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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Huggy


    Not yet that's going to be my next step. But I will not be able to get to it until next week. Will be in Trenton ONT and Oshawa starting Friday. I'm going to also pull the carbs if TCI does not pan out and see if I have screwed something up there. Bob I sent Wayne a PM regarding a TCI. I'm holding his sweater hostage! He left it in the back of my car when we came down, found it last week in there.
  2. Huggy


    OK does anyone LOCAL, as in Ontario have a spare TCI that I can borrow? Just saw the price of them on Ebay!!!! If I have to buy a new one I may as well go with one sold by dingy. BUT I would like to try a known good one to see if it helps any first before I spend the money.
  3. OK short of tearing my carbs apart I have gone over everything!!! Done everything possible!!! Now could the carbs themselves cause this problem. I'm kind of leaning to a problem with the TCI what are your, as in anyone who reads this, thoughts on this?
  4. Huggy

    Tank Adhesive

    NO WAY!!! Don't want them fumes getting out!!!! Could cause a fire or something!!!!
  5. what about some products that are sold by members of the forum?
  6. Bob how did they get there? Did someone drain the Alabama Swamps and move the water up to Amherst or did the dig them up and haul the whole lot up by truck? And didn't the people from Alabama know they where missing or where they a gift form Alabama? Or is that a spelling error and you meant the "Obama Swamp"? So many questions and so few answers!!! I'm getting a headache!!!!! I'm going to lay down for a while!!!!!!
  7. Huggy

    Tank Adhesive

    We just weld everything in place so it can't move or come loose!!
  8. ARE NOT!!!!!!!! We just know how to have fun!!! Besides our ICE CREAM is BETTER then YOURS and YOU are JEALOUS!!!!!!
  9. Don't get your hopes up!!! There just telling you that so they don't have to put up with your whining about having to sit with the kids!!!
  10. the reason Freebird disabled it is he didn't want to get band from his own Forum!!!
  11. What free TURKEYS!!!!!!! I'm in!!!!!
  12. Something to do with where do I get to sit for Thanksgiving dinner I think!!!
  13. Just like ours!!! They care so much that they don't think we can make intelligent choices on our own!!! After all if it dont make sense to the goberment you probably shouldn't be doing it!! Or is it if they don't like doing it or are not interested in it then no body should be allowed to do it!!
  14. I agree. I'm going to tear everything apart again tomorrow!!! Right down to the carb!! Maybe I forgot something or put something together WRONG!!! Not like it would be the first time!
  15. Still not getting anywhere will get out the propane and look for air leaks. Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  16. Never mind I found it! Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  17. What is this thing? Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  18. Lost my tach again as soon as I tried to set the vac sync. Could the module that the vac hose goes into be faulty? There is vacuum on the line when the gauge is not working. Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  19. OK in the garage now! Tigtened up #2 and #4 on the engine intakes. Also gave the intake side a little air intakes. Bike started idle at 1000rpm. Afraid to try sync again incase I screw it up again. Will give it a go! Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  20. Going to recheck that also! Going to give them all a little turn and see what happens. Could it be a problem with the TCI? I had this happen when I first got the bike running. Wouldn't idle properly or anything. Left it alone for a day then it was fine. Got the lawn chair out, good day to stare at the bike!!
  21. Condor did that and I agree that #2 is not controlling idle. Prairiehammer will double check all the things you have mentioned! Marcarl you are probably right! Going out side to stare at the bike now! Going to see if that works!!!
  22. Buttt she cooks a lot!!! I don't know it it's edible, but she cooks a lot!!!
  23. RIP --- he veered in front of a car that was coming up from behind. No matter how good we think we are we need to be forever vigilante on the road!!
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