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Everything posted by heatonmt

  1. Ok Bill here I am eating in Kansas City waiting for the ball game tonight. I will be heading your way at 07:00 am tomorrow. Hope I dont turn in to a duck or need to. Cant wait to see everyone.
  2. Good for your trooper nice guy now here is my store from last week. Went to the new best buy to get a little money back and price match $12.00 as I pulled out same place as always turned left same as always got 2 blocks down the road here comes the lights . pulled over ask what did I do? the sign had been changed no left at stop sign now. You know how it is do not look at sign I knew what it said (or used to say) The nice police officer said his job that day was to set there and write people up for that. By the way he was nice too, he said he was sorry and give me a piece of paper that said that will be $110.00 by the 8th. Have to go back to best buy to day I think I will turn right.
  3. Do they make that much Stag?
  4. OK my two cent> have had 2 sets of Corbin seats one on the first Yamaha I have ever owned 1100 Vstar bought through Yamaha but they were Corbin's just sold for more. The second for a road star bought from Corbin. After I put around 1000 miles on them and got them broke in I loved them. Now that being said, I just got a 08 road star new. first thing I did was buy a new seat of corbins for it and have had nothing but trouble with them. I call today to send them back for the 3rd time and am waiting for response. I think they will make it right. Bottom line when they are right they are a great seat.
  5. I will be changing over to the Mobil one just because it is easer to find if needed out on the road it is at almost ALL Wal-Marts and auto zones. Amsoil not easy to find out on the road. But with the new type bikes I would hope not to be looking for oil when I am on the road.
  6. Hope all goes well and I will see you there. I got the time off last week. I will be leaving on the 6Th stopping by to catch a ball game in KC on the way. cant wait to see everyone. Your road* riding buddy Michael.
  7. you know what they say about buying something If you like the deal and the seller liked the deal it must have been a good deal. That is a nice looking trailer and if I was looking and found it I would have bought it also. Two thumbs up.
  8. If all goes good I will be leaving at noon tomorrow. should get there around 4 pm where we going to eat. Lets see 1 road * 2 wings and a venture should look good rolling done the road.
  9. Well here I set received my new ultimate seat yesterday for my road* lets ride. wait just a minute what do you think is on the way snow in mid March. Does anyone have a set of chains for a bike. :snow2:
  10. So what time are you all going to be there? You are one sick puppy I think I will get my own room if I make it. By the way what happened to that new trailer you got?
  11. hay roadkill make sure and dress warm it is going to turn off cold this week end where are you guys going to meet I might have to ride up and say hi. By the way did you get that light bar put on for Buddy?
  12. sounds like time to start biding on this $2600:biker:
  13. OK back home after a week of installing barb wire machines. Boy is it good to be home rain and all. But it was hard to pry the remote from Teri's hand. I should have said I was in Vancouver I could have meet someone new. If I had to bet I will be Back.
  14. Not to bad about -1c
  15. Well here I am in Canada snow on the ground, bike back in arkansa,Teri back in Arkansas and boy am I home sick. I cant wait to go home tomorrow I keep putting my shoes together and saying theres no place like home but it not working.
  16. hay has anyone out there in venture land bought a ultimate seat. I was looking at on for a road* and would like to get some feed back before I buy. By the way how have you all been doing long time no type. Michael
  17. you better hang on to that wife of yours. A good one is hard to find. I hope next time we go up home Teri and I can come by and meet her.
  18. well looks like Teri and I will not be making it as I will have to work this Sat. thats the bad new. the good news is I have a job to work at. hoe you all have a good time.
  19. If you want to get on a road where no one is a do thing that can kill you well that on you, If you do it on a road where you are putting other peoples life on the line then I think the state should take there motor Cy. license away and out you in jail. just my 2 cents
  20. well I just got a new road star. I told my wife the first thing I have to do is get a Corbin seat for it. I had one on the last road* I had and loved it. when I first put it on I thought it was to hard but after 1000 miles you could not get me to change it out, so if you get one give it some time before you judge it.
  21. he posted just before Christmas saying he was OK. Just working 2 jobs and not a lot of time to get on the computer.
  22. I just sold my 07 Venture and bought a 08 road star. I loved the venture but around town (80%) of my riding it was a hand full. I love the road star but I knew I would I had one before. I looked at the 1300 but thought for that other 20% riding I would like the road* because it is just a little bigger. The 1300 does get a lot better gas mileage 42 I think road star 36, and better fuel injection set up.
  23. from what I see tomorrow is cold cold cold.
  24. what year is it
  25. Pics to come in about a week. I have more to stick on it first. Bill when was that meet?
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