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Everything posted by stickhandle2

  1. That was a nice treat seeing you guys that afternoon, you never know when paths may cross.
  2. I am still kicking around, I agree it will be nice to get back out and see some friendly faces again.
  3. Oh boy, how can you guys remember that much detail when you usually can’t recall what you had for breakfast. In my recollection, Ben was playing the paparazzi part with his camera quite well that, and we were looking at the spyder thinking where would a side car go on that and it could be tough the fly the sidecar cause there would be 1 too many wheels. Or maybe somebody yelled “squirrel” that usually does it for Baloo and I.
  4. Wow …..that is a good picture, even better that was a great day. Thanks for posting it Ben, and yes Carl that is good pic of me, Baloo the wonder dog always makes any pic better.
  5. As someone that has a sidecar, to me for a dog as large as a lab, the sidecar is the best option, both for the pups safety and yours. Plus sidecars are just so much fun. Mike
  6. Sorry to hear about the relapse Don, we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I haven’t been on the site as much since the RSV was sold, but still pop in to see what is going on. As far as riding is concerned, last summer the amount was down, but we did get out on a regular basis with Tammie and I pointing our bikes in one direction and following the roads in our corner of Ontario. In the past month or so it has come up about hopefully being able to meet up with some of the great friends we have met through this site, when this years riding season begins. Looking forward to sharing a coffee, ice cream down the road. Mike
  7. I tend to ride all year round, in the winter months the Ural gets out more (mostly because Baloo our sidecar pup needs to go for a spin. The ST1300 gets out for its rides as well, as long as the roads are clear, I don’t have an issue riding in the colder months, just add another layer. Most rides will end with a coffee rather then ice cream that time of year. Mike
  8. I will use either my Nolan full face or Bell Mag 9.
  9. Welcome aboard, I have a Clearview on my ST1300 and it has made huge difference for me with buffeting, the big advantage I find is yes they are wider, but they also have a slight lip at the top that helps direct the wind over your head. Mind you I have the advantage of being to raise and lower my windshield while riding, but since installing the Clearview it has been kept in the lower position. As far as the grey tint, the times I have looked through the windshield it does not hamper my vision at all. Mike
  10. Congrats beautiful bike.
  11. Happy Birthday Carl, Mike and Tammie
  12. stickhandle2


    Congratulations Marca and Carl on your Anniversary. Mike and Tammie
  13. Belated Happy Birthday Ben. Mike and Tammie.
  14. Ben, Tammie and I are very sorry to hear of the loss of Maritas Father. Please accept our condolences . Take care, Mike
  15. Nice find Ray, love how you move it around. Mike
  16. Congrats to both Don and Mike. It is something we all go through for various reasons, did the same myself when the 02 RSV Midnight was sold in the fall. Not long after something else was taking its place in the garage and then new memories are made. All the best to both of you on your new adventures. Mike
  17. Thanks Ben, another fun time at Mother Tucker’s. It is always great catching up and seeing everyone . Mike
  18. Thanks Dave, that is an advantage of living in this area, the ugly real cold weather takes a while to show up, so our riding season lasts a bit longer.
  19. Beautiful truck, congratulations.
  20. So took the plunge and have got a new to us ride. I picked up a 2009 Honda ST1300, kind of weird I didn’t even think of this bike, that is until I saw an add for one , it was close to the house so figured what the heck let’s take a look. Well liked it and both of us were comfy when we tried it out. The garage is back to having 3 bikes in it, the 2013 Ural (the dog claims it is his bike), the 02 SV650 , and the the 09 ST1300. First time not having a Yamaha in there. Ride safe all. Mike
  21. Very true Carl, that was the reason for the question to the group, Tammie and I do ride together quite a bit and since we got the Ural it has been with her in the sidecar many times. We still like to ride two up on two wheels as well, the plan is when I check out a bike I will try to have both of us there. For solo riding I can jump on the SV650 and take it for a spin. i have been eyeing the FJR and VStrom 1000 for some time and figured somebody on the site had some experience with them.
  22. Thanks Dave, it is a decision that I had been thinking about for a while, it is always neat to have a bunch of bikes to ride but inevitably 1 doesn’t get ridden as much, I myself don’t like seeing a bike not being ridden and enjoyed. Mike
  23. Carl, I wouldn’t do that and take all the attention away from you, but really I already have a bike with 3 wheels. Mike
  24. Thanks for the input, I realize there won’t be as much room vs what I had on the RSV, as for the cruise control I only used it a couple times. I will just have to go see a couple bikes and bring my better half with me so we can see how it is with both of us on the bike.
  25. Hi Folks, After riding and enjoying my 02 Midnight for the past 6 years or so, it is time to consider another ride (yes for those that know me a Ural has been in the garage for the past 3 years). The midnight has been sold just waiting for it to be picked up. It still leaves the Ural and the SV 650 in the garage, but I am thinking of maybe a FJR 1300 or a Suzuki VStrom 1000 , Kawi Concourse as my next ride. I have ridden all but the Kawi, my question for those that have any experience with any of these bikes is how are they for riding 2 up. Thanks Mike
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