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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Marcarl I passed along the information on using Plastifix and boy what a bunch of close minded people. They jumped all over me about how mixing ABS and MEK and using crazy glue and ABS solvent other things they can buy off the shelf anywhere are just as good. Well my point was Plastifix is MADE to do these types repairs. I guess that's what I get for rocking the boat over there!
  2. FOUND HIM!!!!!!!!! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35356
  3. Obviously he's a Canadian and his name is Dave and its his 77 birthday and he owes you $5 from when he borrowed it from you YEARS and YEARS ago!!!
  4. Taken care of Marcarl! I'm debating on weather to replace the left upper fairing or not. I'll make my mind up on that when I get to the point when I have to decide on painting. But all the mechanical, brakes, hoses, electrical and tires have to be taken care of before I make my mind up on that.
  5. I have been busy repairing cracks and broken tabs so I thought I would post some pictures of what the PO had done. The first two are the left upper fairing back corner the last three are inside of the trunk. Lots of fiberglass. Obviously the bike was dropped on the left side. I don't know what he did to the trunk but it was cracked from left to right across the back at the bottom.
  6. OR a HARLEY!!!!!!!
  7. How come I miss all the good stuff?
  8. No you cannot fix stupid!!!! On Saturday afternoon a car pulled out to pass on one of the local two lane highways here with out checking for on coming traffic. There was a couple of motorcycles coming. First one was driven by a man second by a woman both from Kitchener, Ontario. The car hit the first bike head on then side swiped the second. The guy on the first bike was killed instantly the lady on the second bike is in critical condition with life threatening injuries. How can you pass with out checking for on coming traffic? No, stupid cant be fixed. The guy driving the car, unhurt! Just isn't right.
  9. WE have the damn things all over the D*MN place here! Wife had one try to fly into the car drivers side window! I even shot one with the bow in my back yard in the spring! Between them and the white tails really got to watch it when your riding the roads around my place.
  10. Keep that up and you won't have anyone to talk to soon!
  11. Takes me about 3 days tops to go through a loaf of home made bread!! There's just nothing like fresh bread made at home......mmmmmm.
  12. Glad to see you made home in one piece Trader!!
  13. Thanks for the link.
  14. Using the bread maker is like using the slow cooker in our house. That's what we do when its gets too cold and snowy to be outside for any length of time. I hate siting around with nothing to do all day. I need to be kept busy during my waking hours or I get my self in trouble with the wife!!!!! So I have the recipe and will try this fall/winter.
  15. Would be great for recharging the cell phone while on the road!
  16. Yay that's a real PIA, going to move it!!!!
  17. Butt ugly is right!! Just don't like the style!!!
  18. And if Harleys where only built by Yamaha!
  19. Good point. But they can also fail. To me it seems a little like 6 of one and 1/2 a dozen of the other. They both have there pros and cons.
  20. Huggy


    Glad to hear it all worked out for you Marcarl! You surely must have a guardian angel watching over you!
  21. Detroit cold use our financial help if we had the International there. SINCE no one wants to come NORTH of the BORDER!!!
  22. It does make sense. But why did they go hydraulic? They could have accomplished the same thing using a cable system.
  23. That's why they mount MG42's on URAL's!!!!!
  24. Your not supposed to run on the tracks!!!!!!
  25. So simply put it just runs through and pushes on the clutch on the other side. Why did they do this instead of doing it the traditional way?
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