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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. The worst thing is the boys step-father died of lung cancer last summer so this has been extremely hard on his mother.
  2. I was talking to my son to day and he told me that his wife's younger brother, 21 yrs old, has been diagnosed with Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET). Its a childhood brain cancer which is more serious for young adults then young children if they have it. He has had surgery and they where able to remove 90% of the tumor. The tumor was/is behind his eyes and he has diminished vision and motor functions as a result of the tumor and surgery. As of Dec he has been in remission but the prognosis is not good. If/when the cancer comes back it will be terminal. Right now they don't think the remission will be a permanent thing just a reprieve from the inevitable. He seems to be handling it well. Please say a prayer for him when you go to bed tonight. Thank you all.
  3. WHAT, no picture of the dead ELK!!!!!!
  4. Keep safe guys and enjoy the snow. I wish we would get a good old fashioned snow storm!!!
  5. I blame the Canadian Dollar AND our EX prime minister Harper!!!
  6. You could always come to Canada and claim your a Syrian Refugee. You'll get everything for free then!
  7. Geeee Bob I wish I could go with you!!!!! And every-time the weather forecaster here says we aren't getting any we get dumped on!!
  8. So who is getting that big snow storm down in the US east coast and what have you done to survive it?
  9. I found that it would cost me more to buy the parts locally then to buy the set Skydoc sells. And the dealer I buy from was giving it to me at near his cost. Needles to say I bought Skydoc's set even with shipping and exchange his was cheaper.
  10. Keep your shoes on, we don't want you smelling up the place!!
  11. Best eating fish Walleye, pearch, small mouth bass, then your trouts and salmon! And just for good measure if you like the taste of mud, CATFISH!
  12. This is what he picked up for $5000 in Nova Scotia. Had it shipped to Ontario for $600.
  13. My brother found his on Kijiji.ca, same as craiglist, his is a 51 that he picked up for $5000.
  14. Sounds like it to me!!!
  15. That's the no passing post for the curve ahead on the road.
  16. Ya Puc I have a problem with being politically correct OR diplomatic when I think/say something. I kind of let the chips fall where they may and the He$$ with the fallout.
  17. He does look like a Dutchman!!
  18. I'm surprised you didn't suggest that he try licking it. But then again I'm sure if you told some college kids it was a fraternity entrance ritual you could get them to do it.
  19. Flyinfool your machinery works fine!! I just can't figure how 10 inches works out to less then 5CM! That's how much snow the Weather Network keeps saying we got!!
  20. That's all fine and dandy! As long as my better half has no say in picking it!!!!! I know the ones she would suggest wouldn't be allowed on a family site!
  21. I would like a fairly new Suzuki Intruder with the insurance paid up for life.
  22. I know people who say that about us who ride bikes!! To each, his own.
  23. No disrespect BUT I'm going to dig him up!!!
  24. Bah Humbug!!!
  25. BUT does it run???
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