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Everything posted by SpencerPJ

  1. And rest assured, it will be the next toilet paper shortage. Nothing but a pissing match between Russia and the Saudies.
  2. If you are a gun owner and feel that you should have an extra box of ammo, it's going like toilet paper. It would be wise to act promptly should you desire.
  3. Prayers up. Take a break, a long break, for many reasons! That pneumonia crap can hang around a long time. Get well soon, don't push it, it comes right back. Brother in Law been messing with pneumonia for 4-6 weeks, but he's not the sharpest tool, and is stubborn to sit tight.
  4. Hopefully this 'contain and limit' large groups helps nip this. China is doing much better, less cases, and I truly believe this will be a couple month set-back, then green light. I saw a video of a 60 ish guy explaining what it's like to have it. Basically, feel nothing, then feel like cold, then high temp for 1 day, then feel sluggish a couple days, then ok. Kinda like a crappy short flu. The big problem is the seniors or health impaired do not do well. That is the #1 concern in my book. To all my fellow senior friends, be safe and smart.
  5. Crazy in Indiana as well. My senior in College just got put on 'online classes' for balance of semester, Commencement ceremony is ?? I'm bummed, College hoops March madness is my favorite time of year. I did get two large packages of toilet paper at WalMart today, we're good. YES, wash the hands.
  6. Sorry to hear. Prayers up for sure. Disappointing to hear it's caused from an impaired driver. So many options now days.
  7. 83' 2nd gear out at 32000. Usually they make it to 50000. I agree, $350, if it is ride able. Many shift from 1st to 3rd and beyond. Give it a try after you get a battery, they are great machines.
  8. Good to hear, I'd be happy with that mileage, and as slowrollwv is right, probably get 9-10 pulling TT, depending on the right foot. My YukonXL would get 7-8 towing.
  9. Yes, the couple demos I drove while looking, the 3.5 was impressive. Different league than my 5.3 in my old YukonXL. Time will tell about quality, one concern certainly is all the expensive electronics in it. Very nice while new and working.
  10. With Max Tow, the only option is the 3.5 turbo ecoboost.
  11. So, I've been wanting to upgrade from my 2005 YukonXL for some time, as I've owned it since 2007. I also have a travel trailer so I needed a decent truck to pull it. So, I ordered a nicely optioned 2020 F150 Lariat, 502a trim package, Max Tow. Needless to say, it came in
  12. So I guess our opinions are just that, our opinions. Running from the Police in a major metro area, where I am, not terribly un-common. I remember many years ago when I was young and dumb, me and a buddy out riding stupid late night. Leo lights came on, he went left, I went right, and I wasn't getting a ticket. Made it back to my buddys.. so did he. If the Leo's jeopardized the safety by pursuit in major metro area, there would be many more innocent civilians harmed. That's what plates are for, look up the address and wait for them to come home. Again, this is based on NO further knowledge at the time other than you initially saw a speeding motorcyclist. Just my opinion, we all have them.
  13. He got a real nice bike, My ideal RSTD. I was debating the transfer cost to you to me. Glad you got it sold, I guess part of your move and life.
  14. Well said Uncledj, well said
  15. You're right, and you do know me... I guess I just vented because here in the midwest, seems too often that the leo's can do as they please. Side subject, there ability to speed 70 in a 55, no chance of consequences, not one obeys the posted speed limit, not one! I absolutely despises leo's that find themselves above the law, they are examples of our judicial system and should be held to much higher standards then they are. I guess we get what we pay for..
  16. "He had been wanted for speeding. Marijuana also was found on his body after the wreck" Sorry, so if this police man chased this guy like this for speeding only, he needs to be prosecuted for manslaughter and hung at the court square. I'll be the first to stand up for our LEO, but this is a case of an officer that feels above the law. The officer is the one who chased this guy (minor offense of speeding) causing unsafe conditions in city streets. There's always a day to find him and deal the punishment for his speeding. Again, if he was fleeing a homicide scene, I'd have a different take, but he knowingly was simply chasing a speeder.
  17. Fun video, but it sure did not seem as they were doing those top speeds. Looked about 1/2 what was posted. And ya, ramming a bike, speeding or not, not cool. I guess we don't know the story, maybe the dude just shot someone and fled a scene, then I'm cool with stopping him.
  18. My fan does not kick on until it touchs the red mark. Usually a hot day and sitting at stoplights. After it gets rolling, temp drops, fan goes off.
  19. You seem correct in all your assumptions. I personally have never had any of this apart on my bike, so I certainly don't want to give bad advise. Seems the first and easiest check is to take out the TStat and take it for a drive. Seems when you put the new one in is when your new issue began ???
  20. I seriously doubt if it's more serious. It's either the thermostat won't open, defective, installed backwards, wrong one, or the water pump finally gave out. I personally would start with removing the thermostat like you did before and see what happens. Do you have the coolant petcock turned the right way? You'll be a pro at this soon...
  21. I would not crank on the exhaust bolts, just a good snug; equally. Next time you go to harbor freight, get some metric allen sockets, very handy. Glad you are almost there , You'll like this forum, best $12 I spend each year, I couldn't keep my old girl running without it.
  22. I'm not one of the smart ones to give advise, I'm a middle aged student in training . But those who have suggested you might have a water pump problem, hence a circulation problem, they very well might be spot on. Also, I do not know where the temp units gets it's reading, but if you still have that bypass closed, who knows? I always though the TStats job was to raise to stop circulation until determined operating temperature then open to allow circulation. NO Tstat should run very cool. Hopefully Puc or Patch will jump back in with advise.
  23. No idea, I don't ride in wintertime. But in summertime, with shorts on, I don't find it hot at all unless I've been riding, it's a hot day, and I'm in stopped traffic. Does your fan come on? Yup, Know that sound... there are some good threads in this Forum on how people have lubed them.
  24. Did a little searching. This thread says Napa #455318 https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?100751-Thermostats-1st-gen-exact-dupl-cheap This says napa THM156 https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?30874-1st-Gen-Thermostat This says a THM111 Napa runs a bit cooler https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?72258-Cooler-Thermostat-170%B0&highlight=thermostat
  25. Congrats on your progress, nice looking bike. Yes, on my computer, one option is 'reply with quote', another option is simply, 'reply to thread'.
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