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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. That was for the swing arm not the shaft. Fortunately a PO has already done that on the bike!
  2. Huggy

    Go figure!!

    Ya Mike I got her BEAT in that department! I'd like to see her open one!!
  3. Huggy

    Go figure!!

    dacheedah telling you guys about it is bad enough!! I'm sure not going to post pictures of her taking over! And KIC I am starting to feel like you may be right. I think I'll go to my room and cry now.
  4. Huggy

    Need grips!

    Thanks for the offer! Well I just found out I need a replacement for the air hose that comes from the air shock. Not the one at the pump but the one from the shock that connects to the one from the pump. Do you have such a thing? I pretty well have all the main things I need. But I'm sure there are little things that are missing. The bike was partially disassembled when I got it.
  5. Huggy

    Go figure!!

    Ya I figure I should because if I don't she WILL when she meets the other members. So I may as well get it over with now.
  6. I took the rear axle gear case off the bike to check and re grease and I could not get the da*m case off the rim! I tired for an hour to get it to lift off! Then my wife came out to see what I was doing so I showed her what I was doing and said I can't get it apart. Sooooo she looks at it and PUSHES on the wheel with her finger and it FALLS off the case!!!! Well at least she got it apart for me!!!!!
  7. OK all done every thing checked and greased. New oil in the gear case. All OK now! thanks for the input guys.
  8. Sounds like the clutch slave piston is loose that's why you see the bleeder move up and down. You have to remove the smaller rear crankcase cover to get at the screws to tighten the clutchslave piston. When you do this make sure the bike is on the center stand. If its on the side stand oil will pour out. On the center stand you will still lose some oil so have an oil pan to catch it!
  9. Huggy

    Need grips!

    Not a big rush. One must not rush a gift. I'll take the stock ones if you want to part with them. Just send them to bongobobny when you no longer need them. And thank you very much! The carb rebuild and having to replace some of the plastic with new OME parts has been a real drain on the budget. I've been fortunate that the wife keeps saying to get what I need. She could be saying "It cost you what for that!!!!":backinmyday: I hope to have some good parts to pass on to others once I have this rebuild done. I have this thing about keeping my bikes as close to stock as possible.
  10. OK MiCarl will do. I have the molly grease so I'll do that. I cleaned all the little nasty's out of both haves and blew it with air to get rid of them. All the splines are in excellent condition. Going to grease and re assemble. Thanks guys!
  11. Huggy

    Need grips!

    Well I'm running low on funds and need to save where ever I can on this rebuild right now. So new ones at any price is out of the question. There's just too many other things I need to replace right now so I'll have to beg for a few things.
  12. OK I pulled the rear off of my VR. Drive shaft and all. Now how far should I go into the disassembly of it? I need to grease the gears and clean out the oil in the hub. So how do I got about getting at it all. This bike has been sitting for 11 years but nothing is seized nor is it making any noise. On the down side when I drained the oil out of the rear end there was a little bit of water in it and the oil was real nasty looking. Should I be concerned about this? I figure water was due to condensation from sitting so long.
  13. OK does anyone have original grips for the 86 VR? I am looking for 1 or a pair of original grips for my bike. Does anyone have a pair they can donate to my rebuild?
  14. When you pushed the slides up did they go Clunk when they closed? If not then you need to remove them and clean them up. I used carb cleaner and a scotch brite pad to do mine. I also cleaned up the carb where the slides sit. This can be done with the carbs on the bike.
  15. Plugged fuel filter? Is the fuel pump working?
  16. The fact that the picture was taken at night should answer that!
  17. it's not the asking price its the shipping price that's the problem. Especially when the item cost under $10 and will fit in a small shipping envelope and they ask $40 dollars for shipping!!!!!!!
  18. Yes it is directly related to being an international customer. Sellers who do not want to ship international usually jack the shipping cost up to ridiculous prices. Save on them having to answer numerous emails on shipping cost to various countries. I usually send them an email telling them to get real with there shipping and I know for a fact they are ripping you off. Some have come back with a reasonable rate for me with the excuse that that's just a rate they post for OUTSIDE North America.
  19. My wife and I usually wave to bikers while we are working in front yard. Most wave back and a few honk! There are a LOT of bikes passing my place every weekend. In fact more bikes then cages! When cutting the front lawn I always STOP the lawn tractor so they know I'm not going to shoot debree of my lawn at them when they go by.
  20. Huggy

    Hey eck....

    "PROGRAM" but I don't have ticks or flees why do I need "PROGRAM"?
  21. pogpog.com is a video sharing site the same as YOUETUBE!!! No one should make judgments without first investigating what they are objecting to. And I do not have tattoo's but I have a pony tail and a beard and at times the beard gets VERY LARGE and scares little kids and when I am out working in the yard or working on my bikes I wear the most worn and tattered and dirty looking clothes I have and I wear a pair of beat up old slippers, I have TWO pairs of beat up old slippers in fact. And if you didn't know me you would think I was just some homeless old vet who lived under a bridge in an old box. The thing is I just like being COMFORTABLE and my old clothes are nicely broke in when its time to throw them out. I'm retired and I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN what people think of me when they see me. I have lived my life and paid my dues, I spent time in the jungle fighting another mans war because I believed the cause was just, my dog is cranky and so am I at times. But I will give you the shirt off my back, as long as its not my holy one. I will go out of my way to help you and I will do anything for you. But if you are going to judge me because of how I look rather then how I conduct myself then I do not have the time of day for you. “do not judge, lest you be judged”
  22. Got a paid holiday from WORK!!!!
  23. They misspelled "Elves".
  24. We see a few of them go by my place every summer. the road past my place seems to be a mecca for all kinds of bikes. Gas powered and peddle powered! And a number of them thar Ebikes!!!!
  25. An inquiry was done here in Canada a number of years ago, on large charities, as to where the donations went. I was found that with the largest charities 90% of the funds went into operating cost of the charities. 10% went to the causes they supported. They also found that all funds went into the general fund. So if they said they where raising 1o million for a certain disaster and they raised 20 million, the chance of that money going to that particular disaster was very remote. It was sent to what ever the head offices pet project was. And that's why I do not give to a charity that cannot show that it went 100% to whom it was raised for!
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