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Everything posted by Beau-Kat

  1. I’ve had stock Road King mufflers on my MMLTD for years. Work well for my tastes.
  2. I have Purple Power in my shop for some needs. I use it on mower engines, but not anymore on my bike engines. I used it only once on my SR500 engine and it streaked the clear coat on the stator cover.
  3. Well, that apparently USED TO BE a good left elbow...
  4. Amazed the cop wasn't wearing gloves.
  5. Nice move, Jay! You'll love it here. You'll only be about 20 miles from me. I'm about 10 miles south of Pickens, just off 178.
  6. I knew it was way old when I removed it from that guy’s bike. Was just wondering how old before I discarded it. Thanks.
  7. I’ve attached two photos. The third one won’t upload for some reason, it it says this in a small lightly stamped oval in the other sidewalk: 564.
  8. Could be pre-2000. But I think (via internet searching) those may have only had 3 letters in the oval. i can’t find any other oval anywhere near the dot stamp.
  9. I took a couple Dunlops off a customer's Shadow a while back and installed some new Commander IIs. I still haven't gotten around to taking the Dunlops to the dump yet. So today, I was trying to see what the date of manufacture was and ran into date codes I don't remember seeing before. So y'all take a whack a deciphering these for me. Front Dunlop F-24 stamping says: Dot EUM5 and following that (in the oval) is LD4058 Rear Dunlop D404 stamping says: DOT EUXD and following that (in the oval) is LD7058 When do y'all think they were made?
  10. Still here! Riding when I can.
  11. I'm praying for ya Earl. After 25 years of chronic pain from disc degeneration, I finally had successful spinal fusion L5/S1 in 2007. No more pain. But a level of neuropathy in both lower legs and feet sometimes makes it a bit difficult knowing just where my feet are. At 60,with trifocals (lol), steps and stairs can be a little challenging occasionally. But a good ride seems to cure all ailments.
  12. What year and color(s) are the plastic parts?
  13. I've been in CMA for about 18 years. Can't make it to Arkansas though. But I wish I could.
  14. I've had this sidecar for quite a while. Had to make some brackets (thanks to my machinist neighbor).
  15. I have contacted some fellow CMA members in Florence who are going to try to assist him. Thanks.
  16. Nevermind. Biker received assistance. Thanks for y'all's interest.
  17. Well, from 1993-1999.
  18. Found this interesting. http://www.instructables.com/id/Homebuilt-Seal-installer-Instal-any-seal-without-/?ALLSTEPS
  19. Thanks for the info, since I have a '98 VMax. Those bikes are prone to the death wobble.
  20. For cheap (crap) hard bags, they look pretty nice on your bike . What kind are they?
  21. Walmart batteries ain't so bad. This is in my truck right now. 9 years old and still getting the job done everyday.
  22. I agree. I love mine also. But I got mine very slightly used for about $200.
  23. I think the Street 500 and 750 are made in India.
  24. Back in my younger days, I didn't even have a pot to... Nor a window to throw it out of. (You older guys know what I mean).
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