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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Nothing goes to waste in our house either!! 5 second rule plus cleanup time. We pick it up back on platter squirt some Redi-Whip over it and its a TRUE upside-down cake! Or place in large bowl and custard Mmmmmmmm. That's really good!
  2. Huggy


    Happy birthday Bob.
  3. I like them, I have one for my XJ750. But you still have to tweak your settings by checking plug color. So its a 6 of 1 and 1/2 a dozen of the other sort of deal.
  4. I don't think you need to worry about the oil filter becoming obsolete. The engine in your car is probably still being put in new cars in one form or another.
  5. There still UGLY!!!!!!
  6. Plugged up air filter or air filter cover could be loose getting to much air. Faulty gas cap resulting in tank not being properly pressurized.
  7. Got the junk ALLLLLL cleaned out of her did ya! I like to throw some Stabil in the tank now and then keeps the carbs clean.
  8. Actually its the dust, dirt and oil mixed together that holds them together! When it gets hard its a glue!
  9. JohnT don't forget to bring the radio stuff! I was going to try and get down for the Pioneer get together but not possible. When Wayne gets back from his trip east we are going to bongobobny's to pick up what's there for me. Perhaps one of the Ontario guys can bring the radio stuff back for me. If not give it to Bob and I'll get it from him when I get the other stuff.
  10. I let them wave first!
  11. Yes the Carb-Tune comes with every thing you need. I love it and never heard anyone having any problems with them, at least not on the XJ forum.
  12. Wizard I'm thinking of grinding it out. If you look at the last picture just after where the fiberglass ends. You will see a black line across the trunk that's where I made the Plastifix repair. I ground it down then did the normal repair then I reinforced it with fiberglass cloth and Plastifix. The rest of the fiberglass you see is excess fiberglass from the PO's repair of the same area. And how's your trip going Wizard?
  13. We could have it in your neck of the woods! And for fun we could tie people to trees and dose them in honey and see who attracts the biggest bear!!!!
  14. I think we should start a "Lets Buy Ground Hugger a New Bike Fund"!
  15. starter button dirty?
  16. JohnT that's why I'm glad I have the XJ to ride!
  17. I have the Carb-Tune love it.
  18. DID you say BLUEBERRIES!!!! My wife makes a mean blueberry bunt cake.......its Soooooooooooooo good it's to die for!
  19. Well that's the way I see Plastifix it idiot proof! If I did it with the ABS MEK mix I would do it wrong and I'd be going down the highway like a Harley. Parts falling off all over the place.
  20. MEK is sold at Spruce Aircraft I picked up a liter just in case.
  21. Canadians DON"T like Harley's!
  22. Going to be really heavy on the tongue of that trailer when loaded! I'd be moving those wheels closer to center!
  23. Ya that's the one I got! Thankfully Aircraft Spruce has an outlet at the Brantford Airport here and its only a 1/2 half hour ride from my house. I mentioned Plastifix on the XJ forum I'm on and holy cow. Did those guys jump all over me about it. They went on about mixing ABS and MEK and using ABS solvent/adhesive also buying crazy glue at the hobby shop. You would think I had attacked their way of life and burned the American flag and was screaming "DEATH to ALL AMERICANS". They went on about why should we use something that's made for aircraft and on and on. I never said their bikes would fall apart or that they had to use it or anything like that. I just said this is what I'm using it great stuff no mess no fuss and that its really made for what we are repairing. And it was a alternative to what was being done to repair the plastics on the bikes.
  24. That's what I originally thought of when I first read the post.
  25. GEEE this is one time I'm glad I live in Canada. We can just throw them in a box and off to Canada Post we go!! No special paperwork at all.
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