My G*d!! Just read that DragonRider spent the night in the hospital and Yammer Dan went down!!!! Mays been a tough month I'll be glad when it's over!!! My list for this month goes like this. Retaining wall along the drive way is giving way, PO built it out of logs and not cement. Wanted a rustic look. To get it fixed properly $2500+ dollars. Going to pull out rotten logs and replace with new ones. I'll be dead before it needs to be fixed again! Water pipes in basement started leaking BADLY!!! Flooded spare bedroom. What a mess! PO ran pipes through the closet then built a wall so that you can not get at the pipe joints. Fixed that cut pipe off in open part of basement and went out the wall where you can actually work on pipes should there be another problem. Drain on kitchen rotted out and flooded kitchen, why is it they only come apart when the sink is full of water??? Well pump started to leaked at a coupling. Called well guy in to fix and install a shut off valve $95. I was just too busy with the other leaks!!!! PO used a nylon coupling instead of copper/bronze/steel. It split and started leaking. Water softener went on the fritz!!! Need new one. Don't make parts for it any more. And the 25 year old Korean Boxwood hedge along the driveway suffered sever winter burn due to the exceptionally cold winters over the last two years so we had to cut it down to try and rejuvenate it. This what the people at the nursery told us to do, it may or may not work.
On a more serious note mother in-law came down with pneumonia and was hospitalized for a week. She comes home and is now suffering with blood clots in her legs!!! She has swollen up like a balloon!! Doctor put her on blood thinners and meds to get rid of the built up fluids but they are not working. Dr says she should be in the hospital until they get this fixed up BUT she refuses to go and as long as there's no direct threat to her life we cannot make her go!! The stubborn old fool is going be the cause of her own death yet!! GOD I'll be glad when May is over!!!!!!