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Everything posted by SpencerPJ

  1. Thanks for that info. I always assumed it was how it was. I never get any wobble or anything, 5 years, 20k miles. I will put that on my to do list.
  2. I have the 'detent' at top dead center in my 83. I always figured it was part of it, has never caused any problems in the 20k miles I've put on it. What I think is your issue is, you have a bit too much air in front forks. I was told I have progressive shocks from previous owner, but that said, I ride with 0-1 psi in front forks. When I put 5 psi it's all over the place.
  3. Prayers for your dad, you, and all the family.
  4. Bags, I've never even had my bags on, but then again I have never been out of state with it. My concern with my 83 at 42k miles is.. the dreaded upcoming 2nd gear issue.
  5. I'd put them back in as well. You might unscrew the cap, snip off 1/4" and reinstall for a fresh connection.
  6. I miss my Spitfire RWL on my 83. I do like the Shinko tho. My 2 cents, my local MC Shop mounts and balances tires for free if you buy the tires off them, and this more than justified me buying online and paying (I think $25/wheel).
  7. Are you having trouble getting the hoses on? Maybe you still have them snugged up and the clamps need to be loosened? Start with a nice, wiped down box and hoses, then a long screwdriver or two is helpful.
  8. Yup, I can only add a fuel filter. Keep us posted, you got a deal even if you need to sink several hundred into it
  9. I agree, the Rotella works great for me. I would also change out the clutch fluid, because it is the right think to do and inexpensive. But your symptoms sure sound like a bit of air in the system. They can be a pain to get air free.
  10. There are no adjustments that I am aware of. If you have spungee feeling, I would guess you have air in the line. I would start with bleeding the air. You can search the forum, many topics on that. Here is one with good tips. For me, I filled my reservoir, tied back the handle and let it sit overnight. Others claim that mechanically it can not work. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?141134-1st-Generation-Clutch-Slave&highlight=bleed+clutch
  11. Great looking bike. Please keep us updated on the additive and the whine. I have an 83, no whine, but kinda older, and have been avoiding buying newer partly because of the whine.
  12. That stinks. Sounds like the dealer didn't do a single bit of cleaning the wheel and preparing it for a new tire (s). Lots of wheels get a corrosion pit and need a wire wheel taken to them. I think I'd argue a bit more with the Dealer, sounds like something a Hardly Dealer would do to a Venture Rider. And secondly, yes you can put a sealer in there. Personally it's not a fix to the wheel that needs wire wheeled, and it can throw your balance off as well. Besides that stuff is nasty once inside. I think the first thing I would do is air them up to max pressure and take a careful ride and hope the heat up and seat a bit better. Good Luck
  13. On my 83, if you take the bezel off headlight (2 screws on bottom), then take out headlight, 2 screws, you can get to the cable at the back of the CMS. It's only secured with a screw connection. However, I also recall, if you loosen up screw down low, you can pull cable out (and at least see if it's broken)
  14. My local place installs them free if you buy the tires from them, They are a bit more, but not the difference in buying off the net, and paying for install. And I get to have my local place put a note on the ticket that customer will not accept tires older than 1 year. They order them in, call me, I make them verify dates, and then I take them off and to them. First time I let them do it all, never again, they lost an important washer / spacer, and I like doing other maintenance when the tires are off.
  15. :clap2: Congratulations :thumbsup2:
  16. Looks much nicer than mine duct taped to the top of the air box
  17. Nice weight loss. Don't forget, drink more water
  18. My 83 likes storing nuts by the radiator. Maybe a stick magnet will help?
  19. Absolutely crazy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pla06PO6Odk
  20. I was to start looking, I would look for a loose or bad ground.
  21. I don't even need a full dresser, but a set-up like the RSTD, I'd be very interested. I stay with my 83 Venture because it fits a tall guy and I do not want a cruiser with feet forward. GW do not fit me either. I insist on water cooled. But 2500cc, that's more than my college kid's corolla, lol.
  22. I came across this 2019 Triumph Rocket 3, and must say, impressive. 2500cc, water cooled, Yama... take notes. https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/motorcycles/check-out-triumphs-biggest-bike-yet-the-2019-rocket-3-tfc/ar-AAAOvOL?ocid=spartandhp
  23. Prayers for you and your whole family during this difficult time.
  24. Air or water cooled
  25. Sorry to hear of your mishap. Follow Doctors advise for quickest and best recovery. (easier said than done). I'll add you to my prayer list
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