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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. I have managed to LOSE one. Fell down onto the collector and now I cant find it!!!!!
  2. Sounds a lot like the bike I bought!! Owner says 8500KM on it. I paid $450 for it Has sat for 11 years. It now runs after a complete carb rebuild. Breaks have all been removed and cleaned. Clutch reservoir has been cleaned and rebuilt so has the slave. ALL the electrics work. Do I need to replace parts? Yes due to the effects of being out in the weather. BUT I wouldn't do it any other way. This way I get to know my bike inside and out. And since I have another bike I can ride there's no rush on to get it on the road.
  3. Ya Wayne your bike did sound good. BUT I'm not sure I've done the valve shim correctly. It's more involved then the XJ valve shim check. I'm pulling the covers off again and have new donuts ordered.
  4. Well first they will have to take BIG trailer and retrace all the routes they took to get there, then spend at least 3 or 4 days picking up the parts that fell off. And they will also devout 2 two days for finding and trying to stop oil leaks. Then once the trailer gets back from the parts pickup run some one will have to referee the fight that breaks out while they try to sort out who owns what. Then there will have to be a fund raiser for the bail money they will need. Sooooo all told about a week to a week and a half for a MD!
  5. Hey nice site! BUT there is no place for other MOTORCYCLES. What a snob!!!! Harley' ONLY. This is the beginning of the end! I feel realy UN loved now. I'm going to my room and cry!!!!
  6. Definatly goes VROOOMM VROOOOOOMMMMM!!! But I do need to recheck my valve shims! Just not sure I did it right!
  7. OK I'll keep that in mind ALL should be quiet!!!!
  8. OK now that I got rid of the snapping noise, exhaust leak, what kind of noises should I hear or not hear from a running 86 VR? You see my other bike is a 83 XJ750K and it is a noisy bike. If you dont here the tapping of the valves opening and closing they are to tight. So that's what I'm asking. Should I hear any kind of engine noises, should the water pump be quiet or make some kind of sound and how about wine should there be any kind of wining from any thing? I figure the engine will noisier with all the plastic off.
  9. Neither does my wife Flyinfool! I have gone through the same thing with the wife when I've had problems that left me scratching my head when it comes to motorcycle, car, truck or boat motor . She just doesn't get that us men are simple creatures who's main concerns are keeping our toys running, sleep, food, and S#X. As long as all those things are going as expected not much else bothers us.
  10. WOW!!! You are good!
  11. Found this on the XJ site I'm on: http://i.imgur.com/pOn9HhY.png Sound familiar!!
  12. Next time come to CANADA EH!!!!!!
  13. OK ......It is now fixed!!!! Yes it was an exhaust leak! I loosened off the flange nuts and had to push down on the top of the pipe and then tighten up the nut again not no problem!! Thanks for the in put guys!! Now all I need to do is get new tires from the local biker guy. Then I can start to reassemble the bike!!
  14. I's not a matter of if its any good or not! It's the challenge and I don't think a 2 pound d0-nut is much of a challenge!!!
  15. I was just thinking the same thing!!!! I was just outside and I started the bike in the dark and there is no other spark. I'm thinking that when I revve up the engine unburned gas is leaking out a poorly sealed exhaust. Going to loosen and reseal it tomorrow and see what happens! Tanks for the input!!!
  16. OK we have been here already on this but I still get a STRONG BLUE spark when I revve up the engine and let go of the throttle. It has to be due to a bad coil leaking power when the engine is revved. If it increase the power in a normal fashion no spark. But when done fast you get a loud snapping and sparking as you decelerate. I've replaced the plug wires, cleaned up and tightened the screws in the caps. Resistance is good just off 10K either way. Cant see any sparking anywhere except from the engine to the collar on the front right exhaust pipe. Number three cylinder I believe. I'm thinking maybe a problem with the number 3 coil? Any ideas?
  17. I would think that any place that sells air compressor supplies and equipment wold have everything you would need to make one one.
  18. You must be off your meds! Well you are aren't you!!!!!
  19. Well when I order my tires from the local INDEPENDENT bike shop owner here in town. I'm going to ask him if he can make them up for me. He builds custom bikes and custom crash bars for any make of bike so maybe I can get him to make some for the first gens!
  20. Have you ever noticed how Harley riders are really sensitive about the short comings of there bikes? Glad Venture riders are easy going and just roll with the punches!
  21. Good story thanks for sharing. My youngest boy was in Jackmal Haiti right after the earth quake. He was sent there by the Canadian Army to run portable water purification plants to supply the locals with fresh water. The oldest boy was in Afghanistan at the same time getting shot at in his RG-31 Nyala. Similar to the MRAP. Came back safe which was more then can be said for a couple of his friends. Cherish them when they are around as they are in a very dangerous profession!
  22. I'm thinking Spruce Aircraft Canada would have ALL the parts one would need to fabricate a decent looking setup. From what I have seen all you need is fittings for the shocks a splitter for the airlines a 1" dial pressure guage and an air valve.
  23. Huggy

    Water Front Trail

    OK, will do that once I have this beast on the road next summer!
  24. It would be an easy build not much to it.
  25. Try here!! http://www.bieglers.com/Progressive-Suspension-AIR-FORK-BALANCE-KIT-detail.htm?productId=7993150
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