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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. I meant my front lawn. And the wife wanted to know where Marcarl parked his bike at night! She was disappointed when I told her in the garage!
  2. Need to make up a "PATCH" and have everyone come down and get drunk on the front lawn!!!!
  3. I heard you couldn't handle anything stronger than lemonade! Besides your where driving and there's no way I'd offer that to you!! AND you where too busy buttering up MY woman!!!
  4. Oh my GOD Wizard I missed the part about your father passing in your post! I feel like crap right now:sick:. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  5. Don't get my hopes up!!!
  6. Actually its kind of funny. When she saw MarCarl's bike she said " Look parts for our bike!". And the silence from the mother in-law is kind of nice. She doesn't like my bikes. Odd because the father in-law had owned motorcycles when he was single and just loved them. And bongobobny is the biker leader we are going to visit.
  7. Yes my wife is a really big SH*T disturber!!! After MarCarl left our place after dropping off some goodies from JohnT she tells her mother that he was with the Hell's Angels! But that's not the end of it! Nooooooo she then tells her mother that I'm going down to the States on Thursday with a bunch of bikers from Hell's Angel's!! My mother in law is being strangely quite now and looking at me funny!
  8. Yes a big thank you to JohnT for the radio equipment you have donated to the rebuild of my VR!!!!! It is in fantastic shape and I cannot thank you enough!!! OH yes there was a tape in the tape player and its driving my wife crazy because she doesn't know what's on it!! Also a big thank you to MarCarl for bringing it back for me and dropping it off at my house. My wife and really enjoyed your visit. She'd like a ride on your bike some time!
  9. Wayne your alive!!!!!!! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound. Sounds like you had a very good vacation down east. Looks like I'll be doing an east coast run also in the not too distant future. Youngest boy has been informed by his CO that he will be transferred to CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick some time in the spring.
  10. Is he home????
  11. Shouldn't the save feature be set so that I can check it to save all my sent PMs rather then having to do it for each message. I'm old and I keep forgetting to check the box to save!!!!!!
  12. Bob, MarCarl has it!!! JohnT found him and sent it back with him! :whistling:MarCarl wants to come down on Thursday too. Wish Wayne would get in touch.
  13. OK Wayne and I and it looks like Marcarl are going to see bongobobny on Thursday and need to get coordinated as to what we are doing. Hope all is well.
  14. The line has a cut in it. It's not all the way through but it is through the first layer of rubber, looks like its been pinched at some time. And it also has cracks in the rubber near the cylinder.
  15. Has anyone heard from Wizard765 lately. He was on a trip to the east coast and was supposed to be back yesterday but I haven't heard from him. The last time I head from him was on the 14th. He hasn't replied to my PM's. Hope it wasn't something I said! We are going to see bongobobny Thursday!
  16. Saw the news report. you are lucky to have gotten out of that one in good condition. I'm glad you and the Missus are OK.
  17. Yep.....Harley section coming to a neighborhood near you!!
  18. If anyone finds one for me please PM me! My mailing address has been added to my profile. Please don not confuse with my actual address. We live in a SMALL village and mail goes through a different town.
  19. Is your trailer a camper? Oh yeh nice pic's!
  20. Not me either!! I don't have one!
  21. If you do great let me know how much you want for it and include shipping. If you find it I'll PM you my address so you can work out shipping.
  22. I am looking for a replacement air line for that stupid mono-shock!!! I need the one that comes out of the shock and connects to the one from the pump. Is there a replacement I can get somewhere or does anyone have a good one they don't need?
  23. Is it broken off flush? Also I would spray it with Kroil and let sit. If you have to drill it out get a drill bit with a revers twist, you will have to run the drill in revers . That way as the drill cuts in it may unscrew the broken bolt. Or you can use an easy out.
  24. Ya me to!!!! What they said!!!!!! If they turn definitely air leak, no way they will sync. Try sealing them with RTV so they cannot leak.
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