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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Maybe he's just getting directions!!!
  2. Well the bike was obviously visible and there is absolutely no reason for the trooper to hit them. I doubt if more lights would have made any difference. He was more then likely distracted and NOT watching the road in front of him.
  3. Will do! Thanks!!
  4. OK I need new seals for my brake calipers. So how many "KITS" do I need for each caliper?
  5. I can see where there maybe some apprehension about this evolving into a merger. Especially when bringing others into the Venture Rider organization that could water down the whole concept of what this forum is about. This a Yamaha Venture forum and the members have a distinct outlook and feel about motorcycling and its members. You will not find this on any other forum. This needs to be preserved, we are a family and we help and support each other no matter what. I see no reason for not letting them attend the function as guest as it has already been said the more the merrier. If the subject of a merger comes up it must be made clear that they are welcome as individual members but there will be no merger. The integrity of Venture Riders must be preserved first and foremost. As a new member I have never felt more welcome on any forum by its members. I for one do not want to see this change, EVER!!!! That's my two cents and thank you for putting up with my rant.
  6. The one I have is solid just rusty. A good cleaning is all it really needs. I had old dirty fuel in it. The stuff smelled like kerosene!
  7. That's exactly what I'm thinking of doing!
  8. Bring it on BABY I'll eat anything!!!
  9. That's what I did just got a clean tank off of Ebay. I just have too much work to do on the bike to get involved in tank cleaning and possibly relining. By time I figured out what it could cost in a worse case scenario. I just got another tank and avoided the problems.
  10. I feel for you! Mine did that the first time I started it. Not sure why though. May have had something to do with sitting for 11 years since last started. Who knows. I replaced the drain lines with longer ones. I restarted mine and there was no fuel coming out of the over flow tubes. So other factors where at play, just don't know what. Luckily I only singed the wires for the rear brake fluid level sensor.
  11. I understand what Carl is saying about the big crowds. Don't care form them my self. But on the other hand I understand the reasoning for the expanded get together. It could work if it could be set up to have some kind of venture Riders only get together during the beginning of the meet. Especially for those of us who have only met a few of the members. I get confused enough as it is. Of course it would have to be done in a way as to not offend the Spyder Riders. Perhaps have a few key members of there group there for the whole weekend to see how it is done and have the rest come in as guest for the BBQ and Saturday night entertainment. That way Saturday morning and Sunday can be for the Venture Riders to do there thing. Just a suggestion.
  12. And throws your TV remote in the GARBAGE!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!
  13. You need to see a better doctor!!! I bet the wife isn't happy about it either!!!
  14. Sure would like to give it a try if you don't mind. At least then I'll know if I need to replace it thanks.
  15. Got the signal lights working again. Hazard switch was disconnected!!!! But the headlight indicator and high beam indicator lights still do not work. I think the Reserve light unit is faulty. When I was testing for voltage on the dash bulb sockets I got a 11 volt voltage reading on the head lamp indicator socket. but under a volt on the high beam socket. When I put the bulb back in it cam on. when I flipped the switch from went out and would not come back on when I went back to high beam. Now the odd thing is the indicator light is acting like it is the hi low light indicator light. When I go from low to high it comes on and when I go back to low it goes out! Now here is the reason why I think the Reserve Lighting Unit is messed up. I gave the unit a LIGHT tap and now all I get is a very dim light from the Head light indicator light. Not even enough to be seen when the light is put back in to the case. So what do you guys think replace the RLU?
  16. Thanks, Got it!!
  17. Fuses are all good. Are there any in line fuses that could be a problem?
  18. Ya, there has to be a common factor with it. I've pulled the bulbs and they all look good. I've taken the connectors apart and cleaned them. The Neutral light works and ALL other dash lights work. It's the lights that are controlled by the left hand switch that are the problem. Is there anything in the switch that could be a factor? Going to work on it after lunch.
  19. The head lights themselves work. The dash lights for the head light and signal lights don't. They did the first time I ran the bike but not after that. I'm going to hook up the signal lights themselves to see what happens when I turn on the switch. Should I hear a click from the flasher if they are working?
  20. I'm going to replace all the bulbs in the dash with new ones. Now if the indicators do not work after that what do I look at next? Would dirty contacts in the switch keep the head light indicator from working even though the lights them selves work?
  21. OK I'll have a look at it today and see what I can do. Thanks.
  22. That's what friends are for! At least my feet will be warm this WINTER!!!!!
  23. I'll check that now for the stupid part how do I get at them? Going to clean up the switch also.
  24. Well I got lucky there it was the missing ground wire off the motor! Put one on and fired up the old girl and she purrred like a kitten! The tac worked properly. But I'll have to go back and do a recheck on the carb sync. Also the following do not work on the instrument panel. High Beam indicator light does go from high to low beam Head Light indicator but lights work Turn Signal indicator not hooked up do not hear relay energize So what could be the problem?
  25. Ya, but I think they are for my WIFE! There those ones with the short top that you see the ladies wear!!!! Going to have to have a serious talk with the wife about this one!!!!!!
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