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Everything posted by sandman

  1. Thanks for replys. Jeff what hid are you running? And is it true you were born in march 1922? Looked it up in your profile. Happy belated brother!
  2. Thanks for the replies. I read berts article and waiting for his performance report. I run a 80/100 in another bike and it really draws bugs. Are projectors a improvement?
  3. Looking to upgrade headlamp. Any suggestions? Thanks
  4. Wanted to get it to ya while it is still running. Life expectancy of old hd, s every minute counts, lol
  5. Romans 8:28 one door closes and three more open brother. Prayers sent
  6. Since they named it that, why not include a turbo with trailer kit? Wow blowing HD,s into weeds while riding double with full bags and trailer in tow. Now that is a statement.
  7. Got lots to learn. I thought He really wanted to spank some HD's . thought it was a turbo
  8. WHAT THEY ALL SAID. OH I DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT ANYmore. Good luck brother and prayers sent
  9. According to typical engine design, Torque should go up with a longer intake runner. Anywho you can send me those gummed up, tired, unsynced, leaky carbs and I will pay postage.
  10. Looks like it was very cloudy and stormy. lol only bout 360 days to ride per yr there, on a bad yr. Live it up.
  11. Praying for continued recovery to 100% health. Also remember to give thanks for prayers answered.
  12. continuing prayers for a great recovery, (and healing to great condition) very important to ask for what you want. Praying for full recovery to dragon riding condition. sandy
  13. While @ scrap yard getting steel for a press I saw a 90 I think venture setting there. It had the baldest front tire I've ever seen. 43k on odometer. plastic looks good everything is there. rotors(discs) look good showing very little wear. I asked about it and guy told me it was drove in and sold for scrap metal. About $75. I tried to buy it but a employee is getting it. As Max Smart always says "missed by that much".
  14. I have been very healthy during my life so I don't have alot to compare too, but when my back is hurting I can't do anything. Seems like everything I move hurts. And if I feel like I have a sneeze coming it is shear terror. I can't imagine what your enduring. Praying for the best in surgery and recovery, along with your care givers. hang in there brother.
  15. Prayers answered, now work on the mends.
  16. Gary; I think you left out that cam gears need slotted if you change deck height. Even if you just use thin gaskets it will retard the valve timing.
  17. Thats awesome. Hope traffic isn't bad where you live. Mistakes are always made and it is good to be in a forgiving environment. I still make them and it is usually worse after a long winter. Good luck
  18. Black Wing; Nice job. I'm wondering what speakers you used? Do you have a model #? apparently Kicker makes several 5 1/4'' speakers, and at least two different ones for HD. Thanks.
  19. Looks good. What speakers did u use? 4ohm? How does bike handle power draw? I see a 20amp fuse is needed. thanks
  20. just call me one stop shopping!
  21. Greetings Brother Dan; Same for melody and myself as stated above. Perhaps take a computer in to warden and show her how many are praying for you two, and the caregivers. sandy
  22. http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/46/v9sz.jpg Got seat done and on today. It will look great on a gold 87. Learned alot. Hope next one turns out better. Just learning how to post pics. Trying to resize so you can see it. What is a api key?
  23. Gary; Ask if you can get a deal on two? Perhaps a get second one @half the cost(broker). Then look @2008xvz in Dayton. 12k and same color as the 90. two days left on it.
  24. Gary; Did u check to see if you can buy it? I did and I can't. Must be a licensed dealer(salvage) to buy vehicles from oh, al, wi, and mi. You can pay a licensed dealer to buy it for you. They have a list of buyers that do that(brokers). Check it out before last minute. Maybe its different if you live in Oh. but I live in Mi and can't buy them here. Good luck brother. I will keep price down for ya.
  25. You do remember the new dreamliners that were grounded because of battery fires recently? If the tech used in aircraft are still having problems, well. Your decision. good luck either way.
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