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Everything posted by jneed53

  1. jneed53


    From the album: Music & Bikes

  2. OK -- time to upgrade the sound system. I already know about the speakers, but what about amps? Who is happy with theirs? Where do they go? How difficult to wire? I am NOT an electrical genius, but I know what sounds good, and it is not the stock setup. Hep me! Hep me! This weekend's trip to Austin finally convinced me that the current set up is not good for highway speed(80 mph) and wind(in my face).
  3. Goose -- I'll pitch in with Tom if you can let me see how it's done. Never been good with carbs.
  4. Guess our maintenence day didn't do much for the old girl.
  5. Yeah, Gig, It was a really good time. Thanks to you and yours for hosting and putting up with us. See you soon. Was really great to see everyone, both known and newly known. Everyone have a safe ride home.
  6. Dang!! Guess I'll move it.
  7. I hung mine from the helmet lock. Does that mean I am not protected until its too late?
  8. OK - we booked our room at Edelweiss for Fri & Sat nights. We will be spending the first part of the week in Missouri about an hour from ES and rolling in from there. It will be good to see you all again. John & Sally
  9. Ordered a Ram Mount for the ipod on Saturday. Of course, the base for the unit was backordered and would not be in until Thursday. I emailed them as to whether or not they had another base that may work as I was going on a trip Friday. They had possibilities which were emailed to me after business hours on Saturday. I was surprised at that. On Monday, today, I was about to call, but they had emailed me to let me know they had the item overnighted and it would ship today. They are located in Eureka Springs, Ar. and carry a pretty extensive array of stuff. Seems like a good vendor. I'm not sure howto enter a link on this site, but the web address is cyclegadgets.com. Prices don't seem too bad either. Worth a look.
  10. That is correct. I had just recently looked up the rules for the flag when someone wanted to know the proper disposal method. The rules state that it is NOT to be worn as clothing or part of clothing. This rule, however, is not enforced or half of the country would be in jail.
  11. It's great that you have kept ABREAST of the need to keep the machine clean.
  12. Yeah, Jug -- exactly like that one. Thanks
  13. I'd love it if someone could have a maintenance day around Dallas. I haven't worked on much lately (years) and would really like pointers from you gurus.
  14. Got it -- Thanks
  15. I guess that means you won't be able to hook up with us on the 6th or 7th of June?
  16. Can someone tell me how to change the "States Traveled" maps a lot of us have so I can add new locations to it? Thanks in advance.
  17. How about a super-multi-line always-open conference call line?
  18. If I am not mistaken, it is behind the right side lower fairing. Sure is a stupid place for it.
  19. OK -- thanks
  20. I cannot seem to find the info and dates of the Eureka Springs get-together. Any help would be appreciated.
  21. Well -- I have to tell this. A local Raceway station here obviously had a monkey programming the pump prices. Reg. was 3.49, Prem. was 3.79, and Plus was 2.63!!!!! A co-worker told me about it and I hustled over there as soon as I could. I really figured that some Dudley DoRight would have mentioned it to the people at the station, but I took advantage of it. Saved me $21!! Not the way my luck usually runs.
  22. Mike -- did you decide not to sell the scoot?
  23. Welcome -- I hope you get as much from this site as I have.
  24. Man -- welcome to the site! I have learned a lot about these machines and met some great folks through it. You'll love it.
  25. gib -- I run 45 psi in the rear.
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