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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. OK what is the proper position for doing a valve check? the Manual says the pistons have to be top dead center. But other members say put the cam lobes 180 degrees opposite the cam shims. Which is right? I have done both and I have come out with the same reading on all the shims except 2. I get a tight 0.16mm where I had 0.15mm before on them. How should I proceed with this with this? I don't want to be to tight on those 2 nor do I want to be to loose!
  2. That's $10 for sure!!!!!
  3. Don't forget the cassette player!!! That's an iconic Venture item to have!! It just wouldn't be a Venture without it!!!!
  4. It's not like they do anything anyway!
  5. Base for gun mounts????
  6. You won't have any money left to put gas in the truck to take anywhere!!!!
  7. If we had a "If you have dropped anything while Riding, working on or even thinking of any thing related to the above and dropping fund." We would be in great shape.
  8. Hey, I'm in the same "boat" ever since I thought of it!!!
  9. Have to look for it I just put "Free Avatars" in my search bar and up they came!! Here's the link http://avatars.jurko.net/
  10. Free one I got online!
  11. It's the one he was hopping for!!!
  12. Huggy


    Well you could always take bike into the stealer! Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  13. Crown Royal Black will do a much better job of it Bob!!
  14. I'm afraid the wife and are are BOTH still there at times!!!!!
  15. Huggy


    That means they should be checked EVERY 30,000 miles!! Not doing so can cause problems if they do go out of speck and are ignored.
  16. ALZHEIMERS for sure!!!!! NOT old age!
  17. Obviously she's still LIVING in the sixties!!!!
  18. I'm saying that there an issue with the radio since that is the only thing that is acting up. Everything else sounds like it is operating normally from what I'm reading and if you had a short of any kind you would be having more then radio problems.
  19. How about "Rehab". As in I sold my Venture and bought a Harley so now I'm in REHAB to find out why I did such a dumb thing!!!!
  20. If you take the broken bolt to your local Nut and Bolt supply outlet and have them replace it with a grade 8 bolt you will be better off then just getting a replacement one!
  21. Everyone is talking about being/feeling old! That's odd because I don't feel old! I have slowed down, but that's because I don't work any more and I don't need to rush to get things done due to WORK interfering with my time. I have the time to make sure things are done right. Like working on my VR. I'm sure a few people figure it should be on the road by now. BUT I have money restraints and I have to watch how much I put into the bike each month. If it weren't for that it would have been finished by now. So I figure if I have it on the road by next summer I'm doing good. But OLD is just a state of mind. If you dwell on being old you start doubting your own abilities. Like being too old to ride, too old to hunt, to old to have a good time. And then you DO feel OLD. The only advantage to admitting your old is to justify why you get to do things first, AGE before Beauty!! Oldest gets served first at the dinner table. Oldest gets to be first in line at the banquets self serve. And of course it works to your advantage when you want to get your kids to do the heavy stuff you just don't like doing! That sort of thing. Other then that I'll always be young.
  22. Now my XJ makes me fell like I'm 17! That thing goes like a bat out of H*ll!!!
  23. Huggy

    Shim Tool

    OK I am getting a shim tool from Marcarl so thanks for the offers guys. Skydoc 17 I'll get back to you on the shim kit once I know what I need. Who knows maybe I can move some shims around!
  24. Yup, the "SS Minnow" keeps coming to mind! Don't go on any three hour cruises!!!
  25. I don't know, the "SS Minnow" keeps coming to mind! Don't go on any three hour cruises!!!
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