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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Thanks for the link dacheedah ! Will look into getting new sight glass (2) one for brake and one for clutch.
  2. Wish I could have made it down for the BBQ! Wife said three days notice was not enough time for her to get ready for the trip!!!!!! I do plan on coming down some time in the next TWO weeks.
  3. Thanks Ruffy for the reply. That's exactly what I was thinking. Line are off the bike. I do have a mighty vac.
  4. OK I have rebuilt the master cylinder and the slave for the clutch now what is the best way to flush the crap out of the lines? Also is the sight glass on the reservoir replaceable? Mine is all milky and needs replacing.
  5. It only stops raining long enough to cut the DA*N grass:depressed:.
  6. Huggy


    I'm beginning to hate summer!! It's been rainy here most of the time, reminds me of Vancouver. And when it stops raining I have catch up on all the things I couldn't do when it was raining. Like today it was supposed to be the nicest day of our long weekend. So yesterday I hurry up and get all the things I need to do like fix brakes on car cut 1 acre of grass and clean up after the dog! All so I have today to go out on my XJ. And guess what, its cloudy, windy, cool and RAINY everything that it wasn't supposed to be!!! I HATE SUMMER!!!
  7. I saw the build of that thing on TV. It didn't get the OK as a school bus but they did drive it around!
  8. Congratulations on this great achievement! I do know how hard it is to kick the habit!! My wife has smoked all her adult life and in the last 10 years has quite 20 times. This last January she quite again. She hasn't had a smoke in the last seven months and finally has gotten over the craving for one. It finally looks like she has beaten the tobacco bug. I have never smoked:no-no-no:. I was raised on a tobacco farm here in SW Ontario. After working in it all through my teens I could never understand what the attraction was. Even after my parents sold the farm and we moved to the city my friends all started smoking and the smell just made me ill. I was hard living with a woman who smoked!
  9. It has been my experience if you need to ask if you could get in trouble for something you did or said you probably already are!!!!
  10. There's a office for post? What do they do there? Do they check to see if I have the proper kind of post? Or do they check to see if my post will stand up? Or do they grade my Test from the post?
  11. I want to know why Golf&Venture thought we needed to take a test in the first place!
  12. Isn't that what they give you when you go to jail? A cell phone! So you can call home.
  13. First this was a test post now its about patience's!! Who let the medical people take over our test!! Don't tell me we are going to have to take a medical test! Look out for that hand with the rubber glove!!!!
  14. Your just eats blankets mine eats any BODY who comes in the driveway! I'll trade for your dog any day!!
  15. Hey just trying to be helpful! You know covering all possibilities. After all we're all here to help and we also have too much time on our hands. You need to move closer to the rest of us is the SW part of Ontario. Hoping for some sun or carb parts to show up so I'll have something to do. I don't know like getting my carb rebuild done or at the least getting the XJ out and tearing up some pavement over to Pt. Dover for a footlong hotdog and a golden glow or down to Long Point to Utterly Kool for some ICECREAM!
  16. Not so bad I'm about 1 & 1/2 hours west of Niagara Falls. When I get set I'll probably cross at Fort Erie. That's the closest crossing for me. I'll let you know when I'm planning on making the trip. It will by cage.
  17. This is the longest test post I've seen. If this test gets any longer its going to be the longest test anyone has taken! And I hate tests!! Make my brain hurt!
  18. I was visiting the boy at CFB Trenton Ont last week why couldn't you have done this then? I could have brought over a 24 of GOOD Canadian beer or some Crown Royal and we could have sat there and watched it as team effort to see if it got any worse!
  19. Have you cooked for them before? If you have that could be it! Or they have heard of your prose in the kitchen.
  20. Going to get new brakes tomorrow at Crappie Tire. There on sale, I love Crappie Tire sales. Better than TSC sales Wal-Mart sales are best. Oh Oh minds wondering again!! Do brakes, then make arrangement's to go to US. I may have a couple things sent to bongobobny place of residence and make the trip down absolutely necessary in my wife's eyes. I can see it now "Honey I have to go to bongobobny's place all my stuff has been sent there for some reason." No she wants to make the trip real bad. She'll be very disappointed if she can't come with me. PS. I'm real good at getting lost. that's one of the few things I can do well on my own with out any help. That and looking guilty when I cross the border.
  21. I wish I had known you had this work to do a week ago!!! I was in Trenton(Frankford) visiting my son and family. I could have come up and helped you drink beer.......I mean work on the bike! And BBQ steaks!!
  22. No its a test post, which unlike a real post doesn't hold anything up. like a gate, fence or satellite dish:confused24:. So since its a test post does that mean non of our test results will stand up either???
  23. Did you include BEER into the time factor??? The length of a DIY job in the garage/driveway on a hot summers day is extended exponentially by the number of beers consumed while doing said job. So think about all other 3 hour jobs you have done that lasted 8-10-12 hours due to the BEER factor. Add one hour for each beer consumed. Remember Trader I have spent a few days up in your neck of the woods and other then fix something or kill something, hunting, there's not much else in your neck of the woods to do. At least that's legal anyway.
  24. Thanks for the invite! We will see what we can do to get down. The wife has to take care of her mother, so we do not get to go very far together. How far are you from the border? And were is the best place to cross? We've crossed a number of times into Michigan at Sarnia. I love Michigan. Only because it has a Golden Corral Restaurant in Port Huron. But then there's Honey's in Buffalo. My wife's favorite play for wing's. Going to have to get someone to stay with granny and my dog killer .
  25. I had to buy a right hand control from Ebay as the throttle control was shot on mine, 86 VR. The switch's on my old ones are good if you want them. I can send them to you as soon as my replacement shows up.
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