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Everything posted by Huggy

  1. That's what I have been thinking of also Bob. Just need to figure out how much.
  2. Bob I thought she was having too much fun when she did that to. But she keeps trying to tell me she was screaming in terror, BUT the the boys at the gas station said it sounded more like a WHOOOO HOOOO WHOOOPEEEEE!!
  3. I also use Open Office and really like it!
  4. Huggy


    I think the Bald Eagles we have here in Ontario are all cowards!!!! They seem to be always getting beat up by little birds!!!!! But there's hope!!! There's a Golden Eagle living in the area now!!! The best I've seen is when the hawks swoop down and take a bird off the bird feeder. It turns out it's a bird feeder in more ways then one! BUT my most favorite is when they go after the black squirrels!!!!
  5. I'll look into that and see what kind of style/design I can come up with. If I had the dimensions I would make them. I'll have to get my ideas book out and start writing down these ideas. And perhaps I can send the finished pieces to whom ever comes up with ideas/measurements for the part(s) so they can try them out and help with refinements.
  6. Huggy


    Why? WHY you say!!! Because my wife say's so, THATS WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. We sure are grateful it wasn't worse. The damage was mechanical so it has to go to mechanic. If the wife had been hurt I really don't know what I would have done. I think my biggest fear is losing my wife. Yes she did drive throught it and didn't panic. I'm glad she kept her head and knew what to do.
  8. Huggy


    Why did this thread almost jump to the 2nd page?????????????????
  9. Tickets didn't work for her BUT I figure she used up her luck for November that day!!! Car goes into the shop on Tuesday for the repairs!!! Kind of upset about the repairs. We are getting another car in the spring and was hoping to get away with out putting more money into it.
  10. Bikes where oh the road here!! And if the weather holds today there will be more!!!
  11. I was thinking more along the lines of a MG42 on the front and a midget in the trunck wit a .30 cal.!!! I just might do that and maybe speedo grease fitting. I'm starting to get the brain moving!!! My brother wants me to make Hardly neck lock pins. Also thinking of trying to make a better arm rest for the 1st Gen.!
  12. Huggy

    pain is bad

    OR...............Crown Royal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I have my new to me lathe/mill combo pretty much set up and I am looking for some ideas on a few small motorcycle parts I could make for practicing on. So any ideas out there on things I could make that would be useful to us?
  14. Huggy

    pain is bad

    Ya the weather really gets me at times!!!! I really feel it in my right shoulder!!! Especially when there's BAD weather coming. It starts about three days before it gets here and the worse the weather/bigger the change the worse the pain is. And I try not to take anything for the pain if I can avoid it!!!!!
  15. Ya it was kind of nice wasn't it!!!!!!
  16. I think we should kidnap him and send him on a vacation with the eskimos!!!!
  17. Last Sunday while coming home from church the wife nearly didn't make it home!! Her and her mother where on there way home from church when she hit a patch of ice! The car spun out, she just missed hitting another car head on. She got out of that then just missed taking out a hydro pole. THEN she goes into an asparagus field and tore it up! Then back onto the road, with out stopping once!! Then she pulls into the local gas station to have her lottery tickets checked. Where everyone had watched the whole show and just said to her "We where wondering how you where going to get out of that one". And the wife says "I need to go change my undies now". The car went sideways when it was in the asparagus patch so now we have $770 dollars of repairs on the car. Which is better then what could have happened!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. It's supposed to drop to below $1 a liter on the weekend here in Ontario.
  19. You know, I REALLY wish I never read this post!!!! Now to go find some ACID and see if I can get rid of this mental image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Huggy


    WHY....WHY WONT IT DIE....................WHY? Because it's a BAD thread, and we all Know only the good die young!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Found this on another forum.
  22. So do I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Ya, but according to the news the US oil fracers can make a profit as long as it does not go under $67 barrel!!!
  24. Huggy


    Soooooooooo should it be Because why or Why, because? Because we say so? Because it's there or Because it's here or Because it's snowing or because my wife says so? Because I say so or Because I like to be a........
  25. You know Puc it's not a turkey unless it weighs 20 lbs. Anything less is just a healthy chicken!!!!!
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