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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. I got socks from Squidley!!!! He sent me some desperately need parts and included socks! How did you know we needed socks Squidley? 3 pairs BUT the one pair does not match! Bummer. My wife would like you to send the MISSING socks please!
  2. I'll be there about the first of November and I'll leave the first of May! Don't want to overstay my welcome don't you know!!
  3. OK Marcarl I checked and there is NO ground cable anywhere going from the frame to the engine! So where would the best place to put it? Can I just take and run a ground cable from the negative at the battery to the frame so that it grounds both the engine and frame?
  4. Soooooo............. I guess I'm in good company!
  5. Can I come live in your shop? I'll bring beer, Crown Royal and a big screen TV!
  6. OK Marcarl will check that! I'm thinking that you may be right. I'll have a look and if it is there I'll clean it up and reinstall. I was also thinking a direct ground or voltage leak from a coil to the frame also. If I have to remove the coil pack what is the best way to do so?
  7. Sugar melts when it gets wet! On the issue of the coil problem. I have purchased a set of used coils from Ebay just in case!! They are from an 89 VR and only cost $34 with shipping. And they come withe the plug leads. I figure at least a couple of them should be good! And the plug wires are most likely better then the ones I have right now.
  8. Well it could be worth a try!! I'll do the wiring if you can tie him down!
  9. Could be a sparrows nest int exhaust!!!
  10. cant do it tonight but will do it tomorrow! I can keep the garage door shut BUT I have a open window and a side door that I can leave open then it will be dark enough to start and check.
  11. OK got the carb sync done BUT!!!! While doing the carb sync noticed a distinctive crack sound when revving up the engine! Wife as usual saw the problem. Its nice to have a set of eyes backing you up. Especially when they question EVERYTHING!!!! Any way at first she saw a SPARK at the top of the carbs. But that stopped when I checked I then noticed the cracking sound was coming from the front right side of the bike, that's right side if you are sitting in the seat. Any way the was a blue spark jumping from the cylinder head where the exhaust comes out to the exhaust head. I'm thinking bad coil as I could not see any shorts on the plug wire anywhere. and that's why no tac unless I rev up the engine! So am I right bad coil?
  12. OK got the carb to all give me synced reading on the Gauges. But the tac is not working properly. Starting a new post for that!
  13. Thanks for the replies everyone. The RPM's you have given me is what I expected for the setup. I'm having trouble getting the tack to give me a reading. It was fine before I started to do the sync but now I have to rev up the engine to get a reading. So It is way out. It was out before now it is worse!! Well going to let it cool down then check for air leaks. The one intake boot from the air filter looks like it has lifted a bit. Having a h*ll of a time keeping them from riding up! Thanks for the link XV1100SE!
  14. OK I've done a search and just cant find the info I need! I want to do a carb sync BUT at what RPM should I be running? What kind of numbers should I see on the gauges? What would the best setting for the fuel/air mixture should I start with?
  15. Well I don't think you will need to beg for help. Everyone here is more then happy to help. I'm fairly new to the forum and I've found the members more then willing to help! There may be times when it feels like it is slow in coming but not all members are familiar with every aspect of these bikes. Be patient, do lots of searches and when you cannot find what you are looking for let it be known that you have searched and you will get your answers. Or at least pointed in the right direction and to the right person who will be more than happy to help! I have been on here a couple of moths and have not been disappointed when it comes to the willingness of fellow members when I get stuck. And welcome to the family!
  16. You have to remove the rear chrome cover on the left side. The slave is between the front cover and rear cover. Rear cover has to be removed to get at it. Also oil will leak out when you remove the cover. Be careful there is a bolt at the bottom of the cover with a copper washer this has to replaced or reinstalled, it is a drain. Best put bike on side stand when removing and replacing the slave clutch. The slave clutch is held in with two bolts. The slave can be a bit*h to get out but it does come out! You might try a search on this as there are pictures in one of the threads on this.
  17. Ya some interesting things there BUT! The prices on some of the so called NOS are ridiculous! Example the HD Flying Wheel cover still available from HD $24 and change. She wants any where from $44 to over $100 for them!
  18. I was too busy munching on the FREE samples to think about "PEPPERETTES" but I did see them and "BEEF JERKEY"!
  19. You can do the job yourself.
  20. Hardley owners are just knuckle draggers anyway!
  21. Well I've managed to get the left side to move so I'm in no hurry to spend more money right now! Will work with what I got and see what I can do with it. Thanks for the offers. Marcarl I left the parts at the store for you. And bought some sausages while there. They are good but need to try the honey garlic before I make any comment as to how good they really are!
  22. WOW Bob!!! Now that is looking good! Nice job!
  23. IhaveabsolutlynoideaastowhatyouareinferingTrader!
  24. Huggy

    I hate NYC

    well maybe the next hurricane they get will just wash it away into the ocean!
  25. Talked to people who have had them and it is really hard on the arms. Your arms get sore really fast I'm told. More for show and effect then practical they say.
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