I need to replace my mirrors!! The left side mirror is seized and I cant get it to move no matter what I try and believe me I have tried everything! The right side mirror swivels but is cracked/broken in three places around the gimbal. So if anyone has old mirrors that work and they can spare let me know. The ones I have looked at on Ebay where either cracked OR they wanted a fortune for! This bike is going to be a true "Venture Riders" bike with all the parts I have gotten from the great people on this site.
Apparently the only provinces that sell it are Alberta I believe and Quebec. The stuff is made in Quebec and is only something like 47% proof. Maybe we should make a group buy and do a good ole moonshine run to Buffalo!!!!!!
So did I!!! But then my wife is from Zambia, used to be Rhodesia, and she talks a writes funny anyway, so I have had some practice with this sort of thing.
If you are looking for a tent trailer to pull behind car my son has one for sale up in Trenton. It's in like new condition, has fridge stove and heater but no extra rooms. $900. The reason he's selling is he just bought a fifth wheel trailer.
I could never sell any of my toys!!!!!!! When my wife even hints at it my eyes get all puffy I give her the I'm going to burst into tears look then go to the garage and pout for a while:depressed:. She then calls me a spoiled "BRAT".
My 86 VR did that when I first tried starting it after it sat for 11 years. But once I got it started it did not do it again should I be worried or do you think that It was due to being a little dry from the long sleep. My thinking it's the result of the long period it sat.
Thanks Flyinfool I'll get in touch with him as soon as I'm ready to make the change over. Just spent a bunch of :mo money::mo money: on
parts! And I'm not done yet! Another $200 and I should be good to start putting this thing back together. Once I have that money spent I'll get the parts I need from Skydoc. That will be another reason to go see bongobobny!!! Like I need one.
Freebird is probably right about the Automotive clear coat but ColorRite sells it in a spray can.
Not that I am aware of I know the guys on XJ forum just use automotive clear coat. You could send and email to ColorRite and ask them.