Everyone is talking about being/feeling old! That's odd because I don't feel old! I have slowed down, but that's because I don't work any more and I don't need to rush to get things done due to WORK interfering with my time. I have the time to make sure things are done right.
Like working on my VR. I'm sure a few people figure it should be on the road by now. BUT I have money restraints and I have to watch how much I put into the bike each month. If it weren't for that it would have been finished by now. So I figure if I have it on the road by next summer I'm doing good.
But OLD is just a state of mind. If you dwell on being old you start doubting your own abilities. Like being too old to ride, too old to hunt, to old to have a good time. And then you DO feel OLD. The only advantage to admitting your old is to justify why you get to do things first, AGE before Beauty!! Oldest gets served first at the dinner table. Oldest gets to be first in line at the banquets self serve. And of course it works to your advantage when you want to get your kids to do the heavy stuff you just don't like doing! That sort of thing. Other then that I'll always be young.