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  • Location
    New Port Richey, United States


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    New Port Richey


  • Home Country
    United States
  1. This will probably be my last update on Brenda. I would like to thank everyone for their prayers. Earlier today the machines that were supporting Brenda were turned off. Brenda passed away about two and a half hours ago, or about 1:00 pm today. Brenda was not wearing a helmet when she was out riding. Who knows, maybe if she would have been wearing a helmet, maybe she would still be here. I guess we will never know. For those of you who ride without a helmet, I would encourage you to start wearing one. You just never know.
  2. Thanks for the prayers. She is still in an induced coma. She has been in the induced coma for 9 days now. Here is a link to a donation page. Brens Medical and Financial help by Tiffany Deese-Priest - GoFundMe
  3. Dillon is really the best way to go. They are more expensive, but thy are worth it. I had a Dillon XL650 with all the bells and whistles, and it was awesome. Good luck.
  4. I didn't know Brenda very well. She use to work for the city. The position I have now, is the position she had when she left the city. Brenda has a lot of friends, and she is liked by many. She was in an accident this past Saturday. She is in intensive care, and has a breathing machine hooked up to her. She is in an induced coma, because her brain is swollen. I am posting a few links to different articles. Please pray for Brenda. Hopefully she will make a full recovery. One injured in motocycle wreck - Plant City Observer: Community News - Plant City Observer: Community News Plant City motorcyclist injured in crash | TBO.com, The Tampa Tribune and The Tampa Times Plant City Motorcyclist, 50, Critically Injured | TheLedger.com
  5. Awesome job, looks like a lot of fun. Wish I could have gone. Glad everyone had fun.
  6. I can't help you with the helmet. If you want to kill the mice and rats, go to Tractor Supply. They have the best rodent killer out there. It comes in blocks.
  7. It looks like it will bring in a lot of money. I really wouldn't think whoever buys it will ride it. If they do, I wouldn't think it would be much. It's a nice collectible piece of history. That was a big movie back in the day. I'm sure they never imagined it would be worth that kind of money.
  8. Part of Ebay is still down. I heard on another site that the recent solar flare knocked them out. I don't know that for sure, but in all my years on Ebay, this is a new one.
  9. Yes, Ebay has been down several times lately, including this morning. They have been updating the site.
  10. Here is an example. Click the link below. Only you will do it in an email. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_locator
  11. Just copy and then paste the URL for that thread in the email. Then they will have a direct link the the thread.
  12. Thanks Barry. Yes we are friends, but I will miss riding. Who knows, maybe somewhere down the road I can get another bike. If I do, you will be one of the first to know.
  13. Well, yesterday I sold the bike. I hated to do it, but life sometimes requires us to do things we don't want to do, but need to do. I am accumulating medical bills right now, and I didn't want to have that payment. Next Saturday I am having surgery on my lower spine. L4/L5 is herniated, and they are going to cut off the bulge. I'm trying to remain optimistic about this, but it's not easy. The reason I say that is because I have quite a bit of arthritis in that location as well, or spinal stenosis. So my fear is that the operation I'm having next week isn't going to solve all of my problems. If it doesn't, I will be looking at another operation that involves injections. An epidural steroid injection (ESI) is a combination of a corticosteroid with a local anesthetic pain relief medicine. Corticosteroids are strong anti-inflammatory medicines. Relieving swelling and inflammation can take pressure off nerves and other soft tissues, which can relieve pain. The local anesthetic medicine helps give you immediate pain relief. Corticosteroid medicines take longer to have an effect. I have always been the kind of person who has wanted to work. I'm not afraid to work, and I don't want to stop working. There is a chance that if these things don't work for me, that I will have to go out on disability. I sure hope that doesn't happen. Some people say, have the operation, others say don't do it. It's my body, and I'm going to do it. I'm not afraid to say that I'm scared. I'm 48 years old and this is not something that has been easy to deal with. Someday I hope to have another bike. I will still hang out here, because the people here are a bunch of good people. If I ever get another bike, you all will be the first to know. Thanks for listening.
  14. Well, I won't be able to make it. I will let everyone know. I am selling my bike tomorrow. Barry is the only one who knew. I hate to sell it, but right now it's in my best interest. The person buying it, lives in Brooksville. Barry, he said it was ok for me to give you his number. He likes having someone to ride with. I told him about this web site, so maybe he will join. I hope he does, so he can get to meet everyone. I will miss riding with Barry, and I will miss going to the meet and eats, even though I have only been to one, I would have liked to do more in the future. I don't know if I will ever be able to buy another bike. Only time will tell. Everyone on this site is really great.
  15. Very nice, congrats.
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