Ya the Road King is a nice bike! that's what my brother rides!! BUT I can't get past the upkeep cost on them things!!!!! He road his down from Ottawa to my place one time and had rear tire go on him. By time he replace the tire it cost him $500!!!!!! They sure know how to charge for HD service!!!!!
Juniors going to Wichita Falls in Texas for two weeks. Starting tomorrow. Actually he is going to Shepard AFB for some training. Is there anything to do there???
The older boy was at Fort Bliss in Texas for a number of months before he went to Afghanistan. There was LOTS to do in El Paso!!!!!! Mostly eating big steaks and calling his wife to be when he got drunk and telling her about the lap dancers!!! Not one of his brighter ideas!!!!! :rotf: :rotf:
And he got me a tarantula in a big chunk of plastic!!!
Boxing Day is an old English custom. It's the day after all family and friends have gone home and you BOX your kids ears, or tan their hides, for being brats on Christmas Day when family and friends where visiting!!:bang head: