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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Huggy


    This winter I slipped, on ice, and fell on the steps out back of the house and hurt my shoulder. Actually I slipped on a step and came down on my left elbow jamming my arm up into my shoulder. It has been quite painful since and not getting any better. So to day I went to the doctor and he confirmed what I already suspected. A torn rotor cuff. He thinks its only a partial tear but we wont know until I have an ultra sound and get ex-rays. I think they will have to do a MRI also. But the worst part is I'm left handed and its my left shoulder I injured making it hard to use tools. But the doctor said if I'm lucky all I may need is some shots in my shoulder. This being Canada this is going to be a long drawn out affair, BUT on the bright side it wont cost me anything! Except maybe a riding season!!!
  2. I think my older brother is a Queen!!!!!
  3. My wife put a curse on you for not coming by on the weekend!!! So be afraid!! Be Very afraid!!
  4. Ah you beat me too it! I was looking for this thread when you posted!!!!!
  5. Flyinfool I was told by a little bird that you would need at least ten years of solid sleep to help you AND that was probably not going to be long enough!!
  6. It took you a looooooong time to come up with that story !!!!! Carl!! Carl!!! Is he telling the truth???
  7. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!! let is snow! Let it snow!!! Let it snow!!!!
  8. True BUT I think they just might need a reminder!!!
  9. Bobs got a frog caught in his throat!!!! Or is it a Canadien???????
  10. Calling us Canadiens is a real war starter if I ever saw one!!!! Them Yanks are really cruising for bruising if you ask me!!!
  11. SOooooooooo....Sadlebums tooo good to come visit is HE!!!!! I wont forget THAT and Wait till I TELL the WIFE!!!! HE WILL PAY DEARLY FOR THIS!!!! And I MEAN DEARLY!!! AND yesterday was a FANTASTIC day I even got the OLD XJ out and cleaned her up and ready for the road!!!
  12. Huggy


    Because my mother in law is one of THEM!!!!!! ACK ACK ACKKKKK!!!!!
  13. BUMP..BUMP...BUMP...oh it must be a flat tire!!!!!
  14. I bet after having pizza and beer it will smell like a septic tank!
  15. I see the Canadian Governments CANADIAN revenue service, site for filing income taxes here in Canada, has a bug in it. I'll have email my brother to find out if HE wrote the program for this one! Hes a Software Engineer with the Government.
  16. Huggy


    FLEAS!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE FLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. So Dragonslayer what did you find out about the world wide I didn't do it email??????
  18. You got to be nuts to drive in TO period!!!!!!
  19. Some how I just can't fathom the words government and work in the same sentence with out a great big LOL.
  20. GO DO SOME WORK ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!! It is Good!!
  21. Huggy


    WHY!!!!! It's been a long hard winter and it has not been good one for ME THAT'S WHY!!!!!!!!!
  22. Are we still Alive????
  23. HEY I was just Kidding!!!!!!!!!
  24. WIN me over!!!! I never attack, I just enlighten!!!!!!!! I posted an observation!!!!! Besides someone needs to !!!! And who ever said I had to be right? OR Smart! OR intelligent! Or even knew what the H#LL I was talking about!! Ya you probably did!! I'm going to take my meds and go sit in the corner for a while. The wife says I'm a bad boy and have to take a time out!!!
  25. Good luck with the surgery!!! Had microsurgery a few years ago on my right knee. They went in at three different spots on my knee. Really can't even see where they went in anymore. I was sore for a couple days. First day was the worst but after that I was good to go. I milked it for about two weeks. It was fun having the wife waiting on me hand and foot for a while! The only problem I had was when I went up to visit my son and his family I slipped on his stairs, house coat caught on a nail, and bent AND twisted my knee when I went down. The one thing my doctor said not to do. So instead of only taking a moth or two to heal up properly it took almost a year!! So be careful and listen to your doctor!!!
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