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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. I'm trying to offend as many people as I can!! And my wife says I'm doing a really good job of it!!
  2. Good case of what??? Rye, bourbon, beer, STD, vodka, gin, rum??????
  3. Huggy

    The irony

    Well at least in Ontario the last car in the line is at fault. Here if you rear-end a vehicle and it rear-ends one and so on your insurance is on the hook for ALL the damage. I know, my mother's insurance got nailed for the repairs to 4 cars because she was the last one in the row.
  4. Hey puc have you thought of getting your own ultra-sound machine? We have one here and it's been a real help. We also have a tens machine. We had a physiotherapist coming in or the wife's mother and since she could come in only every two weeks we bought our own and she said they are quite good to have as long as you use them properly. Of course she gave us instructions on how to use them, when where and for what and for how long each time.
  5. I'm tooo lazy to take pictures!! That and our camera is a piece of CRAP!!!!
  6. This was taken in Ottawa Ontario on Tuesday, a Mercedes Smart car conversion.
  7. Read the post in the Watering Hole!
  8. You just gave me a massive headache with that post!!!! My head was aching so bad that by time I finished reading it I had to take some painkillers get a drink of rye and go lay down for an hour!!! Hope your happy!
  9. Thanks for the kind words and prayers.
  10. OK, thanks for the reply puc. Looked up Dupuytren's trigger finger. Never heard of it, very interesting. My wife just suffers from regular trigger finger. After reading about it glad to see your recovering so well. Interesting video.
  11. I need a new TV, BUT my wife wont let me have one!
  12. OK I have to ask, what happened to Cowpuc's hand? I know I've not been on a lot lately but can't figure out how I missed this one! Also glade to see that you are getting better. I'm the last one who should be saying anything about listening to doctors or therapist so I wont. I never do and it will probably be the death of me.
  13. Mines going to say GONE TO SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA getting tired of all the bones being sore every time the weathers going to turn cold.
  14. I hate the Victory it's the ugliest piece of SH*T on the road!!! Now do you feel better??
  15. Everyday is COUCH day when your retired!
  16. Sooooooo......Who wants to go to Bob's place and have a BIG party while he's in Texas??
  17. I upgraded when it came out. NO issues in fact my computer works BETTER with Windows 10!!
  18. Been so cold here the last couple days the coyotes have knocking on the door wanting in for night!!
  19. If I don't remember what it was I forgot to do I figure it wasn't all that important anyway and if it was someone will remind me so I no longer worry about what ever it was I was supposed to do since it really didn't need to get done anyway.
  20. Well in my opinion the only danger I see is if the kid trys to take it out on his own. It may not happen for a few years but as soon as he can reach the shifter he will ands that's where the trouble starts.
  21. I'd need a side car, and I can't afford a side car for my dog. She weighs just as much as the wife!! Now if I can just train her, the dog, to sit behind me I'd be all set! There's just no training the wife, been trying for years and it just hasn't worked out!
  22. If we had any cents we wouldn't live in this frozen, snow covered wasteland and we would move some nice warm place.
  23. Huggy


    I thought the moral of the story was ALWAYS be in FULL uniform when you sneak off the base!
  24. Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. I lost both of my parents to cancer and it's something i would not want to see any family go through. I think the not knowing which way this is going to turn out is worse then anything. We are all being positive about the out come and are urging him to fight this with all his heart and soul.
  25. I think Al was better. Humming bird has no story. But Al, now there was a tale to be told!
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