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Everything posted by heatonmt

  1. yep I had them on my 08 16 light block they were vary good and will add them to the bike i have or get. Money well spent.
  2. Do not know where Marshall is I am in northwest arkansas
  3. Well I guess I am going to take a beating on this bike. They have change the stater, rectifier regulator, and said they have check everything and now they say its time to start look at the wiring. This bike has left me on the side of the road 3 times with a bad battery. Now I will never trust this bike out on the road. so here I am a bike that has 1400 miles on it that is 3 months old that I do not want to ride. i at the end of the road I Gauss I will have to trade it in and hope to get something out of it. this may be it for me no more riding.
  4. You are right on this if not in warranty I would be fixing myself I am good at change it tell it works thats how I got my wife. LOL PS do not tell her.
  5. Well after 4 trips to the shop they tell me they found out why my bike battery was going dead from 60 to 100 miles. They said the stater coil is bad now. They had checked it before and said it was good. But they said the leads are not putting out the same one leg was 18 volts AC one 30 and the other 40 volts. They are having one shipped end over night and said the bike would be ready Friday. I have high hopes this is it. well it almost has to be, they changed out the battery, the rectifier regulator, they have to hit it sooner or later.
  6. Ok if you have a RSTD or a venture and have put Yamaha passing lights on your bike do you run them all the time.
  7. there is one 60 miles away that will be he next stop.
  8. Well picked the bike up Friday 82 miles later back to the shop DEAD Battery 4th time in the shop for same-thing. they said they are going to call Yamaha Tuesday. what I said was don't care what it takes the bike needs to be fixed. If it is not took care of soon I think its time to ask for a new bike. This one has been in the shop 3 weeks out of a month all started with 996 miles on the bike what are the chances
  9. well this bike has only 1400 miles on it so they will have to fix it. They have put a new battery in and a new regulator last time so we will see from here.
  10. well went and picked up the bike tonight. they said they changed where they wired the passing light in from the red wire with white strip to the blue wire like the install paper said to do. They said ride for 150 miles bring it back so they can check the battery. We will see. I told them if this does not fix they will need to call Yamaha as this is the 3rd time it has been in the shop for Battery going dead.
  11. 66f here in Arkansas (fort Smith) wish I had a bike today it would br nice to ride.
  12. well I took the bike back in to the local Yamaha's shop for the third time. It left me on the side of the road 2 times and did at home 1 time. Battery dead again. This is all from when they put the running lights on. I looked and they hooked into the red wire with white line on it. I think that is the ignition wire. the instructions say hook up to the blue. after a new battery a new regulator now they say thats it. we will find out?We have the lemon law in this stat I wounder it goes for motorcycles?
  13. I use the Bugslide it works real good for me
  14. good looking bike hope she enjoys it.
  15. Seeing how I have the RSTD it should make it a lot easier with no fairings to split. Have you had any trouble with your ? how long have you had it on your bike? Do you have the blue 8000 4H
  16. I just ordered a set tonight. Hope it cuts down on the amp draw of the Yamaha lights. Not sure what the watts are on the Yamaha. Now I need to find out about the HID headlight and the amp draw on it is it less then stock light. . where is everyone getting it and how does it hook up?
  17. Will tok the bike in and dropped it off to start getting a paper trail on this.
  18. Condor do you hav the part number for the RSTD AMG battery and where to buy it?
  19. Ok what is a AGM type battery is that gel filled or acid
  20. did they mount in the yamha housings? What is the part number
  21. So at 5000 rpm with all lights on (high beam also) I should be getting 14 volts at the battery if amps are at or below 30 amp. right?
  22. Mike are you saying the charging system has a max of 30 amps?
  23. i pull head light and check where the dealer tied in. He went to the the 12 pin plug. red wire with white stripe on it. The best I can tell that in the ignition wire. The install instructions say go to the blue wire but I think ether will work. I Beginning to lean to the battery. New bike but it is a 08 that means the battery was almost 3 years old. I have road it for 2 days with the running lights turned off I am going to pull battery and put a volt meter on it today. Service manual says it should be at 12.8 volts or high if it is back down to 12.6 I will charge let it again let it set and check to see if it at 12.8 or higher. If it is not I am going to ask the dear to replace it.
  24. Boo as far as the connections I did check that and it was good. Bike is new only 1200 miles on it so there should be no corrosion. I thinking a short drawing voltage from the install of the lights I would have thought a fuse would have blow en.
  25. Ok put a half of a charge on the battery went and put it back in the bike ( I was lucky this happened 1.5 miles from the house. I road the bike home put a multimeter on it not running 12.6 started the bike and gave it some gas it jumped up to 13.8 and 14 volts. Then I had a idea lets turn the running lights on that the dealer installed the voltage drop right back down to 12.8 volts. I may be wrong but that should not happen.So I gauss I cant run running light on this bike. Not I think there is something not right with this picture.
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