OK I need a cure for getting rid of RED SQUIRRELS. I'm infested with them!! Well at least the property is. I have one shed they now own! And have built nest in a couple of helmets the belonged to my youngest boy. But I have managed to keep them out of the newest one. But not before they got in there and destroyed a few things. Next they got into the enclosed space above the front porch and started storing walnuts there. This spring there was a nest of them up there. Now there are no squirrels there so I blocked up ALL entrances they could get in. BUT no now I have one getting into the basement celling! I cannot find where it is coming in. He's not in side all the time just on occasion. I was up the other night, actually 4am. And I'm down on the computer and I hear scratch, scratch and there he is:rasberry:!!! I chased his little red furry a*s around and he disappeared finally. now to make things worse the DAMN thing are protected by law here in Ontario as being endangered! I sure as hell know why they're endangered they get into everything!!!! Now I need a NON lethal way to get rid of them. First of all I'd like to shoot the little red bas*urd's but the wife wont let me. Any ideas?