Well there should be a market here!!! Have not found them anywhere. It's like trying to buy Kroil here. I have found one supplier that's "Aircraft Spruce Canada" up in Brantford. No one else has even heard of it in Ontario! It's the best penetrating oil I have ever found!
Fastenal is THE nut and bolt place here and they never even HEARD of ball studs being sold separate from the gas struts! If you can get me a price I can PayPal you the funds. Then you can buy and send. PM me on it.
The only reason there's no HD section is they haven't built a server BIG enough to handle all the help request. And the parts need list, do to them falling off, would be too large for any known sever to handle!
I'd check the carb sync and I'd run some Stabil through it. The old Harley guy's do it on a regular basis. And they should know, after all they need all the help they can get to keep them on the road! And I do it with my XJ. It will clear out any gummy build up that may have accumulated in the carbs with out having to do a teardown of them. I put in what ever amount is required for storage and away I go.