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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Just make sure the is no old brake fluid in as the two types are NOT compatible!!
  2. I wouldn't touch that comment with a ten foot poll!
  3. On a serious note. I need to replace the fuel line from the fuel pump to the carbs. What should I use? I couldn't get the old line to come off at the carbs so I had to cut a couple inches off to get the carbs out. My concern is kinking the fuel line at the pump end and starving the carbs of gas and messing up the fuel pump.
  4. Your right there Marcarl!!! That's why I wait till I'm finished for the day. Well all most finished for the day before I have one:backinmyday:.
  5. My wife picked it up and I asked for the "Black Label" But NO she got the regular "Crown Royal":backinmyday:. Says she didn't hear me say get the "Black Label". So now I'll have to suffer drinking the regular stuff until I go to town. Or go to the States for a day or two and pick one up there.
  6. OK all the plastic is off. I have rebuilt the carbs replaced air/fuel mixture needles, and two other jets (4 of each) that I did not like the look of, replaces all the "O" rings, seals and gaskets in the carbs and adjusted float levels. Put carbs back on the bike. Fuel filter have new one. Cleaned out the fuel pump of old gas. Have clean replacement tank. Checked fuel level sender, it works. Waiting on new used petcock and right side controls and throttle. Should have Tuesday or Monday. Valve shim check taken care of, new valve cover gaskets installed, new donuts done on valve covers. Also will pull the drive shaft and will grease and change oil in the rear end. Also plan on putting grease fittings in the rear suspension. Tomorrow I will locate and clean up ALL grounds. Clean and put dielectric grease on ALL connections. Will check head bearings. Bike only has 8100 kilometers on it. And as I get into it I have no reason to believe it has anymore then that. Right now I'm going to sit down and have a drink of Crown Royal!
  7. Since I have my VR tore down, :whistling:what things should I replace/do that are going to give problems down the road?
  8. Yep I got it.
  9. I'll give it a try if it does not seal up.
  10. Biggest problem here is we get PACKS of these people who think they are in the Tour De France bike race and they will take up the whole lane on uphill/downhill grades at either end of our town/village:bang head:. Try going anywhere when that's going on! Bunch of MORONS!!! I HATE THEM!!!:buttkick:And I'm NOT sorry I said that!!!
  11. May have to give that a try. Thanks for the tip bongobobny.
  12. The battery at work we just drained it flat dead and recharged it the proper way and it and the polarity went back to normal . BUT it does not always work most of the time the battery is just dead. When I have a car/truck/boat battery that will not take a charge I put my trickle charger from the motorcycle and put it on the battery and it will then take a charge.
  13. OK thanks. I have found the crush washer! Don't know how I missed it when I looked at the parts list! I'll have to go visit the local Yamaha dealer. HATE doing business with this guy. He doesn't carry 1/4" fuel line and told me to use 3/8" fuel line instead on my 83 XJ750K. Said it wouldn't make a difference. The only reason I was going to buy it from him is the fuel lines on the XJ have thinner walls so they can bend in the tight space between the carb and air box without kinking.
  14. Thanks I'll have a look. I put new oil in the bike before I took the cover off. Now is there more then one place to put oil in? Because when I removed the cover very little oil came out and its on the center stand.
  15. Reverse polarity is not a big mystery. I have seen it at work on a fork lift. What happened there is one of the maintenance mechs did not pay attention when he was charging a dead battery:stickpoke:. He reversed the cables and turned on the charger and charged the battery. It took the charge. only now Neg was Pos and Pos was Neg.
  16. Your right it is tourist "season" and we have heard's of them roaming around the beach at Turkey Point. And gaggles of them wondering down the road in front of my place!! Calling the MNR right now to get my license!!!!
  17. This does not make sense to me. I removed crank case #2 cover to rebuild the clutch slave. When I removed the old gasket I found a notch at the top of the hole where the bottom cap screw goes through!! :stickpoke:I don't know how much oil this part of the case holds but to me it looks like it would just leak out! There is no seal to prevent a leak here . See picture. Explains why the side stand safety switch is covered in oil.
  18. Retired, get up take Killer (the dog not the wife) out for morning constitution, go to kitchen start up Kuerig for my coffee, turn on kettle for the Bosses tea, take coffee to living room and catch morning news, then go to my garage and start working on the VR. Total time two hours to get to work total distance traveled 100 ft. Its a tough life but someone's got to do it!
  19. I heard it was hereditary!! And there's no known cure yet!! And congrats!!!
  20. Usually it the negative battery cable that has to be disconnected to reset the warning lights.
  21. Could've just hung the butt over the log! Then no one will spend so much time reading while using the facilities!!
  22. I use Stabil. I know its meant to be used for storage BUT it is great for keeping your carbs clear of any build up due to fuel in the system. It is especially recommended if you let your bike sit for any length of time. Like stupid continuously miserable rainy weather where you spend all the nice riding days cutting the DAM* grass that has grown due to all the rain and humidity!!!! Also it is one of those things that I learned from an old Harley mechanic. The old Harley guys put it in every few tank ups.
  23. Huggy


    Thanks for the thread. I hate forum searches, every time I use it I get everything except what I'm looking for!!!
  24. My old man this this for years and he cut ALL the branches on the way UP and cut the trunk down in sections on the way down using his spikes and harness!!! Your right, you cant fix STUPID
  25. Huggy


    Is there a replacement thermostat I can use on my 86 VR 1300 other then the one ones from Yamaha?
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