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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Wayne if you want to go this week we can do it. :backinmyday:Of course that depends on Bob's agenda for the week !!!
  2. A little bit of chewing gum and tar would have fixed that little nick fine!!!!
  3. Wayne you pick a day!!! I have no day I can't go!!! I'll get to your place an we can take of for Bob's place. And thanks!!!!
  4. Or would like to? This is for our SW Ontario members! I have some stuff I need to pick up at Bob's. The problem is right now I can't trust my car to make the trip and buying a new one this year is not in the cards. We just put out $4000 plus for a new heat pump and just found out we need to replace windows on the house. The ones on it now are wood construction and are starting to rot. So I'm willing to pay gas and lunch/supper for anyone who would be willing to take me down. Normally it would not be a big deal. As Carl or Wayne would normally bring my stuff back but this time I have a couple large items that will most like need to pay duties on. A 1 hp mill head motor and 3/4 hp lathe motor. So if anyone is interested let me know. Worse case I'll have rent a car for the trip.
  5. GOD by the looks of that list I've been old a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I don't remember any music from the 70's
  7. White Rabbit.
  8. OK Bob that's another option we can look into. Gary N, checked with Canada Customs and the powers that be and due to age, over 15 years old, all that's required is a "Vehicle Import Form 1" to bring it into Canada. It looks like they are out to make it more difficult to bring newer cars from coming into Canada. Particularly from private sellers.
  9. OK the guy is willing to hold the bike for a month while we make sure we can bring it into Canada and arrange for transportation.
  10. My brother is well versed in the ways of Canada Customs. He is constantly bringing parts and a few bikes in from the US as well as taking things over there. He also works for the Federal Government and has contacts in Canada Customs. So he will make sure he can get it across and keep it here before we buy.
  11. RIDE, anything under 40%chance is like no rain is going to happen!!!
  12. John WE will keep that in mind! And we will let you know what we are doing. A year ago I would have just jumped in the car and drove out to Sturgis and took it apart and threw it in the trunk and brought it back. BUT I've had so much trouble with the car this year I have to think twice about even running down to bongobobny's place!
  13. OK the bike is located just outside of Sturgis SD. What we will probably do is buy it and work on getting it home later. There wouldn't happen to be a member out that way who could store it in there shed or garage for a month or two would there??? The plan is simple. The bike only weighs about 175 lbs. So we get it to NY state then take it apart and bring it across as parts. Even if we do it in 2 trips or use 2 vehicles. It's going to go in for a professional rebuild.
  14. OK, my brother and I are looking at purchasing this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Harley-Davidson-Other-1950-Harley-Davidson-Model-125-Hummer-/131214520544?forcerrptr=true&hash=item1e8cfeb0e0&item=131214520544&pt=US_motorcycles Now the question is getting it to the US Canada border. We are also looking at this, [ame=http://www.ebay.com/itm/251539103148?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT]http://www.ebay.com/itm/251539103148?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/ame] which is the headlight and stuff for it. The problem is that the headlight assemble is for local pickup only. He will not ship anywhere period!!! The bigger problem is we only have $500 to cover the cost of getting it delivered to either Buffalo, Waterdown or Ogdensburg NY. Any ideas or suggestions on how we could do this??
  15. IT'S A TOAD!!!!!! Not a BULLFROG !!!!! :bang head::bang head: THIS IS A BULLFROG!!!!!!!
  16. Got an email from my youngest, in Romania, he's helping some USAF boys setup a fuel farm for there aircraft.
  17. Huggy

    PC help

    Also disconnect and reconnect the network cables for the router etc.
  18. Tell her to get OFF!! Sent from my Q5 using Tapatalk
  19. Huggy

    Sad Day

    Sorry for your loss our thoughts are with you and your family. Sent from my Q5 using Tapatalk
  20. Broke it already have you! Oh wait its a snowmobile!!! They always need something fixed/upgraded!!!!
  21. I'd get one for the wife and her mother!!!!! How much shopping could you get in one of them?
  22. Guess I'll ride to the end of the driveway and back to the garage!!
  23. I believe the tranny issue was fixed midway through the 85 production run. I'm sure someone will jump in with the exact Vin number when change occurred.
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