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Everything posted by sandman

  1. Bill had the worlds fastest vmax(naturally asperated) He and Jon Cornell will be missed in vmax circles.
  2. I got the new fuse block in and it works great. the volt meter started working much more accurately. the neutral switch started working, thanks vr,s. Now differential started howling. Just rolled over 80k today. r and r half disc on clutch with full but looks like a new spring is in order. still slips at full throttle, but vmax heads and cams seem to help. Just got to get carbs better. Not sure where I,m at on mix. Have run on at idle if I blip throttle(revs hang and fall slowly-lean? but I,m five turns out on screws). well its getting closer.
  3. havn't seen it getting better in mid mich yet. But did hear some disturbing news. A DNR officer said he had been going to box stores when they get ammo and buying entire shipments, over 3000 dollars at a time thru his work position. I would like to know if there is any truth to this.
  4. Thanks TJ: I,m in middle of mitten and didnt know that.
  5. thanks alot Kevin; Great job also.. Now off to parts store.
  6. Morning VR,s; I searched replacing old style fuses with a newer style fuse block on the machine. Found posts but no pics to go with. where did pics go? Funny thing. Bike elect keeps droping off when gets hot. I think it may be signal fuse. But friend bought me a bell(gremlin) tied it on this morning then decided to tackle elec. Ha No problem. Everythings working fine. Perhaps the machine is using reverse hypocondriac behavior? Also can I incooperate both fuse blocks into new one? Do you recommend this? thanks
  7. Wow, $78 think I will wait for one on ebay. thanks alot though. Dan if your getting a vespa wing or something you will be wanting to unload that mkII manual. my # is in book.
  8. Not interested in any of those. Perhaps the triumph, but all are overpriced. 19,000 dollars? The bike I want to ride the most is the one on the stand rite now. 88 venture royale. Got to be a female. She is so uncooperative. The prices of the imports are rivaling HD. So if price isnt better and performance isnt better. No sense in buying foreign( In a v twin cruiser). Just wont know which one is mine when I come out of bar.
  9. thanks brother
  10. Thanks MarCarl; I wanted a clymer hard copy. like color wiring schematics and wanted a hard copy that I can throw in bags, and quick ref in shop.
  11. What, no repair manual for mkII? I searched clymer and haynes. 83to85s and 96to03,s Is this rite?
  12. Thanks Guys; I think I will start a system like mentioned since I think the vr will be my easy chair of the future(plan on being here for awhile) GOD willing.
  13. Lots of stuff I would like forgotten by others. But being remembered as someone that put others good above myown because I wanted too.
  14. Got linkage figured out but still need info on forum search. thanks Condor, is that your ride? it sure is clean. Ya Dingy is the one that I had in mind when I posted the question. Going along with his cartoon theme a good nick name would be QuicksDraw MaGraw. lol Thanks again
  15. Wondering how some on forum come up with links and pics almost instantly. I use the google search and search forum. Am I missing something? BE nice. next question. I took engine apart and cant remember how shift linkage goes. Mite be different since I had floorbds and heel/toe shifter. a pic would be great. thanks
  16. thanks alot for replies. they all help.
  17. what models and years use the 4brush starter? I read a previous post that listed 91 and newer vmaxs. Is this correct? Also is 2nd gen using a 4brush starter? also is 2nd gen starter clutch a worthwhile upgrade over the 3dog style, of 1st gen? thanks
  18. What years and models have these? I thought it was 96 and newer but a previous post says 90 and newer on vmax. also were they put on 2nd gens? or are they different. also does the starter clutch from 2nd gen work better than old style 3dog? thanks
  19. Good job Precious, Now I need a name for my ride. Thinking MONEYPIT. wait GreasyMoneypit. I,m tired BL. going to bed. maybe I will be n a better mood in morning, when it runs I may have a better name for it. Glad you spent time with old friend. Makes us realize we are rich bro
  20. Big lou; you would need a vmax pump. and it appears to be a return line from flywheel area, to pump. I also want to thank everyone for the prompt replies. It helps when your wanting to get bike done. also thanks Gary for all your time. sandy
  21. Alex; A leak down tester is generally used to measure rate of leakage. You can soak cylinder 24hrs with marvel mystery oil(warm engine if possible). That may free up rings. But I think you have another culpret. Good luck
  22. There is more differences in the two motors than one would think. Not sure of lines actual benifit.
  23. vmax pump is different than venture. I thought they were the same. It is a oil delivery line from flywheel resivor.
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