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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. The $500 boat theory is true!! Anything I got fixed on mine cost $500 and a friend of mone bought a boat that was constantly being worked on and it always cost him $500!!!!
  2. I might go over. Don't know for sure yet.
  3. Well it is coming!!!! Just saw the first sign of spring today!!! Was it a robin, no. Was it turkey vultures, no. It was the first motorcycle of the year to go by our place!!!!!
  4. Ya right it will probally come one the 21st of March Marcarl!!!!!!!
  5. This keeps up everyone east of the rockies is going to come live with you SilvrT!!!
  6. Huggy

    Got Stuck

    What do you expect!!!! Your driving a Chrysler product!!!!!!
  7. +7C here today. BBQed some Canadian Bacon and onions put them on a bun and had a glass of whine!!! And SAT out in the SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!
  8. Why do you hate the International Raccon Society???????
  9. Friday the 13th in snow would most likely make for a good meet an greet. Just saying.
  10. Yes the cops do have a tough job and I feel for them and yes too many are on a power trip and when they have a bad day they take it out on those who are most vulnerable people who have committed a minor traffic ofence, their families and anyone they can bully!! They should have to take yearly psychiatric assessments for anger issues and get required treatment for it. And I don't care what kind of work you do if you are expected to meet certain goals you are under a LOT of stress to meet them. And using your job as an excuse for bad behavior is no excuse for being a complete a##hole!!
  11. Huggy

    Life Sucks

    Well, tough weekend. First junior finally moved to Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick to take up his hew posting with the Canadian Forces. Also he also has been promoted from Master Corporal to Sargent. His new position is that of Instructor. He will be training Water, Oil, Fuel Technicians. It's hard to belive eight years ago he was in Gagetown taking this course now he will be teaching it . And there was 4.5 feet of snow on the ground to greet him and his family when he got there . So now our next job is to start planning a trip down east . Also I turned 65 on Sunday:crying:. And I found it very depressing actually. Now I get to live on a small government pension. Whoopee!!! Some tough decisions will have to be made as to what we will have to give up doing and what we can actually keep doing. Will probably get rid of the old 83 GMC pickup. It's pretty hard on gas and the wife's car is on it's last legs so we need to replace it. And I'll get rid of the boat, dockage fees are a killer. Whoopee!!! If we lived in warmer climes I would go with a side car for wife and Killer. So I'll spend my time looking for a way to make some extra money. I'd get a real job but my doctor says not with my back and arthritis in my shoulder and my other shoulder never recovered from the torn rotor cup I suffered last winter. So life goes on and we will deal with each day as it comes along. about all we have going for us is a wonderful wife and being bloody stubborn!!!! I'll feel better when spring comes and we can get back in the garage and have the bike out for a run. And so life goes on. That's my whine for today.Thank you.
  12. The wife prefers me doing this then other things. BUT I have learned a few things. When she asks for help the correct answer is "Right away dear!!!!" NOT "OK as soon as I get through this level!!!". Also any chores have to be done first!!! NOT when I finish this level. And when it gets warm enough to get outside and do chores and other pursuits the game machine goes away until NEXT winter!!!
  13. I now have Inquisition for the PS4. Have Skyrim for the PS3. Also have Assassins Creed also for the PS3.
  14. I need toget "Dragon Age Inquisition" and I'm thinking of that new game "The Order: 1881" loks interesting.
  15. I'm 64, 65 come March 1st. Used to be into PC gaming big time but the cost of constant upgrades to keep up with the software was getting out of hand so I switched to the PS3 then PS4. Only got into online play once I got bored of replaying the games. I remember playing "PONG" at the local watering hole back in the 70's!!
  16. I want to get "Dragon Age Inquistion". It looks like a pretty good game. Our doctor is all infavor of us, me, older folks playing these games. He says it exercises the brain and helps your hand eye corordination.
  17. PS3 and a PS4 I like shooters. Play online. To cold to work in garage so I'll do this, clear snow and putter around the house until it's warm enough to get back out side again!!!
  18. Sounds like my wife!!!!!!!!
  19. Wish we could do that here in Canada!! There's really something wrong with a country when you get a longer jail sentence for injuring the guy who brakes into your house then he gets for breaking in!!!!!!
  20. Hey dingy :canada:what king of mill is that??? And how accurate is it??
  21. Are they related to kidney or gall stones??????
  22. Not worried, she won't thaw out till JULY!!!!!
  23. Ya, they raised the prices of their bikes by ten fold!!!!
  24. I'm going to send MY honey out to shovel SNOW so she can keep warm!!!!
  25. Isn't that the thing they use to feed OLD people baby food when they loose all there teeth????
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