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Everything posted by maknak

  1. I got her all back together I replaced the headlight turn signals flasher relay Handlebar mirrors thermal sensor removed the cruise control which never worked anyway) relocated the coolant overflow tank replaced all the spark plugs replaced the old gauges with a trail tech one relocated all the electronics ripped out the old wiring harness and made a custom one as well as removing the air ride system and thanks to Skydoc I put on progressive springs and a new battery. Woo it was a lot of work but also a lot of fun! Here are some pics
  2. sure what are you looking for? I have the cover by the ignition. the vacuum unit and the vacuum valve that connects to the throttle
  3. Hey thanks for the reply I will check it out
  4. Hello everyone, It has been a while since I have been on as I got into a wreak. A damn car cut right in front of me at a green light and I laid her down to avoid a head on collision. I torn my AC joint completely and I had to have surgery. I turns out I also had a SLAP tear and a torn rotator cuff but the doc said they were probably old injuries. But long story short I am on the mend and trying to put shela back together, I am going to try to make her naked (instead of buying a lot of plastics ) by removing the broken cruise control components and the large stay at the front. My question....Is there an aftermarket speedo/tach that i could hook up with limited modification? I have already put on an aftermarket headlight and it looks good but I want to replace the gauges, mount some handle bar mirrors, and mount some blinkers in the front. Thanks in advance!
  5. if its on the plastic then i would use Plastifix. Its a great product and you can get the small repair kit for 30-40 bucks online its great for repairing ABS plastics. Just sand bondo smooth and repaint...then its good as new here are some pics of what i have used it to repair
  6. its only 18 lights as the trim lights are the same as the ascent lights but i am looking at the superbright website and i think i will convert them all to LED's and save the hassle and the Amps!
  7. I have 10 acent lights built in to the trim below the yamaha reflector. I can't remember the bulb size but it's the wedge type. I have since rewired the 6 trunk lights, 10 trim lights, and 2 mudflap lights to a single fused connection but it makes the sator smoke. I'm doing an oil change this weekend so I'm gong to check it out then
  8. Sooo... I think I know what I did wrong but i just wanted to get the opinions of the experts... I tried to tie in half of my vanity lights to the brake lights and it worked for a while but then I saw smoke coming from my dash so I disconnected it. When I opened my CMU I found that one of the solder bridges had burned off the board so I did a little workaround (in the pic) and now my tail lights don’t work but my break lights do. I hooked the vanity lights up the way shown on the READ ONLY thread (splice in to the brown wire coming from the ignition then run it through a fused lined directly to the lights) but when my bike runs for more than 5 min smoke starts Cumming from the left side by the 1300 plate. Stator? here are some pics where i spliced into the brake lights and my mod to the CMU by the way im looking for a new CMU so if any of you have a working one i am in the market.
  9. I just fixed all of my plastics with plastifix that stuff is great! It’s great for repairing broken off tabs and repairing broken mounting points. I ordered the professional kit for 80 bucks and I'm glad I did it comes with 300mg of plastifix (150 white 150 black) and 3 moldable plastic bars that you can use to recreate tabs. make sure you buys some metal duct tape so you can fill in any broken pieces then use body filler to make them smooth (fill in gaps from the inside out).
  10. Good evening everybody I finished chasing down my last electrical gremlin (brake light wouldn't work re-soldered the CMU and it worked) now all i have left is to do the bodywork. I'm waiting for my order of plastifix to come in the mail so i can put Bessy back together. It was so nice have her up and running with all of her electronics working. I can't wait to ride her.. ...Hurry up postman!!! Thank you all for your help in getting her restored you guys (and gals) are AWESOME!
  11. I don't know how to put the radiator on (or off) bypass . and i tested the fan with the direct voltage to the battery and it works but i have no idea if i let it get up that high if it would kick on. I moved the gauge physically and its not stuck but i will have to try that voltmeter to thermo gauge sugestion
  12. Good Afternoon everybody if any of you have been following my progress (i assume not) I have been rebuilding an 87 Venture royal and i have hit another snag... I finally got the bike running (by cleaning out 10 pounds of rust from the fuel lines and gas tank) and i am onto testing my cooling system and my temp gauge doesn't move. i tested the thermo switch and its resistance changes with temperature (like it says in the manual) and so i check the back of my gauge and it reads its getting voltage but still nothing so i'm stumped anyone have any ideas? here are some pics of the bike in progress
  13. Thank you all for the fast reply! Those service manuals are great! I hve the owners manual but they are not very in depth lets see if i can cobble my fairing together this weekend
  14. Hello all i'm looking for some help with my 87 venture. I recently took the bike down to the frame and now with most of the work done i'm rebuilding it but as i have discovered I am missing a lot of pieces (I didn't lose any they just didn't come with the bike) so now that i have all the fairing repaired i'm trying to put them back on the bike but when i got the bike all the fairing were zip-tied on so here are my two questions. What size bolts i need to put the fairings back? how dose the inner fairing(the one with the coolant overflow tank) attach to the bike? I know i should have took pictures of when i tore the bike down but you live and learn any pictures you guys have of how the fairings are attached would be appreciated Thanks in advance
  15. for all my trailers i use composite decking its pricey but it should last forever you never need to seal and its strong as hell.
  16. thanks for the tank re-sealer link. i was thinking about making my own filter from faucet screens from the hardware store. pm was sent
  17. Here is a great wiring diagram i got off this site by Gary Dinges maybe it will help http://sdrv.ms/14Hqx7f
  18. Hello everyone i had a couple of questions regarding my new to me 87 venture...but first some background. I got the motorcycle on trade from another guy who got it on trade from another guy who traded it for a push-mower so i knew nothing of the history. i have now realized although the bike was running when i got it it was being held together by hopes and dreams. I have since taking the bike down to the frame and i am rebuilding it. i have rebuilt the rear swing arm, sanded and painted the frame, rebuilt the drive shaft, cleaned the carbs, modded the fuse box to ACTs, rebuilt the left and right side control switches, and now I'm down to the fuel system i took the tank off (which was the biggest pain in the butt for a motorcycle i have ever encountered) and it was full of a metallic sloshing sound so i took the petcock off to drain the tank and of course it was full of rust so I'm going to clean and reseal the tank but i the petcock has 2 filters on them that are ruined so now my question is. where can i get replacement filters? I cant find any online. what else would you guys recommend i rebuild on the bike while its apart? I was thinking about doing the fork seals but they don't leak, also I read on the forum that you can see the date on the tires to see if they are old but i couldn't find the date on the tires should i just replace them anyway? thanks in advance for all the help
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