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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Huggy

    2nd time I won

    Nope not one bit!!!
  2. Huggy

    2nd time I won

    Being a witness pays better! I got a full days pay from the courts, was only there 1 hour, never had to testify, got a free lunch, full BBQ Chicken meal of my choice, in the restaurant across the street from the court house. also the company I worked for paid me for the day. Made out like a bandit.
  3. Well it's a good thing the wife wasn't mad at you!!
  4. Well now I know where the KFC chickens come from!!!! Those look to be the same size as the ones we get form the local KFC!!!!
  5. Ya, you should have set up one of them game cameras to get some real good footage. You probably could have made some money on Funniest Home Videos!!
  6. Huggy

    Check out my

    Eck NO helmet!!!!! I would probably get a ticket for having a passenger with out a helmet if I did that up here in Ontario!! We have a couple disabled riders in the area who operate their motorcycles from their wheelchairs on a specially built sidecars. That would really turn heads if they put one of the bony guys in the drivers seat!!!!
  7. Nasty just nasty. The police up in Ottawa are just as bad when it comes to motorcycles. A few years ago a driver pulled out of a mall parking lot in front of my brother. He hit the guy right in the front tire my brother went over the hood and the bike, fully loaded HD Roadking, was a right off. The bike was only a year old. The cop never even gave the guy a ticket for pulling out in front of him. It took my brothers insurance company filing a complaint against the police officer to get things "corrected". But my brother says that's a normal situation when it comes to motorcycle accidents in Ottawa.
  8. Not sure where this should be posted. I found this on the web. A must see neat trick for lubing your cables no matter what bike. [h=1][/h]
  9. Tell your girlfriend that you only have to follow Harley's to pick up parts that fall off!!!
  10. Must be something like running over them black walnuts with my lawn tractor!
  11. Waiting with baited breath for those pictures!!
  12. Well an old family saying comes to mind "If it pi##off the neighbors then do it! Because pi##off the neighbors makes it worth while and all that much more fun!!" I come from a long line of sh#t disturbers!! I give this bike a big .
  13. Huggy

    A Sad day!!

    4 banger in the 200 and the Grand Am had the V6 with Ram Air. Hit the gas on the Grand Am and she was gone!! Now the 200 has lots of get up and go but it's no jackrabbit!! Right now my biggest complaint with the 200 is getting in and out. I have to lower the seat to its lowest position or I'll hit my head on the lip from the roof. The roof on the Grand Am goes right to the edge of the roof, the 200 has a 4 inch drop down the side of it to the top of the door. So getting in and out is a pain and I'm only 5'8"!! I can't imagine a 6' person getting in and out of the 200 easily!
  14. Don't forget "Super Man" and then there's "The Cisco Kid" and his buddy "Poncho", " Rin Tin Tin", "Casey Jones", "Davy Crockett", "Gene Autry", and "Hopalong Cassidy". I feel old now I'm going back to bed!! Almost forgot the Lone Ranger and Tonto!!!! Now back to bed.
  15. Huggy

    A Sad day!!

    True I've been working on that car for the last 5 or 6 years. Changed everything from intake gaskets to new struts and brake calipers. I know that car inside out. If I had a car hoist I could probably fix it now too. It was a badly designed car but then again it was fun to drive. And from what I've read about the Chrysler 200, Chrysler didn't want to be left out of the badly engineered auto experience. I guess they are trying to best GM on cars people love to hate.
  16. Huggy

    A Sad day!!

    Thanks for the condolences everyone. Yes it was a very, very sad turn of events indeed. But at least I still have my 83 GMC 3/4 ton p/u to help me over this rough patch. It is in need of a new steering box but if the wife gets to close to it I'll be digging a six foot hole in the bush for her to retire in!! And from what I've read the 200 has a number of problems so we'll see who has the last laugh!!
  17. My beloved Pontiac Grand Am of 14 years has passed away! It was not a pretty passing, it was very messy. She started to bleed slowly at first, I tried to patch her up but to no avail. It got worse, first a little moan then a groan the a blood crude-ling scream and she bleed out and it was over. Just like that, one moment we where happily cruising along then she was gone. I suspiciously think my wife was behind this, she has always been jealous of our relationship. No sooner had she passed and the wife went out and bought a 2014 Chrysler 200!!! I HATE CHRYSLER'S!!! How could she!!! I'm going to keep a close eye on my bike's! Who knows!! She might replace them with an HD!!!
  18. Well it would most likely cost you more to fix the old one because I don't think you would be happy with the repair and then you would have to buy a replacement any way. And I have seen the the plastic go for a lot more. Also you could ask if any of the other members might have spares. A few members have bought parts bikes and may have spares which could save you some money.
  19. Pretty good price. The damage on it looks superficial mostly. And welcome to the forum.
  20. Marcarl has/had one don't know if he ever got it back after the last time he loaned it out.
  21. OK thanks for the heads up on the pads.
  22. :group cheers:I'm sending my MOTHER-IN-LAW to Mars.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I haven't had any of the listed problems with my Ignitech TCI and COB conversion on my 86VR. Idles nicely and no rough spots. Didn't do anything special when I hooked it up. Or is this a pre 85 problem?
  24. I use a 50 cal Muzzle loader. I love the smell of fresh burnt gun powder!
  25. Wouldn't a hammer be easier???? I have a couple, 3 or 4, 6.5 and an 8mm all Swede Mauser's along with some 22's 270 308 and who knows what all stacked in my gun safe.
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