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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. I like your thinking on this!!! I must investigate further!! I think the fact that at the old house that we used to live in I would slide open the window and let the black squirrels have it from the dining table!!! With a Ruger 22. It didn't seem to go over to well for some strange reason when the wife was on the phone with her mother. Seemed like a perfectly sensible way of dealing with the problem. It's not like I was shooting them with the 308! BUT I did try it with the 6.5X55 Mauser! Now that was a little hard on every ones ears. I guess I should have warned them.
  2. I do the same thing I'm sure everyone thinks I've been drinking!!!
  3. Ok thanks for ALL the input guys. All I can say about the clutch is that the last PO who actually rode the bike is that he replaced it for some reason just before he passed away. Now I assume it had something to do with towing a trailer. The bike came with a tow hitch on it.
  4. I have that helmet and love it but I have not had a forehead problem. I find it a bit tight on the ears when putting it on but that may just because of the way I put it on.
  5. NO cats!!!!!! I hate them more then squirrels!! They kill all the little bunnies! And if they kill the bunnies I cant kill the big bunnies in the fall and EAT them! We have raccoons lot and lots of raccoons! But they only chase the wife around looking for food! There's one that keeps pulling on her robe when she goes out at night. And wont go away until the wife gives it a treat. Anyway my wife says I have TOOO many firearm's and wont let me have a pellet gun! She's afraid I'll shoot out a window or my eye or something:backinmyday:.
  6. Awwww the winds of change!! How they blow in strange directions! And may the force be with you! And within you!!
  7. Huggy

    Zumo forums

    OK thanks. Just needed to know!
  8. OK. Will try ALL suggestions until I get it to work. Now there is some resistance when I squeeze. BUT since there was no fluid in it when I got the bike I have no way of gauging how it should feel. Should it offer as much resistance as the brake or less or more? All the plastic has been stripped off the bike while I try to bring this thing back to life. Been sitting 10 years!
  9. I'm kind of partial to the squirrel launcher:rotf:!!!! I could either launch them into the bush OR across the road at the crotch rockets when they race by!
  10. Thanks for the reply! OK guys I'm going to give BOTH suggestion's a try. I'll do the tie back first and if it does not work I'll leave the cap off/lose.
  11. Huggy

    Zumo forums

    What is Zumo ?
  12. OK I need a cure for getting rid of RED SQUIRRELS. I'm infested with them!! Well at least the property is. I have one shed they now own! And have built nest in a couple of helmets the belonged to my youngest boy. But I have managed to keep them out of the newest one. But not before they got in there and destroyed a few things. Next they got into the enclosed space above the front porch and started storing walnuts there. This spring there was a nest of them up there. Now there are no squirrels there so I blocked up ALL entrances they could get in. BUT no now I have one getting into the basement celling! I cannot find where it is coming in. He's not in side all the time just on occasion. I was up the other night, actually 4am. And I'm down on the computer and I hear scratch, scratch and there he is:rasberry:!!! I chased his little red furry a*s around and he disappeared finally. now to make things worse the DAMN thing are protected by law here in Ontario as being endangered! I sure as hell know why they're endangered they get into everything!!!! Now I need a NON lethal way to get rid of them. First of all I'd like to shoot the little red bas*urd's but the wife wont let me. Any ideas?
  13. OK I have rebuilt the clutch slave and the clutch reservoir and replaced the copper washers with new. Now my question is this how much resistance should I feel in the handle when I squeeze it to disengage the clutch? I bled it until there was no more air but there is not much resistance when I squeeze the lever:confused24:. But I am able to change gears. Am I good or am I missing something?
  14. I hope it all worked out for you!
  15. What is the cost of making this conversion on VR?
  16. Hope you live in a two bathroom house. You may need to take up residence in there for a while.
  17. I thought it would be more like "OH MY GOD!!!....Get out of they way and clear out of the bathroom!":rotf:
  18. I don't think anyone but moose, bears, deer, wolves and beaver live north of Lake Superior.
  19. I ordered ONE!!!!!!
  20. Will do Big Lou, picked up thermostat at NAPA $10. I have replaced BOTH of the little lenses on the clutch and brake reservoirs. Looks good as new. Picked up new washers for the banjo bolts. And the little one for on the #2 crankcase cover. Things are starting to come together. But I need to do some work on the wife's car, replace rotors. So its off to work I go!!! Well out to the garage anyway.
  21. Beginning to feel that way! at least I haven't been hit by the train........yet!
  22. He wants a video, HD of course, and a few 18X24's for the wall:rotf:.
  23. Not like I don't have enough work as it is. You guys keep coming up with MORE for me to do. This worse then working for a living. Just when I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel you guys find a way to move it out of SIGHT!!
  24. The dealer has the option to refuse to sell to someone they fell does not have the capability or experience needed to handle the machine. Saying they couldn't talk him out of it is just a copout. The dealer could have said no this is too much machine for you to handle. The guy got over his head and didn't know what he was doing. I have seen numerous people get into his position and end up in the hospital or dead. I know in the London Ontario area there's been a number bike car collisions this summer and most are due to cagers NOT look for bikers. They don't see a car they pull out or make there turn and SMASH another biker down!
  25. I didn't do it that way. I removed the two bolts at the bottom of the thermostat housing and the pipe came out at the water pump then at the thermostat and the thermostat housing moved over to the opposite side of the bike and then I took the top off of the thermostat housing. Do not like taking the exhaust pipes.
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