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Everything posted by jneed53

  1. Mine came yesterday as well. Looks great! Sounds so good that I may add it to my drum set next time we play out.
  2. There is no problem riding with one hand. The bike stays pretty steady for having the full lower fairings also.
  3. Having spent the overwhelming portion of my life in the restaurant business (43 years) I know how the servers rely on tips. Until the recent minimum wage increase the usual rate of pay for these folks was $2.13/hr. In some places they have to pay a portion of their net sales to a pool that is disbursed to bartenders, bussers, do ho's, and such. Granted, if the service is subpar a good tip is not warranted. I also understand that many things we ry to hold servers accountable are not really in their control. Food coming out slowly is a function of a kitchen either getting slammed with a huge rush at once or understaffing. If I discern that the server(s) are just screwing around and not taking care of business I will adjust my generosity accordingly and also comment to a manager. I tend to be a liberal tipper when the service exceeds expectations. Also do not forget the pizza delivery guys. They are driving their own vehicles and burning their own gas. I never tip less than $5 to those people. If the order is late it is usually not their fault. Been there all too often helping out. I'm gonna get off the soap box now.
  4. OK -- thanks all. I thought that someone might have one to unload. I'll check out the mentioned sources and local papers.
  5. Coming in from Dallas Friday early evening. Staying in Texas City since there were no more rooms on the island. Will be there until Sunday morning. My wife, Sally, and I would like to meet some of you fine folks. Cell # is 214-534-2328. Leaving Big D around 2pm Friday.
  6. Seems to me that my 2nd gen hung right with you 1st gens on the curves during the Eureka Springs ride. In fact, I had to cool it so as not to run over you guys. It also occurs to me that I wasn't left behind on straightaways, either. Even though we were 2 up while some 1st gens were solo.
  7. Only a Mariner fan would ask that question. -- Just kidding -- GO RED SOX!!
  8. I may be in the market for an enclosed trailer large enough for the 2000 RSV. It will be mainly used for my band's equipment, since Ventures do not require trailers like some OTHER bikes. However, we could use it in case of long vacations that don't allow the extra time for the entire journey to be taken by bike. Anything out there? I am in Dallas.
  9. We will be there Friday Night. Scooting down from Dallas around 2 pm, if anyone wishes to tag along. Staying in Texas City Fri and Sat nights. Nothing available for less that a million bucks on the island. Would love to meet some fellow members. My cell # is 214-534-2328. Will be there Friday night, Sat, and coming home Sunday morning. Holla!
  10. I put Metzler 880's on about 2K miles ago and have had no problems. Handling is far better than with Dunlops and the bike is not at all squirrely on grooved pavemant, etc., as it was previously. Will keep an eye on them, as anyone should regardless of brand.
  11. I never got so many speeding tickets as when I was in the "rocking chair". didn't matter what channel I was on, either.
  12. Never mind -- someone we're meeting had reserved an extra room. Thanks.
  13. I might be interested in stock mufflers if the price isn't too high. I have Bubs, but really don't like the way it makes the engine sound like it's killing itself.
  14. Anyone know of or have a place for us to stay during the rally in Galveston on Nov. 3? We are going for the weekend and have a place, but it is about 1.5 hrs. from the island. All hotels and B&Bs are booked. don't want to get partying and have to navigate Houston, even on the weekend. (I lived there for 12 years a while back and it is a zoo) Thanks in advance. We only heard about this last week. Head in sand, I guess.
  15. There is a big rally in Galveston, Tx. the first weekend of Nov. Is anyone from the Dallas/Ft Worth area going? We should be that Friday around 2 pm or so.
  16. Not to mention that if either the phone or mp3 crashes, it takes the other with it.
  17. Change The Oil??????????
  18. I don't see that Yamaha is building many, let alone trying to sell them.
  19. Thanks all, now I'm on the proverbial fence. I don't want to reconstruct the bike.
  20. In Dallas, two dealers told me they only get 2 per year. They don't sit around long, though. funny, but you can paick up your choice of Wings all over the place. I guess Yamaha doesn't really want to push the touring market.
  21. OK -- how difficult is it going to be for me to install a CD changer on a 2000 RSV? Am getting one and was hoping the bike would be prewired for it, but apparently I have read that my hopes have been dashed. Pretty sure all cables and stuff will be included, as it came out of another RSV.
  22. I guess they think the Bubs will cover up the noise -- but they don't. Between the two I can barely hear the radio. Thinking of putting stock mufflers on. Can't stop the whining.
  23. Ditto to all the above posts. Welcome to the site. I had concerns/issues when I first got mine, but I have gotten used to the quirks, such as a high power band and low speed handling. This is a fine machine that will keep up with most anything on the road and not beat you to death doing it. I am 6'5" and the Harley Ultra and Goldwing did not fit me nearly as well. The wife loves being the Queen of Sheba on the backside with all the room and creature comforts that come standard on this machine. Go get you one.
  24. Yeah -- it was too early for me to be seeing things. Besides, all those curves made my equilibrium straighten out.
  25. My apartments, which are now 4 years old also do not appear. Just shows a vacant area. Wish that theory would apply to some of the neighborhood around here.
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