the tires yesterday. I really like that narrower tire in town but don't much care for it on the interstate. it makes the front end fill to lite for me. I am going to call on Tuesday to see if I can get a stock size Avon shipped in and mounted before eureka springs. I know alot of people like the smaller tire and it does fill good at slower speeds but I like the highway riding and not a lot of in town well it was worth a try. Ride safe.
  20. no but I did look at a new wing today. Going to start calling around today. If the 09 ventures don't get some charges I am thinking of going HD our Wing.
  21. well there might be more cars then bikes Teri is go to drive up on the 10th she cant get off tell then. We cant Wait to see you and your better half. A year is a long time between visits. :banana:
  22. Well went and picked up big blue today after putting the new Avon's on it and what do you know it rides like a new bike. I went with the MT90B16 (narrow front tire) I am not sure about that yet .I will have to ride for a while and get used to it. It seems a little tippy right now. but it does handle better around town I will know more after sat. I am take a long ride on the interstate. Who would have thought $350 for a hole new bike. :cool10::cool10:
  23. bill you showing up on the 9th right
  24. wow 1900,v4 what kind off gpm would that thing get seem that would be going backwards to me. I am all about power but gas is not going down any time soon or ever.
  25. I know what you mean I gave the idea some thought before have new tires put on. I am going to take big blue out for 2 our three hundred miles this weekend to make sure all is well before taking off next weekend. Hay seeing that the narrow is only a difference of a little over 3/4" does it make that big of difference at highway speeds I would not think so. How has it and how does it acted on the highway.
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