No problem Bob I'll bring them down!!! Now someone needs to get them closer to me. I can pick up if they can get them to Hamilton, Kitchener or Brantford!!
Well empty gas tank remove petco*k. Disassemble, clean and grease up with lithium grease. put it back together turn to reserve and leave it there. turn from off to reserve one a week to keep it operating. I do this every week to keep it operating properly.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
I'm away for a few days and you guy's, and gal's, are trying to have IT assassinated!!!!!!
What is this world coming to is nothing sacred!!!!!!!
Well made it back from the youngest boys wedding on Friday. His new bride is a really nice girl! She hunts, fishes and supports his military career. She sees it as a great adventure. And here are a few pictures of the happy couple!!
WE must be responsible when dealing with IT!!! IT is too important to let die!! IT must be nourished and pampered and encouraged so that IT reaches IT'S full potential!!!!!!!
Oh.... I thought you where looking for some possums!!!!!! I was going to catch the three in the back yard and send them to you. And they're DAMN cranky!!!!!!