I can see where there maybe some apprehension about this evolving into a merger. Especially when bringing others into the Venture Rider organization that could water down the whole concept of what this forum is about. This a Yamaha Venture forum and the members have a distinct outlook and feel about motorcycling and its members. You will not find this on any other forum.
This needs to be preserved, we are a family and we help and support each other no matter what. I see no reason for not letting them attend the function as guest as it has already been said the more the merrier. If the subject of a merger comes up it must be made clear that they are welcome as individual members but there will be no merger. The integrity of Venture Riders must be preserved first and foremost.
As a new member I have never felt more welcome on any forum by its members. I for one do not want to see this change, EVER!!!!
That's my two cents and thank you for putting up with my rant.