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Everything posted by heatonmt

  1. will it was not a loose cable out for a rider tonight stopped to get gas dead battery when I went to start. Charging right now then going to put it in a come home. I will then pull the + cable and see if bike stays running. hope it is charging the Battery. You know the dealer put some running lights on 2 week before all this started I would think if it was not right it would be blowing fuses not running down the battery.
  2. I have a 08 RSDT and had them install at shop when I bought the bike. Mine shine down bought 4 foot in front of the bike not sure how to adjust them up. they do move from side to side just by moving I think there is a nut inside the unit. If you find out please post.
  3. I a roadstar traded it in on a venture, I road that for a year I just loved it. But the wife just would not ride and it was kind of big in town (80% of my riding) So I sold it and got another R*. I love the Roadstars but I did miss the motor that was on the Venture. so when I seen a 08 new in the bike shop it was a no brainier for me the RSDT is the best of both worlds.
  4. I am riding a ultimate. I had one on my R* and the first thing I bought for my RSTD was a new Ultimate seat. I would not buy another my shelf I just love it. The only draw back is it is not water Prof and it comes with covers
  5. thanks for the help I am going to pull seat and check Voltage with meter
  6. no hits put back up top
  7. could anyone tell me what the voltage should be at the battery is when bike is running. 08 RSTD I would think it is the same as a venture. 1000 miles on bike stopped to get gas 30 miles from home headed out of town went to start bike and all I got was click click. So there I was got a push start it fired up I took off down the road stop 40 mile later and it started right up. and did all day long. Took bike to dealer when I got back to town and they said it was a loose negative cable. I find that hard to believe when it seemed to charge back up. they did say it only had 33% charge on it but battery did check out OK. :think:
  8. Nope I know where it is just was not sure it was working right
  9. So you do have to push all the way to top to of the travel and not flip it on?
  10. Ok took the RSTD out on the interstate for the first time today. I went to put on the cruise and when I pushed the switch on it did not come on. it did come on when I pushed it all they way up but not when I just push it to on and it clicked. is it normal to have to push switch all the way to the top of the switch travel before the cruise comes on? Thanks for the help
  11. heatonmt


    Headed up to Bikes Blues and bar B Q friday will I see anyone up there.
  12. not sure about the seat yet sets a little funny Pressure up front on legs. I had one on the R* and loved it. I will need to put a few miles on this one before it is a go. Did not try the riders seat with rear seat.
  13. Jay you must look funny rolling down the road in that convertable wearing them Frog toggs Dont the top work on that thing
  14. Trying out a new loctite product 249 tape. It is a serviceable loctite product. It has no mess just keep it out of the heat. Seems to work well
  15. ok lets try this again. Just have to be smarter then the pics
  16. Ok here are some pics of the 08 RSTD
  17. I well take some pics today. Anyone else out there rideing on a ultimate midrider.
  18. Well the Ultimate seats are in and install. Well take it out for the first ride in the morning if they ride half as good as they look it will be great. Boy it only took 4 days from order to get here. I had a set on the R* and loved them.
  19. OK I went out to the bike and checked vac hoses,caps (turned to make sure all were tight, pulled the choke out and push it back in. Got up today and took bike to work no back fire. got off work took out on hy. no back fire not sure were the back fire went but glad it gone? You Got Me.
  20. if you look the RSTD was a 09 they are not making new ones. No change to the venture only 20 + price tag. Unless you know the venture people will be buying HD / wing for the same price. When I both my 07 that was one of the big selling points for me was I paid $15,000 new.Saved at least 4 to 5 thousand over other 2 bikes.
  21. $10,500 new 08 RSTD-S in fortsmith arkansas
  22. Well almost go all the shine on the New 08 RSTD today side-rails for the bags, running lights with visors . turn signals visors, chrome license plate cover and the ultimate studded seats are do in tomorrow. It is almost done for now.
  23. Well I look at the carbs and the vac line look OK one small nick but not through hose. Caps are on I looked for brass cones but did not see any I did see so brass screws on each carb is that what is under the cones not sure how to tell if there is a leak at the y on the pipes?
  24. Just got the new bike back from deal after 600 mile service. It seems to have a back fire when deceleration. He said it was set lean from factory and he adjusted. Am I wrong or does this bike not tend to backfire when it is running lean. If he set it richer should that take care of the back fire
  25. Is this a Yamaha ralley or just a bike ralley who puts it on?
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