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Everything posted by stickhandle2

  1. Hi We are in Hamilton and head into Buffalo and Niagara Falls NY all the time, there are lots of great spots to ride on both sides of the border. Always looking for a reason to ride. Mike
  2. They look like they would be a fun bike to ride.
  3. great day here in the Niagara Penninsula area, couple nice rides and just lots of relaxing. Mike.
  4. ok before I say anything about the colours, I better say "I am colour blind" one was dark an 83 to 85 and the other was an 86 and up style that was I think brown two tone. Both were two up with rider and passenger, and both were nice lookin bikes. I was on the 2nd gen midnight that couldn't catch up with you guys cause everybody knows how fast the first gens are. I had to say it because someone would have said it anyways. Mike.
  5. I was out for a little ride this afternoon and ended up following a couple of 1st Gen Ventures along Ridge Road all the way from Stoney Creek until Grimsby Mountain Rd, the turned left and I went right. Just wondering if it were any of the members from S Ontario. It was a great afternoon for a ride, cross our fingers and hope they continue for a while yet. Mike.
  6. Pam, We had a 96 750 Virago yes the toughest part was getting the carbs off, if I recall we had to grind down a wrench to get one of the nuts off that hold the carbs to the engine. After that not too much of a biggie working on them. Mike.
  7. Kevin, From my short experience with Apple Pie it only gets better with age. And yes I do think I will continue to leave mine in the fridge.
  8. That was the only reason we didn't have a problem with our Apple Pie either.........it didn't last long in our house either. My biggest mistake was letting too many other people try it. Maybe time to buy a bar fridge just for beer and pie. Hmmmmm think I just had a good idea, plus it could double for an end table. I love it when a plan comes together.
  9. you've got me on that one.........now I have seen everything:shock3:
  10. We get ours directly from some of the apple farms in the area, will see if they ship when we get our next batch of cider.
  11. I hear ya on that one, mine is ok compared to some buddies, but it is still way too high.
  12. Gonna get going on another batch of Apple Pie in the next few days, but I have a question for those more experienced in the art of making this fine beverage. Does it have to be stored in the fridge, our first batch we kept in the fridge but it did take up alot of room. Please wise and more seasoned Apple Pie creators let us know. Thanks, Mike.
  13. Don, it was actually the other 401 / Hwy 6 interchange, the one for going south into Hamilton and North into Aberfoyle, as you went on the overpass going south, my back seat pilot saw some of the other bikes parked at the side of the highway. Your guess is probably right though on what caused it.
  14. Saw the back up of traffic in that area as we were coming south on Hwy 6. Not good.
  15. I thought I had pretty well seen everything in my time riding on the motorcycle. Today while riding north through Guelph...we see a couple of bikes coming the other way.....as they get closer we see that one of the bikers is texting on his phone while riding. That guy must have a death wish, what frickin dingbat.
  16. We were down in the Finger Lakes area a couple of weekends ago and it nice then, I bet the leaves look real good now. We are riding this weekend but it will be up here in Ontario, too much other stuff to do or I would ride down and join ya for a ride around the area.
  17. nope me neither........but a good one. I was going with the Rocky Horror type of thing and then Bazinga................ it is a Julie Andrews moment.
  18. Hmmmmmmm.......I was looking for a second venture......now what to do with all the space in the side car.........
  19. Very nice ride Kevin, yours was hard to replace but from the pictures this one looks real sweet. Mike.
  20. I use pledge on my 02 Venture, works great, but don't use the lemon pledge it attracts bees. Mike.
  21. Nice, I am trying to find a hidden gem up here in S Ontario. Hope I have the same luck as you. Mike.
  22. she also changes the oil, checks the tires, and then gets rid of the spider webs.
  23. Yup on all accounts here, going through that now, trying to decide what new motorcycle project to buy after looking at few fixer uppers. Can't a fella just sit and collect his thoughts. Trader ...... the nail in the head is a good one .....classic. Mike
  24. Agreed, I have done parts of it between Fort Erie and Dover area, but never the whole thing. If your looking for someone to ride with sometime, I am not far. Mike
  25. Thank you for all your input. Much appreciated. Mike.
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