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Everything posted by sandman

  1. pulled mtr and replaced orings that blow out aft of filter(main oil galley line to crankshaft). I,m ready to close it up and I notice a line missing that goes from flywheel resavor to oil pump area. cant find the line in fische for either vmax or venture engines. I know vmax has this line. Anyone familiar with this? Did ventures not use it? thanks
  2. Alex; please excuse my confusion, but I,m not following your comp tests. Are you doing a leak down? or std comp test? When you say wet do you mean you put oil in cylinder. What was difference in cyls? I,m not sure your symptoms are in line with a low cylinder. I would look for other contributing problems.
  3. Guess I didnt see leak down or compression results. What are other cylinders? A borescope of cylinder or even easier way to check wear would be remove a valve cvr and look at cams. Do a valve adjust while there if cams look good. Easy way to tell wear. And a good way to compare two engines of unknown condition. Good luck
  4. Micheal; I like your site but is there a way to switch to english? would like to utilize the knowledge there. sandy
  5. think I have blown o-ring. but will put oil pressure gauge on prior to disassembly. My oil level(in sight window) doesnt go down after starting engine. Should go down instantly.
  6. This is actually a three part question. Is there a problem with old o-rings blowing out in main galley from oil filter(common problem with old vmax,s). What oil pressure gauges are you running? What happened to Motorcyclespecs.co.za? cant find them and it was very informative. thanks
  7. U do know the 2nd gen vmax takes hi test and gets about 26mpg avg to a hi of 33mpg actual. hense the many for sale with very low mileage.
  8. It was announced on national news yesterday that US,s number 1 export is OIL. Glad we have pipelines to get it closer to japan.
  9. In michigan we lost funding for what used to be called gas cops that would test fuels at pumps. Mi stat university did a test and found 70% of pumps sold 87 in all octane levels and prices. So folks that think their scoot runs better on 91 well lol it is a placebo, sugar pill. also alcohol content was raised to 20%. It used to be law that pumps had to display percent of alcohol when 10% was max. now nothing.
  10. Greetings brother Big Lou; You mite want to check load rating on that. mite be little lite for venture. think maybe a 71@ about 670lbs max
  11. After searching forum I found most tire info to be from 2011 and back, with alot from 08 09. thought it mite be time to get new perspective. I need tires, and thinking radials. your thoughts. bike has a 130 junkmaster on back now. sizes you are running? I,m thinking stock on front with 150 in back. thanks sandy
  12. Looking for a easier way to repair abs plastic cowls. This hot melt is pricey but I may be interested if you want to split a order. Melts@380degrees so it should bond abs good. abs is a thermo set plastic(heat sensitive). the black is for abs according to link you provided. Their guns are pricey also. but a good gun that can provide a continuous ribbon bead would be the answer. let me know saddlebum if you want to split a order. thanks sandy
  13. Welcome Big Lou; If you havent named it yet, you mentioned this in your post, PRECIOUS if it isnt already used. Sounds like your getting a handle on it. sandy
  14. thanks Dragonrider; Cant access profiles. perhaps because I,m on trial membership? sandy
  15. where can I see pics of and info about Dingy and Squeeze,s vr? I would like to add a little max to the vr. thanks sandy
  16. From what I see it looks great. Makes sense to run both vmx1200 and xvz1300. I like all v4,s magnas and sabers, cavalcades. Good job dewinks.
  17. went to blessing this sunday. 7500 black hd's, 7500 various color hd's, under 10 1st gens, and about same # of cavalcades, I was suprised to see that many suzuks, and that few 1gens. Now the wierd part, bike ran good but bumps kept messing with electrical system. everything going off or flashing on and off. one bump would fix it the next would start it all over. finially being inoperable. then speedo quit. Talk about Jesus Christ talking to me. I didnt get bike blessed, opting to go up town and watch the crazys. I had money in bank to send to a bible study that I had ear marked for that reason, instead using it to purchase this bike. I knew it was bad and did it anyways. Speedo stopped at 79,666mi. The pervibial "check is in the MAIL" is a given. Bike died in my driveway after over 200mi Got off and speedo cable was dragging. sandy
  18. thanks for reply Venture83; I guess there isnt a upgrade for genI's. My bike isnt linked. but does have a proportion valve on back of mastercylinder I think. Rebuild kit is $40. Cant order anything till monday. sandy
  19. recently purchased a 88vr and rear brake was dragging and pedal was mushy. Cleaned up pistons and reinstalled. Now need a mastercyl rebuild. Is there a upgrade to mstrcyl? perhaps a gen2 they are very cheap on ebay. thanks sandy
  20. just joined forum, but there are motors with and without counterbalalnce shafts. make sure you get the one you want.
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