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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. The bike wine is there to do two things!! 1 To keep you from falling asleep while riding! 2 To warn everyone you are on the road!
  2. Well from what I've seen government agency's only run like a Swiss watch is on the weekend when there's no one in the office to screw things up for the rest of us!!! My brother works for the government and he spends his work day on eBay looking for bike parts for his Hardly!!!!
  3. If all the SPECIAL people, which is pretty much everyone on this site, didn't come here we would all have to go to one of them government facilities for the SPECIAL with rubber walls!!!
  4. From the amount of time you spend on the forum during working hours I think you are way OVERPAID already!!!!! Just kidding!!
  5. We have the means and the will and we will not let this thread die without a fight!!!
  6. That figures CARL!!!!!! I have a set of Kendas on my XJ. For me it all comes down to best handling and mileage vs cost. And thanks for ALL the suggestions!!! Now I'll have to weigh the advantage vs mileage on the tires suggested.
  7. AHHHHHH......The subconscious mind finally reveals what your heart really desire!!!! Of course you know the only way to remedy this nightmare you are living is to do the right thing get rid of the Vic, ugly bike, and get the RSV. Even better replace it with a VR!!
  8. Sounds like my ol 83 truck!! It does this when there's no fuel in the bowl. My other bike, the 83 XJ750K, does this when it has sat for a week. Again no fuel in the bowl.
  9. What?????
  10. Sounds familiar.........
  11. OK looking for tire suggestions for my 86 VR. Front and rear.
  12. Bet you get MORE snow tonight Bongobobny!!!!!
  13. Waiting till Thursday to get the o'l XJ out. Weather supposed to be real nice. Getting things cleaned up a bit around the yard first. Taking down outdoor Christmas lights and some decorations for the boss!!
  14. You got that right Dragonslayer!!
  15. Huggy


    WHY, Because that's why!!!!!!
  16. HAW, HAW, we didn't get any. If it weren't for the wind yesterday was really nice out here and to day is even better!! Seen a number of bikes go by already this morning!!!!
  17. Huggy


    Going up to 20C here on Thursday they say. Might be a good day to get the XJ out and ride up to the DQ!!!!!
  18. How much cash, US $ only, will you pay me to stop posting?
  19. Well look at what happened when they brought in prohibition. Everyday street thugs became rich millionaires by supplying the demand for illegal booze. Then they repealed prohibition and guess what it put an end to the demand and most of the booze lords disappeared those that didn't moved on to selling drugs and other means to make there money. Well legalizing drugs is not going to stop its abuse BUT it will put an end to those who deal in drugs strictly to make there fortunes just like it did the bootleggers. Tax it but not so heavily to make it cheaper to buy from the dealers. At least with taxing it you now have the funds to pay for the looking after the users which are now sucking money out of the taxes we pay. Right now the cartels have a monopoly on the drug trade. Well take that away from them. And like I said use the money to treat the addicts and educate. Education with undisputed fact not fear mongering and false claims. When you do that and proved wrong everything else you say is questionable. And face the fact that like booze soft drugs have a different affect on different people. Some WILL go on to harder drugs but most won't just like not all social drinkers become alcoholics. Our provincial government took oxicotin off the market due to its abuse. Well all they did was punish those who legitimately need it to control sever pain. And they created a huge money maker for the drug dealer. Those who are abusing the drug where buying it for $5 tablet before the government stepped in now they are selling it for $100 to $150 a tablet. The only people they are helping are the drug dealers the government is making them rich. And it is now coming in from other provinces and now more drug stores are being robbed by addicts looking for it. Ya the government is really winning the war on drugs. What a load of bull$#t!!!!!! No one can legislate stupidity out of existence. Laws didn't work to stop people from drinking booze and it wont work on drugs. LEGALIZE IT, TAX IT, JUST LIKE BOOZE AND CIGARETS AND MOVE TO THINGS WE CAN CONTROL!!!!! I'm really sick of self-riches people who think that the world is black and white. Well it aint!!!! Deal with it!!! That's all I have to say on the subject. And if I upset anyone TO BAD!!!
  20. According to my wife everything I bring home is junk!!!! I have a 73 Suzuki GT750K that I dragged home a couple years ago that still not finished. But in my defense it wasn't much more then a frame, motor and wheels when I picked it up!!! For some reason the worse the condition and the cheaper it is the more I'm likely to buy it!!!!!
  21. Also good when you drop parts down into the depths of the auto/truck engine!!
  22. It sunny out and everyone needs to LEAVE NOW!!!
  23. Ya, Canadians are just the TOUGHER Americans!!!!! ALL the wimpy ones move south because they weren't tough enough to deal with black flies and snow!!!!!
  24. Defiantly amused!!! But there's still the question about your mental state/stability that has NOT be addressed!!!!
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