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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Has anyone heard from Skydoc? No news is not always good news we are becoming very concerned!!!!
  2. Ya I love it!!! its been around for a few years. It a Christmas classic just like Christmas Vacation!!!!
  3. SUCK IT UP YOU BUNCH OF WHINEY BABIES!!!!!!! This what we call FRESH and just a little nippy out side!!!!!
  4. My son dragged all the cold down with him when he left for Witchata Falls Texas on Friday!! We Canadians are big on sharing don't you know!!!! :snow2:
  5. "Cougar" sounds like a good nick name for the wife!!!! What do you think Bob?????
  6. SURE!!!!!!!
  7. He's sending it UPS so that all the parts that fall off stay in the box so can find them!!!!!
  8. He's also going to Savannah, Barksdale AFB, LA from mid February to Mach 1st this year.
  9. Ya the Road King is a nice bike! that's what my brother rides!! BUT I can't get past the upkeep cost on them things!!!!! He road his down from Ottawa to my place one time and had rear tire go on him. By time he replace the tire it cost him $500!!!!!! They sure know how to charge for HD service!!!!!
  10. To me building a bike to look at is a waste of time and money!
  11. Seen one like it, gun and all, a couple years ago at the CVM rally in Paris Ont.
  12. Ya and more white stuff coming tomorrow!!!!!
  13. "Will it ever be over"...........NO NO NO NO it wont!!!!!! :bang head: :bang head: :bang head: :bang head:
  14. How did you get the anti gravity device to work? I could sure get a lot more in my garage if would share your secret!
  15. Knowing him he'll hit both places!!!!!!
  16. Juniors going to Wichita Falls in Texas for two weeks. Starting tomorrow. Actually he is going to Shepard AFB for some training. Is there anything to do there??? The older boy was at Fort Bliss in Texas for a number of months before he went to Afghanistan. There was LOTS to do in El Paso!!!!!! Mostly eating big steaks and calling his wife to be when he got drunk and telling her about the lap dancers!!! Not one of his brighter ideas!!!!! :rotf: :rotf: And he got me a tarantula in a big chunk of plastic!!!
  17. Only if you wear wooden shoes!!!!!
  18. Sure someone didn't have a fish fry while you where away!!!! No hydro so got a new generator for Christmas and a game for the PS3.
  19. Huggy


    Anything over 50 degrees is beach weather in Canada!!!!
  20. Boxing Day is an old English custom. It's the day after all family and friends have gone home and you BOX your kids ears, or tan their hides, for being brats on Christmas Day when family and friends where visiting!!:bang head:
  21. dingy you nailed IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. That's for sure, you'll be lucky if you can get it running and out of the garage!!!!
  23. Ya our power finally came back on! Not all bad I got a new generator!!!!
  24. Sooo......do you look like Santa?
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