OK this morning my mother in law came rushing in from church and tripped on a throw rug and did a face plant on the floor. She managed to brake her glasses cutting her face above her right eye. Due to her inability to move much and the fact she was in a lot of pain we called the 911 for an ambulance. Shes 82 and not in very good health. So we did not want to try and move her. Anyway ambulance guys came checked her out and got her moved around and took her to the hospital. Any way her good for nothing son was supposed to come for Easter dinner. That's why the mother in-law was rushing around.
Any way mother in-law has stitches above right eye, hair line crack in cheek bone, and a broken right elbow. They cant do surgery until Tuesday and our youngest boy is getting married on Friday and we are supposed to be there on Wednesday to help out setting things up. What a week!!!