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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. I can get a new old stock one for $24 off Ebay.
  2. Let me see, since he's American probably "Guns and Ammo"! If he where Canadian it would "Better Homes and Gardens".
  3. Huggy

    Clear coat

    ColorRite, they make paints and clear coat for motorcycles. Go to the following web site this is there Canadian dealer http://www.dpars.com/
  4. And I probably can't sneak it past my wife either! Guess we better just leave sleeping dogs lay!
  5. Video games are for playing in the winter when there's ten feet of snow out side!!!!! I have to ask what are/where you playing????
  6. Maybe you should just put everything in a big crate and ship it up here!!!
  7. Ya makes me feel less depressed when I hear about the grief others have to endure.
  8. Well those are things I was going to have to hunt for so I may as well see if anyone has them. Rather pay a member then Ebay!!!! Just to let you know I don't need anything else......... right now.
  9. May as well, let me know what the damage is!
  10. Still locking for original left grip. I have the right grip now need left one. New old stock $24 dollars on Ebay but then have to wait for metal end for it to come up. So hoping someone here might have one. Here are a couple of pictures of what I'm looking for. Ignore the black ring in the first picture its a wire tie for my 73 Suzuki GT750K.
  11. That's easy we look for it to be harder then it is then we figure the next one will be just as easy and it AIN'T.
  12. Actually JohnT sent me a box of radio stuff including a cassette player and it had a cassette in it. The wife doesn't care for his choice of music! The wife has a whole bunch of cassettes!!!
  13. OK I'm looking for the plastic cover that covers the cassette. I've looked on Ebay but found none. Does anyone have one kicking around they don't need?
  14. That's what you get for poking him in the EYE.
  15. It's gotta be something to do with the new floor he's putting in his place!!
  16. No, There's a short tube about the same diameter as the coolant over flow tube in side the CLASS case. And in the same corner there is a hole in the case and it looks like it belongs there. Does not look like someone added it.
  17. Huggy


    I'd have a stroke right after ate it!! And then they would find me with a smile on my face.
  18. Must be mixed with sea water! In Ontario they just mix it with regular water.
  19. Huggy


    Still not as good as Canadian Bacon!!!!!
  20. I think he means that Canadians like to drink beer and have a GOOD TIME!! Which the authorities here tend to frown on sometimes!
  21. OK thanks for the info. You are probably right as this bike was never garage stored. The radio, cassette, CB unit all look like they have been very wet at sometime. But thanks to JohnT I have replacements for them. The CLASS looks in good shape. But I'm going to look for a replacement just in case its shot from to much moisture.
  22. GilliganJ wrote: "HOWEVER I am not about to waste all this typing with a simple delete key so here is my redundant question in all its glory! (I hope this didn't earn me to many "ignore" ratings!" Maybe there should be a prize at the next IR for who got the most "ignore ratings" for their post from the proceeding year.
  23. Does the controller for the CLASS have an air line attached to it? I had it apart to clean up the plastics and noticed there is a plastic tube inside the CLASS box and there is a corresponding hole in the plastic case is there something I am missing here? All of the electrics were off of the bike when I got it so that's why I'm asking.
  24. Tried to get a picture but the camera self destructed when I snapped it!
  25. How about auctioning off my MOTHER IN-LAW!!!!!
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