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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. Well, that explains the strong smell in Carl's garage!!!!!
  2. Yes, Bongobobny taught us well!!!!!!
  3. Oh, should I say! I don't want anyone thinking there way was best do we??? And going NA NA NA NA NA to the others do we? Sure we do!!! I tied down the handle and BEAT the S&*T out of all the connections and the proportioning valve, then the brake calipers, then the master cylinder. Then left it over nite now it's OK!!! Oh yes I used a rubber hammer!!
  4. OK brakes are good!! Now Carl if you would like to come down sometime to do a carb sync I'd have no problem with that!!!
  5. I'd be contacting your insurance company about the tow truck driver dropping the bike. File a claim for additional damages buy the driver. They are liable for any additional damage they cause. Glad to hear you are alright!!
  6. Yep!
  7. Carl your OLD ..... I mean really OLD, your so old you had to get a third wheel to get around!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!
  8. Well we have pumped it many times already. I will give it another try today and see if there is any movement.
  9. I had it tied all the way. Will try half way. No plastic on the bike so I'm safe there. I'll try your method if I have no luck with Wizards.
  10. I may/will give that a try!!
  11. No pressure either way! But the brake fluid has no problem pumping through the system and no bubbles!!
  12. Sure Carl, the boss has been helping me up to now! And I refuse to go any further on the bike until I get this done!!
  13. I HAVE seen bongobob's trike!!! In fact I even helped put new WHEELS on it a few weeks back!!!!
  14. OK I have Skydoc_17's brake delink kit installed but can not get any pressure on the front brake leaver. I get no bubbles out of the bleeders just pumps brake fluid right through the system. Now everything's been cleaned and fixed, rebuilt and the rear brake works like a charm! So what could be wrong?
  15. OH it would!!!! And I was thinking the same thing!!! Can that get me trouble?????
  16. Sounds to me like Carl's needs us members to come up and do an "Official Venture Rider's" taste test!!! I figure a minimum of 15 or more members should do it. After all with all that braggin about "Carl Burger's" he needs to put his burger's where OUR mouth's are!!!!! :witch_brew:
  17. My interest is in the ones that are mounted in the furnace. I have read many reviews and have not found any negative feed back on there ability to do as claimed. The only negative comments have been in regards to construction of some but not effectiveness.
  18. Actually ALL addons ARE personal property and you do have the right to remove any item that they will not pay for!!
  19. Puc, there is not enough money in ALL of North America to get me to eat at a Burger King!!!! I've been known to go miles out of my way just to avoid them!!!!!
  20. First of all remove ALL aftermarket parts!!!! Your Ins Company is only going to pay you for the bike as it was BEFORE any parts where added!!!!! How bad is the bike? Is it repairable? It may be cheaper for you to do a by back and fix the bike with the rest of the money!! Just something to think about!!! Glad you are not hurt!!!
  21. Big Tom, Canada's two greatest invention's "POUTINE" AND "CANADIAN BACON". We call it peameal bacon in our neck of the woods. What we call Canadian bacon, where I come from, is more like a round ham and we also fry it. Of course where my family comes from would be equivalent to the US back woods in the Ozark's.
  22. We have central air and the fan is set up to run constantly to circulate the all year round and it does nothing to stop mold growth in the furnace. Mold was found in ares where the air flow is not in direct contact with surfaces in the pipes. Mold in central air systems is a common occurrence and it has been suggested a UV air filter is the only way you can combat it. Just hoping there was someone on the forum who has actually used them.
  23. Huggy

    hauling pet

    I have seen a number of people carry them in the trunk (lid off) in a fabric bag.
  24. Cant be any good, I don't see any cheese curds and grave on the fries!!!!!!
  25. Just had the duct work in the house cleaned. :mo money::mo money: Now I would like to know if a UV air cleaner is worth investing in. I suffer from nasty sinus problems. We have central air so mold in the ducts is a issue. So have any of the member here used them?? If so do they work?
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