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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Hell where I live the deer are always running cross the road!! Between them and the damn turkeys I don't know which is worse!!!
  2. There just looking for a place to send the excess population that they can no longer find living space for.
  3. My run around bike is 83 Yamaha XJ750K! Damn good machine with lots of getup and go!!!
  4. I don't see a problem with it!
  5. Kemelito if it does not work out for you I may have a carb body you can have once my replacement carbs get here. May be a while. There at bongobobny's place and need to be picked up. The cage needs some repairs so right now I don't dare drive it too far. But once I have them I have no problem with breaking up the set if you need a body.
  6. Your absolutely right Tooch!! The whole reason that she posted the video is to show that no matter how experienced a rider you are it only takes a moment of inattention to get yourself into a whole heap of trouble!
  7. As long as its not a Harley!!!:rotf:
  8. Huggy


    Yup looks like a TAX payer for sure!!!
  9. Huggy


    Get some floor way and shine it up!!
  10. Here is a video of a crash that just happened to a Canadian rider while in Ireland. Very informative.
  11. That's it but it does not say anything about a vacuum restricter in the line. It just shows a one piece hose. And I checked the listing for the 86 VR and its the same part.
  12. Well dingy I'll be wanting one of your TCI's. That is definitely my problem. And the boss, aka wife, say's I can get it!!!
  13. My thought on this is simple. If you REALLY enjoy riding I would not get rid of the bike unless you have absolutely NO alternative. I have been through some really tough times and I so far have not had to let go of anything that I really loved to do. The reason being once its gone you do not have something you love to do that WILL help you get through the rough spots in your life. Your bike is a form of mental therapy, take it away and its one more thing to become despondent over. No don't let it go you still need a distraction to help you get through it.
  14. Yup that will do it!! Probably leaned it way out to get more speed, plus ran a hot plug!!! Been there and have done it when I was just a young'en.
  15. OK guys thanks for the feed back on my question regarding the the MAP vac hose. I have been having problems with getting my bike to run right since I rebuilt the carbs and did the valve shims. I was thinking maybe air leak on that hose. I went over to see Wizard765 today, he had some parts he had brought back for me from bongobobny's. Anyway we figured the problem was probably the TCI. He gave me a TCI he had and I installed it and no luck still had the same problem. But Wayne also lent me his TCI replacement that he got from dingy. I hooked it up and it worked!! Now all I need to do is get the carbs synced!!
  16. I have a 1/4" inch lbs, 3/8" ft lbs and 1/2" ft lbs torque wrenches.
  17. OK thanks, how difficult would this be to replace/repair if needed? They are not on the parts lists from Yamaha!
  18. I'm behaving and being very, very quiet in my dark little corner.
  19. My question is this is the vacuum line from number 2 cylinder to the MAP a 2 piece line or a 1 piece line? I ask because the one on my 86 VR is 2 pieces joined/spliced together with a coupling of some sort.
  20. I think that depends on the dealer you bought the bike from. They usually decide if the repair is going to be covered or not. Usually based on how common the failure is.
  21. POWER GENERATOR!!!!!!! A very large one!!!!
  22. Yup. I usually just try it and see how long the battery last!
  23. Sooooo all we have to do is figure out how to get it project up onto a cloud just like the Batman signal!!!
  24. Thanks for the idea!!!! Now all I have to do is figure out how to get her out of the house and into the garage!!! Oh yes and if the wife finds out, I'm going to tell her it was your idea!!!!
  25. I got to get some kid of heater for the garage!!!!! I don't think I can take another winter in the house with the "Mother In-Law"!!!!!!
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