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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. IT!!!! Must survive at all cost!! For all we know our way of life may depend on IT!! If IT dies we could lose everything we have worked so hard for!!!!!
  2. We'll have to tie her down. They cant operate till NEXT Wednesday! They are concerned about a number of issues. Her age the severity of the brake and she has a skin problem. Her skin is extremely thin and she bruises and bleeds big time with the slightest bump! So they are concerned about her ability to heal after surgery. So they want to make sure ALL the right people are there when they do the surgery.
  3. Sounds like my weekend!!
  4. The wife and the old girl will be glad to hear that. And figured there was a reason like that for the local doctors to send her there. I should of went with them to see if I could get something done with my torn rotor cuff!!! I wont be riding or doing much of anything else until it gets taken care of!!!
  5. Ya, you got that right Wizard!! The old girl is 82 and is really having trouble dealing with it!! And its a really bad break and the surgery to repair it is quite involved!!
  6. Now that was close, it slipped to the second page!!!!! We nearly lost it this time!!!!
  7. Thanks all she is off to St. Joseph's Hospital in London Ontario to see the specialist, orthopedic for her elbow and plastic surgery surgeon for her broken cheek bone. I wasn't allowed to go because someone has to be here to field the phone calls from family and look after Killer. And I don't think my wife trusted me to take the old girl to the Right place!!!
  8. The last word would be Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:whistling:
  9. Well we have the old girl home right now BUT we are waiting for a call from the specialist. She still has to have surgery on her elbow. And a plastic surgeon has to have a look at her face. My wife thanks everyone for the prayers and good wishes for her mother. .
  10. My G*D it worse then buying a Hardly!!!!!! Forgive me for my outburst I just think those things are Three Bag ugly!!!!
  11. Must be a HARDLY and he's ashamed to tell us!!!!!!! :rotf:
  12. OK this morning my mother in law came rushing in from church and tripped on a throw rug and did a face plant on the floor. She managed to brake her glasses cutting her face above her right eye. Due to her inability to move much and the fact she was in a lot of pain we called the 911 for an ambulance. Shes 82 and not in very good health. So we did not want to try and move her. Anyway ambulance guys came checked her out and got her moved around and took her to the hospital. Any way her good for nothing son was supposed to come for Easter dinner. That's why the mother in-law was rushing around. Any way mother in-law has stitches above right eye, hair line crack in cheek bone, and a broken right elbow. They cant do surgery until Tuesday and our youngest boy is getting married on Friday and we are supposed to be there on Wednesday to help out setting things up. What a week!!!
  13. BECAUSE!!!! I SAY SO!!! SO THERE!!! NA. NA. NA.
  14. Hmmmmmm ...... maybe I'm going to have the LAST word on this one!!!!!
  15. Thanks cowpuc. Wife called from the hospital, so far her mother has stitches in cut over right eye, broken right elbow and probable broken cheek bone and/or broken bones around eye socket.
  16. Hell if I got one of them I'd have to listen to the wife all the time!!!!
  17. My mother in-law got one!!! But not the kind you would want!!!! She came rushing in from church and tripped over a throw rug!!! Landed on her face broke her glasses and cut her eye. Its all swollen up! We called an ambulance. And now she is off to the hospital!!!
  18. On the left!!!! Can't have any right leaning bumps on my road!!!
  19. You know what, I don't care how the passenger FEELS!!! Once they get on the back that's there problem!!! They should have known BETTER then to get on with me, just my wife!!!!!
  20. Happy Easter every One!! PS I'm getting hankering for some ROAST RABBIT!!!!
  21. BUMP!!!!
  22. No ones allowed to come in my driveway unless they make a left turn off the road!! Don't want anyone one leaning to the right HERE!!!
  23. I think Bob invited us all for a PARTY at his house next WEEK!!!!!!!! :group cheers::group cheers:
  24. Bob why is it warmer there then here? OH....This may belong in that other thread!!!!!!
  25. Huggy


    I didn't know you had any to lose!!!
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