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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. How did you get the speed and timing right to make contact at the right time???? No matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get it right!! I keep missing!! I hope no one was hurt!!
  2. Peder_y2k Peder_y2k that's why I like the old truck so much!! Nothing on it I can't fix my self!!! I've even replaced ALL the doors, fenders, side panels and tail gate my self! But did get it painted. My wife has a 03 Pontiac Grand Am. Ant that thing has had all kinds of problems. But so far I have managed to do all the repairs on it myself! Everything from engine gaskets to electrical components, side door windows, starter and transmission lines! Now that thing has been a money pit.:mo money:
  3. Son got one. Bow season here doesn't end till end of Dec. I took this season off from deer hunting. Just too busy with the bike and repairs to the car!!!!
  4. AND this is why I love my 1983 GMC pickup!!!! Nothing fancy everything is where I need it and it has everything that a truck needs!!! Ignition switch, wiper switch, head light switch, Wiper switch, heater switch, hi-low beam switch, knob on radio to turn it on and off, and most importantly and handle to roll down the window when it gets hot!!! Everyone makes fun of my old truck but its never in the shop to get this or that little doodad fixed or the damn thing wont run!!! It just runs and runs!!!!
  5. At the last Friday the 13th in Port Dover there was a guy riding his bike naked!!! And he had his helmet on!! And even when we didn't have to wear helmets in Ontario I wore one!
  6. It's only real if you can see it!!! For all you know when the blowing and snowing stops and it may begone!! So was it real or was it not!!!
  7. Anything over 40F is T shirt weather up here!!! But it is never warm enough for the missus!! She's from topical Africa and thinks anything below 80F is freezing!!!
  8. Ya my kids are in the military and think that riding motorcycles is taking an unnecessary risk!!! God where did I go wrong!! My only hope is the grand kids!!!!
  9. Keep neglecting it like that Bob and I'll bring the wife down and rescue the poor cold thing!!
  10. Reality is where I am at the moment!!!
  11. Now that's nice looking!! Congratulations on the addition to the family!!
  12. I HATE you!!!!
  13. How About "OldFartsFoodBikesandBetterHalfs.Org"
  14. Huggy

    Got Rice??

    ONLY in CANADA EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Huggy

    Got Rice??

    Like we need more beer in Canada!!!!!!!
  16. :sign yeah that:
  17. I found if I squint I don't need eye glasses!!!! I know it worked real well when I had my eyes tested at the Dept of Transportation 2 years ago!!!
  18. Speak up Bob I can't hear you!!!!!!!!
  19. Ya I know where you are coming from! The trees next door are pines and they are on the west side of our property which of course is where our drive way is. So we get tons of pine needles, pine cones and all the dead branches on our side of the property line and on our vehicles!!!! All due to the fact that 90% of the time the strong winds comes out of the west!!
  20. I'll come depending on the weather!!!! Are wives guests????? If I ever told her she was just a guest I'd be sleeping in the cold garage with my bike!!!! Of course if I had heat in the garage it could work for me. Would be lot more peaceful!!!!
  21. Ohhhhhh I'm not allowed to leave them up!!! The powers that be say they look sooooo tacky if there are left up!! And my mother in-law thinks any kind of out door lighting is tacky!!!!! And its a real waste of effort, time and hydro!!!! And the Christmas tree should only go up two days before Christmas and come down the day after boxing day!!!! And the old bag hates Christmas music! She takes ALL the fun out of the season!!!!!! It's like living with the Griswalds in-laws. !
  22. You tell em Bob! I'm so busy I had to go push two dead pine trees OFF of my boat shed back onto the neighbors yard!!!! There his trees but hes too lazy to cut down the dead ones!! There on his property! So I sent them back to him!!!!! Hows that for being a trouble maker!!
  23. OK what is the switch you are talking about? Is it a direct replacement of the Yamaha switch? I'm asking as the bike I have does not get as hot as what I've read on the forum before my fan kicks in. What is the temp gauge showing when the replacement switch kicks in?
  24. That's what happens when I hide in the basement away from the cold and snow!!! And the wife and her mother!!! Now I just hope I can survive putting up the DA$# Christmas lights on Saturday!!!!
  25. 4 months. Bought it because the wife is afraid she will fall off my XJ!! Something about how I ride that thing she says. Figures she will feel more secure on on cruiser!:rotf::rotf:
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